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13 118.60 (10) (c) Whenever the state superintendent issues an order under par.
14(a), (am), (ar), or, (b), or (bg), he or she shall immediately notify the parent or
15guardian of each pupil attending the private school under this section.
16Section 1545d. 118.60 (11) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
17Section 1546d. 119.23 (2) (a) 9. of the statutes is created to read:
18 119.23 (2) (a) 9. The private school is located in this state.
19Section 1547d. 119.23 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
20 119.23 (2) (d) No more than 49 percent of a private school's enrollment may
21consist of pupils attending the private school under this section and s. 118.60.
22Section 1548d. 119.23 (4) (bg) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
23 119.23 (4) (bg) 3. In the 2015-16 to 2018-19 school year and in each school year
years, upon receipt from the pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the
25pupil's enrollment in the private school during a school term, except as provided in

1subd. 5., the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in which the pupil
2is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the appropriation under
3s. 20.255 (2) (fu), an amount equal to the sum of the maximum amount per pupil the
4state superintendent paid a private school under this section in the previous school
5year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled; the amount of the per pupil revenue
6adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
7change in the amount of statewide categorical aid per pupil between the previous
8school year and the current school year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p.,
9if positive.
10Section 1549d. 119.23 (4) (bg) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
11 119.23 (4) (bg) 6. Beginning in the 2019-20 school year, upon receipt from the
12pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the pupil's enrollment in the private school
13during a school term, the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in
14which the pupil is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the
15appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (fu), an amount equal to the lesser of the following:
16 a. The amount equal to the private school's operating and debt service cost per
17pupil that is related to educational programming, as determined by the department.
18 b. The average of the tuition paid by a pupil attending the private school, but
19not under the program under this section or the program under s. 118.60, in the
20current and 2 preceding school years.
21 c. For a pupil in grade kindergarten to 8, $7,754.
22 d. For a pupil in grade 9 to 12, $8,400.
23Section 1550d. 119.23 (4) (dc) of the statutes is created to read:
24 119.23 (4) (dc) In determining a private school's operating and debt service cost
25per pupil under par. (bg), the department shall do all of the following:

11. Subtract only the following, up to the actual cost of the service or material
2related to each item:
3 a. Fees charged to pupils for books and supplies used in classes and programs.
4 b. Rentals for school buildings.
5 c. Food service revenues.
6 d. Governmental financial assistance.
7 e. Interest and other income resulting from the investment of debt proceeds.
8 2. If legal title to the private school's buildings and premises is held in the name
9of the private school's parent organization or other related party, there is no other
10mechanism to include the private school's facility costs in the calculation of its
11operating and debt service cost, and the private school requests that the department
12do so, include an amount equal to 10.5 percent of the fair market value of the school
13and its premises.
14 3. Allow a private school to accumulate up to 15 percent of the private school's
15annual operating and debt service costs related to educational programming in a
16reserve account and include any increase to that reserved amount in the
17department's determination of the private school's operating and debt service costs
18related to programming for that school year.
19Section 1551d. 119.23 (4m) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to
21 119.23 (4m) (a) In addition to the payment under sub. (4), the state
22superintendent shall, subject to par. (b), pay to each private school participating in
23the program under this section, on behalf of the parent or guardian of each pupil
24attending the private school under this section, in the manner described in sub. (4)
25(c), the amount determined as follows:

