AB50,27935Section 2793. 448.035 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1366,106448.035 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a physician or certified
7advanced practice nurse prescriber is immune from civil liability for injury to or the
8death of a person who takes any antimicrobial drug if the antimicrobial drug is
9prescribed, dispensed, or furnished under this section and if expedited partner
10therapy is provided as specified under this section.
AB50,1366,1411(b) The immunity under par. (a) does not extend to the donation, distribution,
12furnishing, or dispensing of an antimicrobial drug by a physician or certified
13advanced practice nurse prescriber whose act or omission involves reckless,
14wanton, or intentional misconduct.
AB50,279415Section 2794. 448.07 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1367,516448.07 (1) (a) Every person licensed or certified under this subchapter shall
17register on or before November 1 of each odd-numbered year following issuance of
18the license or certificate with the board on or before his or her renewal date
19determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2). Registration shall be completed
20in such manner as the board shall designate and upon forms the board shall
21provide, except that registration with respect to a compact license shall be governed
22by the renewal provisions in s. 448.980 (7). The secretary of the board, on or before
23October 1 of each odd-numbered year, shall mail or cause to be mailed to every

1person required to register a registration form. The board shall furnish to each
2person registered under this section a certificate of registration, and the person
3shall display the registration certificate conspicuously in the office at all times. No
4person may exercise the rights or privileges conferred by any license or certificate
5granted by the board unless currently registered as required under this subsection.
AB50,27956Section 2795. 448.13 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB50,1367,77448.13 (title) Continuing education and professional development.
AB50,27968Section 2796. 448.13 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1367,129448.13 (1) (a) 1. Continuing education programs or courses of study approved
10for at least 30 hours of credit required by the board within the 2 calendar years
11preceding the calendar year for which the registration is effective by rule under s.
12448.40 (2).
AB50,279713Section 2797. 448.13 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1367,1714448.13 (1) (a) 2. Professional development and maintenance of certification or
15performance improvement or continuing medical education programs or courses of
16study required by the board by rule under s. 448.40 (1) and completed within the 2
17calendar years preceding the calendar year for which the registration is effective.
AB50,279818Section 2798. 448.13 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1368,219448.13 (1m) The board shall, on a random basis, verify the accuracy of proof
20submitted by physicians under sub. (1) (a) and may, at any time during the 2
21calendar years specified in sub. (1) (a), require a physician to submit proof of any
22continuing education, professional development, and maintenance of certification
23or performance improvement or continuing medical education programs or courses

1of study that he or she has attended and completed at that time during the 2
2calendar years since he or she last registered under s. 448.07.
AB50,27993Section 2799. 448.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1368,84448.40 (1) The board may promulgate rules to carry out the purposes of this
5subchapter, including rules requiring the completion of continuing education,
6professional development, and maintenance of certification or performance
7improvement or continuing medical education programs for renewal of a license to
8practice medicine and surgery.
AB50,28009Section 2800. 448.40 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1368,1910448.40 (2) (e) Establishing continuing education or continuing medical
11education requirements for renewal of a license to practice medicine and surgery
12under s. 448.13 (1). The board shall require 30 hours of continuing education to be
13completed every 2-year period. The examining board shall establish the criteria for
14the substitution of uncompensated hours of professional assistance volunteered to
15the department of health services for some or all of the hours of continuing
16education credits required under s. 448.13 (1) (a) 1. for physicians specializing in
17psychiatry. The eligible substitution hours shall involve professional evaluation of
18community programs for the certification and recertification of community mental
19health programs, as defined in s. 51.01 (3n), by the department of health services.
AB50,280120Section 2801. 448.55 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1369,421448.55 (2) The renewal dates for licenses granted under this subchapter,
22other than temporary licenses granted under rules promulgated under s. 448.53 (2),
23are specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08 (2) (a).

1Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form provided by
2the department and shall include the renewal fee determined by the department
3under s. 440.03 (9) (a) and proof of compliance with the requirements established in
4any rules promulgated under sub. (3).
AB50,28025Section 2802. 448.56 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1369,216448.56 (1) Written referral. Except as provided in this subsection and s.
7448.52, a person may practice physical therapy only upon the written referral of a
8physician, naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist,
9podiatrist, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber certified under s.
10441.16 (2). Written referral is not required if a physical therapist provides services
11in schools to children with disabilities, as defined in s. 115.76 (5), pursuant to rules
12promulgated by the department of public instruction; provides services as part of a
13home health care agency; provides services to a patient in a nursing home pursuant
14to the patients plan of care; provides services related to athletic activities,
15conditioning, or injury prevention; or provides services to an individual for a
16previously diagnosed medical condition after informing the individuals physician,
17naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist, or
18advanced practice registered nurse prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2) who
19made the diagnosis. The examining board may promulgate rules establishing
20additional services that are excepted from the written referral requirements of this
AB50,280322Section 2803. 448.56 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1370,523448.56 (1m) (b) The examining board shall promulgate rules establishing the

1requirements that a physical therapist must satisfy if a physician, naturopathic
2doctor, physician assistant, chiropractor, dentist, podiatrist, or advanced practice
3registered nurse prescriber makes a written referral under sub. (1). The purpose of
4the rules shall be to ensure continuity of care between the physical therapist and
5the health care practitioner.
AB50,28046Section 2804. 448.62 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1370,107448.62 (2m) An advanced practice registered nurse who is certified to issue
8prescription orders under s. 441.16 and who is providing nonsurgical patient
9services as directed, supervised, and inspected by a podiatrist who has the power to
10direct, decide, and oversee the implementation of the patient services rendered.
AB50,280511Section 2805. 448.65 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1370,1612448.65 (2) (intro.) The renewal date for a license granted under this
13subchapter, other than a temporary license granted under rules promulgated under
14s. 448.63 (3), is specified shall be as determined by the department under s. 440.08
15(2) (a). Renewal applications shall be submitted to the department on a form
16provided by the department and shall be accompanied by all of the following:
AB50,280617Section 2806. 448.665 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,1371,518448.665 Continuing education. The affiliated credentialing board shall
19promulgate rules establishing requirements and procedures for licensees to
20complete continuing education programs or courses of study in order to qualify for
21renewal of a license granted under this subchapter. The rules shall require a
22licensee to complete at least 30 hours of continuing education programs or courses
23of study within each per 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date

1specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a). The affiliated credentialing board may waive all or
2part of these requirements for the completion of continuing education programs or
3courses of study if the affiliated credentialing board determines that prolonged
4illness, disability or other exceptional circumstances have prevented a licensee from
5completing the requirements.