This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state or national office - SB71
Emergency detention without a hearing: exclude time for evaluation and testing from 72-hour time limit - SB633
Executive agency biennial budget requests to include report on fees - SB690
Executive agency biennial budget requests to include report on fees - AB629
Farm buildings and other improvements: income and franchise tax credit for property taxes created - SB818
Farm tractor rollover protection structure: DATCP grants to certain organizations that install, report required - SB35
Farmer tuition assistance grants for low-income farmers: DATCP appropriation - SB505
Guardians: mandatory initial training requirements established; DHS duties - SB734
Home inspector regulation revisions; emergency rules and license provisions - SB599
Home inspector regulation revisions; emergency rules and license provisions - AB655
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement; JRCCP may report - SB8
Housing and associated supportive services to homeless individuals and families: additional grant moneys - SB119
Housing and associated supportive services to homeless individuals and families: additional grant moneys - AB123
Housing navigators: grants for Continuum of Care organizations to hire - SB120
Housing navigators: grants for Continuum of Care organizations to hire - AB121
Housing quality standards loans created re owners of rental housing - SB121
Housing quality standards loans created re owners of rental housing - AB125
Interim psychologist license: Psychology Examining Board may issue - AB523
Labeling a food as a type of dairy product or dairy ingredient: prohibition created, DATCP duties - SB463
Labeling a food product as meat: prohibition created; DATCP duties - SB464
Lake biomanipulation projects to improve water quality: DNR grants created - SB725
Lake biomanipulation projects to improve water quality: DNR grants created - AB798
License for overnight recreational and educational camps: inspection requirement modified if accredited by the American Camp Association - SB328
License for overnight recreational and educational camps: inspection requirement modified if accredited by the American Camp Association - AB353
Livestock facilities: siting and expansion provisions changed; Livestock Facility Technical Review Board created and attached to DATCP - SB808
Medical marijuana program created, license provisions; Medical Marijuana Regulatory Commission created and attached to DOR; excise tax, criminal provisions, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, fair employment law, UI, and WC provisions; JRCCP may report - SB683
Medical marijuana program created, license provisions; Medical Marijuana Regulatory Commission created and attached to DOR; excise tax, criminal provisions, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, fair employment law, UI, and WC provisions; JRCCP may report - AB750
Medical marijuana registry and firearms restrictions record search: DOJ cannot consider registry status and DHS cannot disclose registry status - SB237
Medical marijuana registry and firearms restrictions record search: DOJ cannot consider registry status and DHS cannot disclose registry status - AB236
Military income from the federal government for individuals on active duty exempt from income tax; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted - SB69
Municipal housing reports modified and requiring DOA to post on its website; appendix report and report to legislature required - SB787
Municipal housing reports modified and requiring DOA to post on its website; appendix report and report to legislature required - AB904
Musser, Terry: life and public service of former state representative commended - SJR78
Musser, Terry: life and public service of former state representative commended - AJR109
Naturopathic medicine practice: regulation and licensing provisions created; Naturopathic Medicine Examining Board created; JRCCP may report and JSCTE appendix report - SB866
Naturopathic medicine practice: regulation and licensing provisions created; Naturopathic Medicine Examining Board created; JRCCP may report and JSCTE appendix report - AB973
Online early learning pilot program for low-income children in certain school districts established; DPI duties and reports and matching funds provisions - SB595
Overweight permits for vehicle combinations of six or more axles: DOT to issue for STH and local highways under set conditions - SB404
OWI penalties for fifth and sixth offense: mandatory minimum prison sentence; JRCCP may report - SB6
OWI-related civil traffic violation or conforming ordinance: person required to appear in person in court; default judgment and surcharge provisions - SB7
Person walking across railroad tracks or right-of-way not to be construed as trespassing - SB843
Person walking across railroad tracks or right-of-way not to be construed as trespassing - AB924
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; Pharmacy Examining Board and emergency rules provisions - SB286
Pharmacists permitted to prescribe contraceptives to persons at least 18 years of age; Pharmacy Examining Board and emergency rules provisions - AB304
Pharmacy technicians: registration with Pharmacy Examining Board required; emergency rules provision - SB778
