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DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] - Act 185
Micro market pre-licensing inspection: local health department may establish separate fee under certain conditions - Act 51
Stands operated by minors allowed without a food processing plant license or retail food establishment license; conditions, ordinance, and definition provisions - Act 60
Food stamp plan
WIC program changes [Sec. 1896-1934] - Act 9
County forest road aid modified [Sec. 1096m] - Act 9
Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available - Act 74
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - Act 73
WEDC report on plan to support major industries adversely affected by 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (26m)] - Act 185
Electric scooters: operation on highways allowed; conditions, definition, and equipment requirements provisions - Act 11
Massage therapy or bodywork therapy license violations: municipal ordinance allowed, employment of unlicensed persons prohibited; Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board may assess a forfeiture; state penalties revised - Act 41
Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] - AB182
Surveillance devices used in connection with attempts to sell real estate provisions created, forfeiture provision - Act 72
Foster home, see Children
Franchise — Taxation
Interest earned on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA: income and franchise tax exemption created [Sec. 849, 923, 961, 9337 (3)] - Act 9
Internal Revenue Code updates to conform Wisconsin’s tax law to federal tax law changes in response to the coronavirus outbreak [Sec. 23-29] - Act 185
Wisconsin businesses that move out of state or the U.S.: income and franchise tax deductions for moving expenses eliminated; definition provision - Act 7
Wisconsin opportunity zones: investing capital gains and income and franchise tax benefits - Act 136
Swatting, or false reporting of an emergency to elicit certain response, made a crime; felony provisions - Act 132
Freight transportation, see Railroad
FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
Fuel, see also Petroleum; Gasoline
``Energy provider” definition expanded re trespassing on or damaging property of - Act 33
Volkswagen settlement fund used for school bus replacement grants [Sec. 55, 55c, 292, 9101 (2i)] [55c -- partial veto; 9101 (2i) -- vetoed] - Act 9
Funeral and funeral director
Funeral director apprenticeships and licenses: requirements revised; continuing education and emergency rules provisions - Act 137
Persons who die of COVID-19: issuance of cremation permit without viewing the corpse and within 48 hours; if individual was in DOC custody, limited examination of deceased instead of full autopsy [Sec. 105 (15)] - Act 185
Paddlewheel raffle permitted; definition and regulation provisions [vetoed] - SB43
Payment duty of bank to a lost, destroyed, or stolen cashier’s, teller’s, or certified check; temporary authority of mortgage loan originator applicant; possession by financial institution of property subject to garnishment; data processing services provided to financial institutions; certain Federal Home Loan Bank loan limitations; Banking Review Board and Savings Institutions Review Board consolidated and renamed Banking Institutions Review Board - Act 65
Dispensing gasoline-ethanol fuel blends from same fueling nozzle as gasoline with no ethanol: requirements revised - Act 64
Gasoline — Taxation
Licensed motor vehicle fuel suppliers: administrative allowance eliminated [Sec. 1066ed, fd, 9437 (5f)] [9437 (5f) -- partial veto] - Act 9
Motor vehicle fuel tax: retailer refunds for evaporation sunsetted [Sec. 311m, 1067i-p, 9437 (6f)] - Act 9
General fund, see Appropriation
Genetics and genetic testing
DNA surcharge transfer [Sec. 238, 9227 (1)] - Act 9
Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions - Act 95
Golf, see Child labor
Governor, see also Executive office
COVID-19 pandemic: state government response - Act 185
Governor — Legislation by request of
Budget bill [partial veto] - Act 9
GPR (General purpose revenue), see specific agency
Great Lakes, see Lakes
Grocery store, see Food
Group Insurance Board
Leave of absence: employee who cannot resume active duty for 30 days due to the 2020 public health emergency deemed to have ended leave on March 12, 2020 for group health insurance purposes [Sec. 82] - Act 185
Guardian of child in need of protection or services: DCF appropriation for subsidized guardianship payments to counties modified [Sec. 212, 213, 216, 217, 529] - Act 9
Guardianship of a minor’s person: new process and standards for appointment - Act 109
Harbor assistance grants priority [Sec. 9144 (2)] - Act 9
Harbor assistance program bonding limit increased [Sec. 305] - Act 9
Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Wisconsin
Interest earned on bonds or notes issued by WHEFA: income and franchise tax exemption created [Sec. 849, 923, 961, 9337 (3)] - Act 9
Health care agent, see Power of attorney
Health care record, see Medical service
Health Services, Department of — Administration
DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that is a private entity providing abortion services, federal waiver provision [vetoed] - AB183
Disproportionment share hospital payments [Sec. 9119 (10p)] [partial veto] - Act 9
EMS credential renewal during the 2020 public health emergency: DHS prohibited from requiring [Sec. 105 (16)] - Act 185
Graduate medical education grants from DHS combined and eligibility expanded [Sec. 190, 195, 1764-1767] - Act 9
Infant mortality prevention services: FTE positions [Sec. 9119 (10)] [partial veto] - Act 9
Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests - Act 73
Nurse aides: required hours of instructional programing [vetoed] - AB76
Nurse aides: required hours of instructional programing [Sec. 76] - Act 185
Public health emergency dashboard: Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center to prepare and publish certain information on the 2020 declared emergency; DHS to develop, under MA, a pay-for-performance system to incentivize participation in the health information exchange [Sec. 77, 105 (20)] - Act 185
Qualified treatment trainee program grants [Sec. 187m, 1763m] [partial veto] - Act 9
Rural critical care access hospital supplemental payment [Sec. 659] - Act 9
``Telehealth" definition expanded; DHS to develop MA reimbursement method for providers [Sec. 677, 9119 (2)] - Act 9
Health Services, Department of — Administrative rules