This is the preview version of the Wisconsin State Legislature site.
Please see for the production version.
2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
April 14, 2020 - Offered by Representatives Hintz, Hesselbein, Spreitzer, Doyle,
Anderson, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabrera, Crowley, Considine,
Emerson, Haywood, Hebl, Goyke, Kolste, McGuire, B. Meyers, Milroy, L.
, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Pope, Riemer, Fields, Sargent, Shankland,
Sinicki, C. Taylor, Stubbs, Stuck, Subeck, Vining, Vruwink and Zamarripa.
1 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
21. Page 20, line 1: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
3“72" on line 2 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
4response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
5joint resolution”.
62. Page 22, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
7“72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
8in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
9by joint resolution”.
103. Page 23, line 1: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
11“72" on line 2 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
12response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
13joint resolution”.

14. Page 25, line 11: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
2with “72" on line 12 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
3governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
4legislature by joint resolution”.
55. Page 28, line 24: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
6“72" on page 29, line 1, and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
7governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
8legislature by joint resolution”.
96. Page 29, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
10“72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
11in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
12by joint resolution”.
137. Page 30, line 9: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
14“72" on line 10 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
15in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
16by joint resolution”.
178. Page 30, line 18: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
18“72" on line 19 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
19in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
20by joint resolution”.
219. Page 35, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
22“72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
23in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
24by joint resolution”.

110. Page 38, line 16: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
2“72" on line 17 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
3in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
4by joint resolution”.
511. Page 40, line 2: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
6“72" on line 3 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
7response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
8joint resolution”.
912. Page 41, line 17: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
1072" on line 18 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
11in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
12by joint resolution
1313. Page 41, line 23: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
14“72" on line 24 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
15in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
16by joint resolution”.
1714. Page 42, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
1872" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
19in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
20by joint resolution
2115. Page 43, line 1: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
22“72" on line 2 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
23response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
24joint resolution”.

116. Page 47, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22 and substitute:
2“(c) A public health emergency declared by the governor in response to
3COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by joint
517. Page 48, line 21: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
6“72" on line 22 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
7in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
8by joint resolution”.
918. Page 49, line 4: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
10“72" on line 5 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
11response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
12joint resolution”.
1319. Page 49, line 20: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
14ending with “72" on line 21 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
15the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
16legislature by joint resolution”.
1720. Page 50, line 21: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
18“72" on line 22 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
19in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
20by joint resolution”.
2121. Page 51, line 5: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
22with “72" on line 6 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
23governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
24legislature by joint resolution”.

122. Page 51, line 11: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
2“72" on line 12 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
3in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
4by joint resolution”.
523. Page 51, line 20: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
6“72" on line 21 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
7in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
8by joint resolution”.
924. Page 51, line 24: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
10“72" on page 52, line 1, and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
11governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
12legislature by joint resolution”.
1325. Page 52, line 13: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
14ending with “72" on line 14 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
15the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
16legislature by joint resolution”.
1726. Page 54, line 13: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
18“72" on line 14 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
19in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
20by joint resolution”.
2127. Page 54, line 21: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
22“72" on line 22 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
23in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
24by joint resolution”.

128. Page 55, line 14: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
2“72" on line 15 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
3in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
4by joint resolution”.
529. Page 59, line 3: delete the material beginning with “the state" and ending
6with “72" on line 4 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
7governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
8legislature by joint resolution”.
930. Page 60, line 5: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
10“72" on line 6 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
11response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
12joint resolution”.
1331. Page 63, line 1: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
14“72" on line 2 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
15response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
16joint resolution”.
1732. Page 66, line 2: delete the material beginning with “covered by the" and
18ending with “72" on line 3 and substitute “covered by a public health emergency
19declared by the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension
20granted by the legislature by joint resolution”.
2133. Page 66, line 24: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
22ending with “72" on line 25 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
23the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
24legislature by joint resolution”.

134. Page 67, line 2: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
2with “72" on line 3 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
3governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
4legislature by joint resolution”.
535. Page 68, line 6: delete the material beginning with “covered by the" and
6ending with “72" on line 7 and substitute “covered by a public health emergency
7declared by the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension
8granted by the legislature by joint resolution”.
936. Page 69, line 6: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
10with “72" on line 7 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
11governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
12legislature by joint resolution”.
1337. Page 69, line 9: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
14with “72" on line 10 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
15governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
16legislature by joint resolution”.
1738. Page 69, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
18ending with “72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
19the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
20legislature by joint resolution”.
2139. Page 70, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
22“72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor
23in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature
24by joint resolution”.

140. Page 80, line 3: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
2“72" on line 4 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
3response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
4joint resolution”.
541. Page 80, line 11: delete the material beginning with “covered by the" and
6ending with “72" on line 12 and substitute “covered by a public health emergency
7declared by the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension
8granted by the legislature by joint resolution”.
942. Page 80, line 20: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
10ending with “72" on line 21 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
11the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
12legislature by joint resolution”.
1343. Page 81, line 2: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
14with “72" on line 3 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
15governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
16legislature by joint resolution”.
1744. Page 81, line 9: delete the material beginning with “the public" and ending
18with “72" on line 10 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the
19governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
20legislature by joint resolution”.
2145. Page 81, line 19: delete the material beginning with “the public" and
22ending with “72" on line 20 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
23the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
24legislature by joint resolution”.

146. Page 81, line 25: delete the material beginning with “the state" and ending
2with “72" on page 82, line 1, and substitute “a public health emergency declared by
3the governor in response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the
4legislature by joint resolution”.
547. Page 83, line 1: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
6“72" on line 2 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
7response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
8joint resolution”.
948. Page 87, line 6: delete the material beginning with “the" and ending with
10“72" on line 7 and substitute “a public health emergency declared by the governor in
11response to COVID-19 coronavirus and any extension granted by the legislature by
12joint resolution”.