Sen. Roth: Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems report on SB59
Sen. Roth: Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions report on SB59
Sen. Taylor: requests Sen.Sub.Amdt.1 to AJR8 be entered into the journal
S 65
Resigned effective June 18, 2020. Represented 17th Assembly District. Elected Milwaukee County Executive in April 7, 2020 election..
Elections Commission — Communication to Assembly
Certified list of Representatives
A 1
Last day on which a proposed constitutional amendment can be placed on the April 2, 2019 spring election ballot
A 10
McGuire, Tip: certification of election to 64th Assembly District in 4/30/19 special election
A 127
Elections Commission — Communication to Senate
Certified list of Senators
S 1
Engrossed bills and joint resolutions
Assembly Chief Clerk directed printing of: SB605
Senate Chief Clerk directed printing of: AB655, AB869
Session called 2/28/19 solely for the purpose of the Governor’s Budget Address
A 56
Session called 2/28/19 solely for the purpose of the Governor’s Budget Address
S 90
Session called 4/14/2020 in virtual session solely to consider AB1038/SB932
A 746
Session called 4/14/2020 in virtual session solely to consider AB1038/SB932
Governor, see also Appointments, Advice and Consent of the Senate; Communication – Assembly; Communication – Senate
Rep. Vos and Sen. Roth: invitation to deliver 2019 State of the State Address in joint session
Sen. Roth and Rep Vos: invitation to deliver 2020 State of the State Address in joint session
State of the State Address, 2019
S 35
State of the State Address, 2020