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2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
June 18, 2019 - Offered by Representative Tauchen.
1 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
21. Page 8, line 10: after that line insert:
3 Section 19m. 301.19 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
4301.19 (title) Restriction Restrictions on construction or modifications
5of correctional facilities.
6Section 19o. 301.19 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
7 301.19 (4) Unless the governor has declared a state of emergency under s.
8323.10, the department of corrections may not expand the capacity of, or
9substantially modify the structure or physical security of, a juvenile correctional
10facility established under s. 301.16 (1w) without prior approval by the governing
11body of the city, village, or town in which the juvenile correctional facility is located.
12Section 19q. 301.36 (9) of the statutes is created to read:

1301.36 (9) Cooperation with local governing bodies. Upon request by the
2governing body of a city, village, or town in which a juvenile correctional facility
3established under s. 301.16 (1w) is located, the department shall meet with the
4governing body to discuss matters of local concern pertaining to the juvenile
5correctional facility.”.
62. Page 25, line 24: after that line insert:
7(2m) Construction of a Type 1 juvenile correctional facility; public and
8local participation.
9(a) Before commencing construction of a juvenile correctional facility under s.
10301.16 (1w), the department of corrections shall hold a public listening session in the
11city, village, or town where the facility is proposed to be located.
12(b) Before commencing construction of a juvenile correctional facility under s.
13301.16 (1w), the department of corrections shall meet with the governing body of the
14city, village, or town where the facility is proposed to be located to discuss potential
15impacts to the local community.
16 (c) Public notice shall be given as provided under s. 19.84 at least 72 hours prior
17to the commencement of a meeting under this subsection.”.