fruitFruit, see Food
fset foodshare employment and training programFSET (FoodShare employment and training program), see Food stamp plan
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employee
fuel taxFuel tax, see Gasoline — Taxation
funeral and funeral directorFuneral and funeral director
Authorized State Building Program for 2021-23 amended re construction of additional columbarium units at the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery - Act 229
Persons who die of COVID-19: 2019 WisAct 185 cremation permits and electronic signature of death certificates provisions modified [vetoed] - AB1
furbearing animalFurbearing animal, see Hunting
gamblingGambling, see also Lottery; Racing
Bear hunting license certificates issued to the Wisconsin Bear Hunters’ Association (governor's bear tag) for a raffle and public auction: once in a lifetime restriction eliminated - Act 15
Bingo and raffle general program operation appropriation accounts combined; lottery fund provision [Sec. 83, 86, 168, 280, 404-411] - Act 58
License to conduct a 50/50 raffle not required for qualified organizations - Act 106
Paddlewheel raffle permitted [vetoed] - SB170
Sturgeon for Tomorrow, Inc. authorized to raffle lake sturgeon from state fish hatcheries, use of proceeds specified - Act 193
game animalGame animal, see Hunting
game farmGame farm, see Hunting
gasoline _ taxationGasoline — Taxation
Fuel supplier's administrative allowance re gasoline tax [Sec. 279, 9437 (1)] - Act 58
gender stereotypesGender stereotypes, see Discrimination
general fundGeneral fund, see Appropriation
genetics and genetic testingGenetics and genetic testing
Genetic counseling regulations and licensing; Genetic Counselors Affiliated Credentialing Board created - Act 251
Persons on probation, extended supervision, or parole from another state and move to Wisconsin are required to submit human biological specimen to state crime labs for DNA analysis regardless of the crime committed - Act 53
geographic information system gisGeographic information system (GIS), see Maps
Commercial nitrogen optimization pilot program created; UW institutions, grants, cover crop insurance premium rebate, and hydrogeologist position provisions - Act 223
gibraltar town ofGibraltar, Town of, see Door County
gifted childrenGifted children, see Children — Special educational needs