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Money laundering: state criminal prohibition created - Act 161
Prohibited object brought into a jail or prison with intent to keep for oneself made a felony - Act 111
Sexual contact with an animal, obscene depictions of, or facilitating access to animal for purposes of: felony penalties; child under age 13, sex offender registration, animal retained as evidence, court assessed expenses, and reporting mistreatment of dogs provisions - Act 162
Swatting, or false reporting of an emergency to elicit certain response, made a crime; felony provisions - Act 132
Theft of mail crime created - Act 144
Violent felon: prosecution for crime of illegal possession of a firearm provisions modified; report provision [vetoed] - AB808
WIC program changes [Sec. 1896-1934] - Act 9
Crime and criminals — Homicide or murder
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement - Act 31
Crime victim
Rights to victims of crimes: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR2] - SJR2
WRS annuity or lump sum payment: DETF to withhold money to satisfy restitution order, crimes specified - Act 71
Criminal identification and investigation
Background checks on people who work or reside at a child care program: changes and DCF duties [Sec. 220m, 534, 535, 549, 551, 557-604, 606, 635-637, 1687, 1688] - Act 9
Congregate care facility: fingerprint-based background check for all workers required [Sec. 207, 215, 536-548, 550, 552-556, 605, 9106 (1), (2), 9306 (1)] - Act 9
Crossbow, see Hunting
CWD (Chronic wasting disease), see Animal — Disease
Dairy product, see also Food
School day milk program expanded [Sec. 1425f] - Act 9
Dairy product — Regulation
Bulk milk weighing and sampling licenses: reciprocity for equivalent regulatory agency in another state - Act 152
Milk producer affidavit that dairy product does not contain synthetic BGH: DATCP prohibited from promulgating a rule limiting duration of the affidavit - Act 153
Damage (personal injury), see also Worker's compensation
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions [vetoed] - AB179
Civil liability immunity for health care professionals and providers for death, injury, or damages in response to the 2020 public health emergency, conditions specified [Sec. 98] - Act 185
Emergency medical supply manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who donate or sell during the declared COVID-19 emergency: civil liability exemption established; conditions and charitable organization provision [Sec. 99-104] - Act 185
Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required - Act 119
Damage (to property), see also Environmental protection
Crop insurance proceeds included in production gross receipts re manufacturing and agricultural tax credit - Act 167
``Energy provider” definition expanded re trespassing on or damaging property of - Act 33
Public adjuster regulation and registration requirements - Act 129
Data processing, see also Telecommunications; specific agency
Adjutant General duties re local government FEMA application training, issuance of FEMA payments, and email and electronic payments re emergency management - Act 159
Body cameras used by law enforcement agencies: policies, training, and compliance requirements; Open Records Law and privacy provisions - Act 108
Broadband expansion grant funding [Sec. 132, 9201 (1)] - Act 9
Information technology education grants [Sec. 1475f] - Act 9
MA services provided through telehealth and communications technology: DHS required to provide reimbursement; conditions, definitions, and emergency rule provisions - Act 56
Marketplace providers required to collect and remit sales and use tax on behalf of marketplace sellers, definition provision; individual income tax rate reductions estimated for 2019 and subsequent taxable years; LAB, DOA and DOR duties; one-time reduction from total tax due provision - Act 10
Payment duty of bank to a lost, destroyed, or stolen cashier’s, teller’s, or certified check; temporary authority of mortgage loan originator applicant; possession by financial institution of property subject to garnishment; data processing services provided to financial institutions; certain Federal Home Loan Bank loan limitations; Banking Review Board and Savings Institutions Review Board consolidated and renamed Banking Institutions Review Board - Act 65
Property used to provide broadband service to rural or underserved area exempt from the telephone company tax - Act 128
Public health emergency dashboard: Wisconsin Hospital Association Information Center to prepare and publish certain information on the 2020 declared emergency; DHS to develop, under MA, a pay-for-performance system to incentivize participation in the health information exchange [Sec. 77, 105 (20)] - Act 185
Revised uniform law on notarial acts adopted and prior uniform law repealed; Remote Notary Council created and attached to DFI, emergency rule provision; electronic records provisions - Act 125
Salvage vehicle certificate of title: evidence of ownership provisions modified re insurer taking delivery of salvage vehicle - Act 53
Service of certain pleadings and other papers: electronic mail provisions created - Act 30
Day care
Background checks on people who work or reside at a child care program: changes and DCF duties [Sec. 220m, 534, 535, 549, 551, 557-604, 606, 635-637, 1687, 1688] - Act 9
Biennial, online reporting to DHS by adult day centers, CBRFs, and residential care apartment complexes [Sec. 683, 728-730, 732] - Act 9
Child Care and Development Fund block grant funds received from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020: expenditure subject to passive review by JCF [Sec. 105 (17)] - Act 185
Child care for families in high-poverty areas of the City of Milwaukee: DCF grants [Sec. 648] - Act 9
Child care quality rating system incentives, sunset provision [Sec. 9106 (5f)] [vetoed] - Act 9
Foster care and kinship care rates [Sec. 526m-528m, 9406 (2)] - Act 9
Wisconsin Shares reimbursement rate for certified family child care providers [Sec. 633, 634] - Act 9
Deaf and hearing impaired
``Individuals with disabilities" or ``impaired individuals" substituted for ``handicapped" in statutes administered by HEAB and TCS Board [Sec. 136, 374-385, 388, 392] - Act 9
School day milk program expanded [Sec. 1425f] - Act 9
Sign language interpreters: new categories of licenses established, transitional licensure and examination provisions; Sign Language Interpreter Council eliminated and Sign Language Interpreters Advisory Committee established; DSPS duties - Act 17
Advance directive certifications and findings of incapacity re health care powers of attorney and admission to a hospice: revising advanced practice clinician, nurses, and physicians - Act 90
Motor vehicle certificate of title transferred to spouse or domestic partner upon death of the owner: fee waived - Act 165
Peer-to-peer suicide prevention programs for public, private, and tribal high schools: DPI competitive grant program established - Act 83
Persons who die of COVID-19: issuance of cremation permit without viewing the corpse and within 48 hours; if individual was in DOC custody, limited examination of deceased instead of full autopsy [Sec. 105 (15)] - Act 185
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required - Act 116
Suicide prevention grant to Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Association, Inc. [Sec. 9119 (6f)] [partial veto] - Act 9
Debt, Public, see also specific agency or department
General obligation bonding refunding authority increased [Sec. 3] - Act 185
Local exposition districts: special debt service reserve funds revisions [Sec. 1850qe-qi] - Act 9
Personal property tax exemption on all machinery, tools, and patterns; maximum individual income tax sliding scale standard deduction increased; state’s general obligation and variable rate debt reduction [vetoed] - SB821
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: general obligation bonding authority increased and issuance of revenue bonds authorized [Sec. 122, 171-176, 296, 339, 1957-1960] - Act 9
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: term and repayment of loan revisions [Sec. 1960b, c] - Act 9
Deer, see Hunting
Dementia, see Disease
Dental services to MA recipients with disabilities: increase MA reimbursement rates [Sec. 9119 (9)] - Act 9
Educational loan assistance program administered by the UW Board of Regents for physicians, dentists, and other health care providers: agree to practice in eligible practice area for certain amount of time to be eligible, definition provision - Act 58
Health care provider credentials issued by DSPS: exemption from renewal during the 2020 public health emergency; former health care providers may obtain temporary credentials under certain conditions, health care facility and medical malpractice provisions; fee provision [Sec. 86, 105 (4), (5)] - Act 185