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Adoptee 21 years of age or older obtaining copy of report of adoption: provision created and conditions set; State Registrar duties - SB521
Adoptee 21 years of age or older obtaining copy of report of adoption: provision created and conditions set; State Registrar duties - AB579
Adult-entertainment establishments: registration with DOJ requirements created, fee and human trafficking provisions - SB731
American Legion: 100th anniversary of its founding and commitment to community, state, and nation commended - SJR79
American Legion: 100th anniversary of its founding and commitment to community, state, and nation commended - AJR110
Annual town meeting and boards of review meetings may be postponed re public health emergency declared by Governor - SB912
Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members - SB588
Application fees at UW System schools and technical colleges: exemption for veterans and armed forces members - AB663
Apprenticeship expenses grants: TCS Board may award to technical college students, conditions set - SB44
Apprenticeship expenses grants: TCS Board may award to technical college students, conditions set - AB36
Atomic veterans, their spouses, and dependents: recognition for their service and support in receiving medical care and disability compensation - AJR48
Atomic veterans, their spouses, and dependents: recognition for their service and support in receiving medical care and disability compensation - SJR45
Autocycle, a type of 3-wheeled motor vehicle: definition, registration, and operation provisions created; registration fee and operator’s license provisions - SB86
Autocycle, a type of 3-wheeled motor vehicle: definition, registration, and operation provisions created; registration fee and operator’s license provisions - AB78
Bidding procedures for highway improvements: DOT may readvertise if it receives only one bid and it exceeds estimated value of the work - SB284
Bill of rights for victims of sexual assault created; DOJ duties specified - SB326
Bill of rights for victims of sexual assault created; DOJ duties specified - AB352
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision - SB687
Break time for employees to express breast milk: requirements created, accommodations specified, and employment discrimination provision - SB513
Bulk milk weighing and sampling licenses: reciprocity for equivalent regulatory agency in another state - SB684
Bulk milk weighing and sampling licenses: reciprocity for equivalent regulatory agency in another state - AB748
Cash tips paid to an employee by a customer: income tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - SB213
Cash tips paid to an employee by a customer: income tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB231
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month: April proclaimed as - SJR19
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - SB692
Child abuse and neglect reporting hotline posted in schools required - AB761
Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised - SB586
Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised - AB672
Christians in Nigeria: calling for actions to protect - SR6
Christians in Nigeria: calling for actions to protect - AJR146
Cigarettes and nicotine and tobacco products: placement by retailers restricted - SB118
Circuit court branch added to each of the following counties: Adams, Calumet, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Sawyer, Vilas, and Waushara - SB148
Circuit court branch added to each of the following counties: Adams, Calumet, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Sawyer, Vilas, and Waushara - AB153
County conservation staffing: DATCP appropriation increased, conditions set - SB723
DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services - SB29
DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants - SB715
Decorated tree displayed in Capitol rotunda during Christmas season renamed the Wisconsin State Christmas Tree - SJR75
Decorated tree displayed in Capitol rotunda during Christmas season renamed the Wisconsin State Christmas Tree - AJR106
Dental reimbursement pilot project in MA expanded and sunset extended - SB636
Dental reimbursement pilot project in MA expanded and sunset extended - AB680
DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that provides abortion services and is a nonprofit private entity that has applied or received a grant or contract re family planning project under federal law - SB199
DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that provides abortion services and is a nonprofit private entity that has applied or received a grant or contract re family planning project under federal law - AB181
Diapers, undergarments for incontinence, tampons, and sanitary napkins: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - SB676
Diapers, undergarments for incontinence, tampons, and sanitary napkins: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB751
Diesel truck idling reduction grant program: sunset eliminated - SB888
DOC required to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on parole, probation, or extended supervision - SB752
DVA payments to certain state veterans organizations: funding limit increased - SB540
DVA payments to certain state veterans organizations: funding limit increased - AB591
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state or national office - SB71
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state or national office - AB64
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use: sales and use tax exemption - SB128
Electricity and natural gas sold for residential use: sales and use tax exemption - AB136
Emergency detention without a hearing: exclude time for evaluation and testing from 72-hour time limit - SB633
Emergency detention without a hearing: exclude time for evaluation and testing from 72-hour time limit - AB716
Emergency operation of local units of government re state of emergency: virual meetings and public access to meetings provisions - SB914
English as state’s official language; written expression by state and local governments required to be in English, some exceptions; precludes units of state and local government from prohibiting or restricting proficiency or use of any language for nongovernmental purposes - SB739
Entering certain places without consent and with intent to commit battery made a felony - SB47
Entering certain places without consent and with intent to commit battery made a felony - AB35
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - SB215
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - AB210
Epinephrine prefilled syringes: authorities for prescription, possession, and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors expanded to include; statewide standing order provision - SB759
Epinephrine prefilled syringes: authorities for prescription, possession, and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors expanded to include; statewide standing order provision - AB839
Executive budget bill prepared according to GAAP, in addition to a bill prepared based on standards under current law - SB852
Fee waiver for veterans for certain licenses and certifications expanded to include spouse or unremarried surviving spouse - SB585
Fee waiver for veterans for certain licenses and certifications expanded to include spouse or unremarried surviving spouse - AB674
Fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from converting manure into compost or vermicompost: distribution and labeling requirements - SB451
Fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from converting manure into compost or vermicompost: distribution and labeling requirements - AB511
Fetal body parts: prohibition on knowingly acquiring, providing, receiving, or using created; physician performing induced abortions required to arrange for final disposition; facility report to DHS modified - SB524
Fetal body parts: prohibition on knowingly acquiring, providing, receiving, or using created; physician performing induced abortions required to arrange for final disposition; facility report to DHS modified - AB590
First offense OWI: petition to expunge record under certain conditions; ignition interlock device provision - SB198
First offense OWI: petition to expunge record under certain conditions; ignition interlock device provision - AB211
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - SB167
Grants to counties and tribes for veteran services: modifying the way grant funding is awarded - SB598
Grants to counties and tribes for veteran services: modifying the way grant funding is awarded - AB664
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - SB721
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - AB787
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - SB708
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - AB794
Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship - SB694
Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship - AB777
Guardians: mandatory initial training requirements established; DHS duties - SB734
Guardians: mandatory initial training requirements established; DHS duties - AB786
Harassment of a sports official: penalty provisions created; JRCCP may report - SB657
Harassment of a sports official: penalty provisions created; JRCCP may report - AB735
Human relations instructional programs in schools to include Hmong Americans - SB713
Hying, Bishop Donald J.: commended upon his appointment and installation as the Bishop for the Diocese of Madison - SJR65
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - SB525
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB545
Independent living centers: appropriation for DHS grants increased - SB567