ar85 Assembly Rule 85. Sergeant to bring in absentees. When a call of the assembly is ordered, the chief clerk shall immediately call the roll of the members. At the conclusion of the call of the roll the names of absent members shall be read aloud and entered in the journal indicating those absent with leave and those absent without leave. The chief clerk shall furnish the sergeant at arms with a list of those who are absent without leave, and the sergeant at arms shall proceed to bring in such absentees.
ar85(1) (1) If summary process is required to secure the attendance of absentees, it shall be carried out as prescribed by law.
ar85(2) (2) Expenses incurred by the sergeant at arms in securing the attendance of absent members may, with the consent of the assembly, be imposed upon such members.
ar86 Assembly Rule 86. Business under call. While the assembly is under call:
ar86(1) (1) Business may be transacted as if there were no call except that further action may not be taken on the specific question under consideration when the call was ordered.
ar86(2) (2) A concurrent call may be ordered on any question taken up after an initial call.
ar86(3) (3) All motions relating to the call, adjournment, or any recess shall be decided by a roll call vote.
ar86(4) (4) The sergeant at arms may at any time report on the progress or completion of the call. Any such report shall be entered in the journal.
ar87 Assembly Rule 87. Lifting a call. A call of the assembly terminates or is lifted when any of the following occurs:
ar87(1) (1) The sergeant at arms or the chief clerk reports that all who were absent without leave are present.
ar87(2) (2) A motion to lift the call is approved by a majority of the current membership.
ar87(3) (3) The assembly recesses or adjourns.
ar88 Assembly Rule 88. Successive calls on same question. Successive calls on the same question are not in order unless significant business, a recess, or an adjournment has intervened.
Chapter 11:
ar89 Assembly Rule 89. Changing assembly rules. Assembly rules may be rescinded or changed only with the approval of a majority of the current membership by roll call vote.
ar89(1) (1) Any proposed change of assembly rules shall be offered as a resolution.
ar89(2) (2) Any resolution affecting assembly rules shall be referred by the speaker or presiding officer to the calendar for the 2nd legislative day after it is offered, or to a committee. A resolution providing for the adoption of assembly rules at the commencement of a legislative biennium may be taken up immediately after it is offered if the resolution has been provided to the assembly members-elect of the new legislature at least one week before the convening of the session.
[(2) am. 1999 A.Res. 3]
[(1) and (2) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar90 Assembly Rule 90. Suspension of the rules.
ar90(1)(1) Any assembly or joint rule may be suspended by the unanimous consent of the members present or by a two-thirds roll call vote of the members present.
ar90(2) (2) When a unanimous consent request is made or a suspension of the rules is moved, the purpose sought to be accomplished thereby shall be stated.
ar90(3) (3) When a unanimous consent request is granted or a motion to suspend the rules prevails, only those rules are suspended that otherwise would prevent the accomplishment of the stated purpose.
ar90(4) (4) Except as provided in rule 15 (2), a unanimous consent request or a motion to suspend the rules may be made at any time under any order of business by a member who obtains the floor, but not while the assembly is voting.
ar90(5) (5) Unanimous consent requests and motions to suspend the rules are not permitted for frivolous, indecorous, or clearly dilatory purposes.
[(1)(intro.) and (a) to (d) rn. from (intro.) and (1) to (4) 1995 A.Res. 31]
[(2) to (5) rn. from (1) (a) to (d) 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(4) am. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar91 Assembly Rule 91. Authority and interpretation of the rules. The power to make rules governing its procedure is a constitutional power of each house of the legislature. The rules of the assembly, together with the joint rules, govern the assembly's parliamentary practice.
ar91(1) (1) In the absence of a pertinent assembly or joint rule, questions of parliamentary procedure are decided according to applicable rules of parliamentary practice in Jefferson's manual which are not inconsistent with constitutional or statutory provisions relating to the functioning of the legislature.
ar91(2) (2) Established precedents of both houses, long-established custom, opinions of the attorney general interpreting rules and precedents, and other leading parliamentary authorities such as Mason's manual may be used in the interpretation of both the assembly rules and the rules in Jefferson's manual.