Pharmacy technicians: registration with Pharmacy Examining Board required; emergency rules provision - AB847
Physical health services reimbursement rates under MA appropriation increased; acupuncture by a certified acupuncturist made reimbursable under MA; DHS duties - SB600
Physical health services reimbursement rates under MA appropriation increased; acupuncture by a certified acupuncturist made reimbursable under MA; DHS duties - AB648
Physician assistant regulation and licensure changes; Physician Assistant Examining Board created, prohibitions and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - SB515
Physician assistant regulation and licensure changes; Physician Assistant Examining Board created, prohibitions and penalty provisions; JRCCP may report - AB575
Practice of psychology: laws revised and Psychology Examining Board provisions - SB378
Prescription drugs exempt from the Unfair Sales Act - SB22
Prisoners screened for dyslexia: DOC required to implement; testing reading ability and dyslexia screening within 6 months of confinement required - SB553
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created - SB460
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created; Public Defender Board authority re private bar attorneys, student loan payment pilot project provision; funding for deputy and assistant DAs, circuit courts, and state crime laboratory analysts; FTE positions provisions - SB127
Psychiatric bed capacity expansion: Building Commission grant to certain hospital - SB405
Psychiatric bed capacity expansion: Building Commission grant to certain hospital - AB443
Psychiatry practice: individual income tax deduction created for certain income earned from; medically underserved area provision - SB425
Psychiatry practice: individual income tax deduction created for certain income earned from; medically underserved area provision - AB466
Public Defender Board: authority to promulgate rules expanded re private bar attorneys representing indigent clients - SB462
Reading readiness of pupils in 4K to 2nd grade: assessment modified and voluntary questionnaire added - SB578
Reading readiness of pupils in 4K to 2nd grade: assessment modified and voluntary questionnaire added - AB632
Rehabilitation of single-family residence built before 1980: refundable individual income tax credit created, conditions specified - SB792
Repossession of collateral or leased goods: determination of breach of peace and limits on liability re vehicle repossession - SB613
Severe weather incidents in July 2019: commending emergency response personnel, National Guard, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, utility crews, and volunteers for their response and efforts to keep communities safe - SJR60
Showing your marked ballot to another person in a way that the mark is identifiable: prohibition eliminated - SB48
State workforce housing credit created; WHEDA duties and report required - SB786
State workforce housing credit created; WHEDA duties and report required - AB906
Statement in support of efforts to increase milk consumption among America’s youth - AJR63
Stating name and address at polling place prior to voting: exception for voter unable to do so due to disability - SB246
Stating name and address at polling place prior to voting: exception for voter unable to do so due to disability - AB168
Stewardship Program: amount obligated for water infrastructure projects in state parks increased - SB125
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required - SB496
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - SB543
Suicide by firearm prevention: DHS grants for prevention materials and training firearm retailer or range; matching funds or in-kind services provision - AB527
Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists - SB520
Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists - AB526
Suicide prevention program: DHS directed to implement, FTE positions provision - SB503
Suicide prevention programming grants from DHS; matching funds or in-kind services provision - SB504
Surveillance devices used in connection with attempts to sell real estate provisions created, forfeiture provision - SB247
Surveillance devices used in connection with attempts to sell real estate provisions created, forfeiture provision - AB264
Tax-advantaged first-time home buyers savings account created - SB339
Teacher prepatory program approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: requirements modified - SB554
Teacher prepatory program approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: requirements modified - AB594
Term limits for members of the legislature and constitutional officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR68
Termination of a TID: distribution of state aid payments for personal property taxes to taxing jurisdictions modified - SB561
Termination of a TID: distribution of state aid payments for personal property taxes to taxing jurisdictions modified - AB620
Termination of certain property interests of a decedent: verify under oath to register of deeds re decedent’s death instead of submitting certified copy of death record - SB318
Uniform School Budget and Accounting, Committee on, created in DPI to advise and create a computerized uniform budget and accounting system, report required, JCF provision - SB743