11. Determine the private school's operating and debt service cost per pupil in
2summer school that is related to educational programming.
3 2. Multiply the amount under subd. 1. by 0.40.
4 3. Multiply the product under subd. 2. by the quotient determined by dividing
5the summer choice average daily membership equivalent of the private school by the
6total number of pupils for whom payments are being made under sub. (4).
7Section 1552d. 119.23 (7) (b) 3m. of the statutes is amended to read:
8 119.23 (7) (b) 3m. Annually, schedule two meetings at least one meeting each
at which members of the governing body of the private school will be present
10and at which pupils, and the parents or guardians of pupils, applying to attend the
11private school or attending the private school may meet and communicate with the
12members of the governing body. The meetings shall be open to the public. The
13private school shall, within 30 days after the start of the school term, notify the
14department in writing of the scheduled meeting dates and shall, at least 30 days
15before the scheduled meeting date, notify in writing each pupil, or the parent or
16guardian of each minor pupil, applying to attend the private school or attending the
17private school of the meeting date, time, and place. The private school shall provide
18notice of the meetings in the manner provided in s. 19.84.
19Section 1553d. 119.23 (7) (b) 9. of the statutes is created to read:
20 119.23 (7) (b) 9. Permit public inspection and copying of any record, as defined
21in s. 19.32 (2), of the private school to the same extent as required of, and subject to
22the same terms and enforcement provisions that apply to, a school board under
23subch. II of ch. 19. This subdivision applies only to records that relate to pupils
24attending the private school under this section.
25Section 1554d. 119.23 (7) (d) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:

1119.23 (7) (d) 1. b. A Except as provided in subd. 1. c., a copy of the school's
2current certificate of occupancy issued by the municipality within which the school
3is located. If the private school moves to a new location, the private school shall
4submit a copy of the new certificate of occupancy issued by the municipality within
5which the school is located to the department before the attendance of pupils at the
6new location and before the next succeeding date specified in s. 121.05 (1) (a).
7c. If the municipality within which the private school is located does not issue
8certificates of occupancy, the private school may submit a certificate of occupancy
9issued by the local or regional governmental unit with authority to issue certificates
10of occupancy or a letter or form from the municipality within which the private school
11is located that explains that the municipality does not issue certificates of occupancy.
12A temporary certificate of occupancy does not meet the requirement of this
private school to which this subd. 1. c. applies shall annually obtain a
14building inspection of the school building
15Section 1555d. 119.23 (7) (d) 1. d. of the statutes is created to read:
16 119.23 (7) (d) 1. d. A temporary certificate of occupancy does not satisfy the
17requirements of this subdivision.
18Section 1556d. 119.23 (7) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
19 119.23 (7) (i) Beginning in the 2019-20 school year, each private school
20participating in the program under this section shall annually report to the
21department the numbers of suspensions and expulsions; the reasons for which pupils
22are suspended or expelled, according to categories specified by the department; the
23length of time for which pupils are expelled, according to categories specified by the
24department; whether pupils return to school after their expulsion; the educational
25programs and services, if any, provided to pupils during their expulsions, reported

1according to categories specified by the department; and the grade, sex, and ethnicity
2of pupils who are suspended or expelled and whether the pupils are children with
3disabilities, as defined in s. 115.76 (5).
4Section 1557d. 119.23 (10) (a) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
5 119.23 (10) (a) 7. Violated sub. (7) (b) 3m., 4., 5., or, 6., or 9.
6Section 1558d. 119.23 (10) (a) 9. of the statutes is created to read:
7 119.23 (10) (a) 9. Violated or employed an individual who violated s. 118.016,
8118.305, 118.31, or 118.33 (1) (f) 5.
9Section 1559d. 119.23 (10) (a) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
10 119.23 (10) (a) 10. Violated the rules promulgated under s. 120.13 (1) (i).
11Section 1560d. 119.23 (10) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
12 119.23 (10) (bg) The state superintendent may issue an order immediately
13terminating a private school's participation in the program under this section if he
14or she determines that the owner of the private school would not be eligible or
15permitted to be employed, licensed, or permitted for any of the reasons specified
16under s. 115.31 (2g) or (6m) or 115.315.
17Section 1561d. 119.23 (10) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 119.23 (10) (c) Whenever the state superintendent issues an order under par.
19(a), (am), (ar), or, (b), or (bg), he or she shall immediately notify the parent or
20guardian of each pupil attending the private school under this section.
21Section 1562d. 119.23 (11) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
22Section 1563d. 120.13 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
23 120.13 (1) (i) The department shall promulgate rules establishing a procedure
24for the expulsion of pupils attending a private school under s. 115.7915, 118.60, or

1119.23 by the governing body of the private school. The rules shall adhere as closely
2as feasible to the provisions applicable to public school pupils under this subsection.”.