AB50,1343,12105. If all of the following apply to a person, a notation indicating that the person
11may not issue prescription orders shall appear on the persons advanced practice
12registered nurse license:
AB50,1343,1513a. The person is granted an advanced practice registered nurse license under
14subd. 1. a. and satisfies only par. (a) 2. b. but not par. (a) 2. a., or the person is
15granted an advanced practice registered nurse license under subd. 1. c.
AB50,1343,1716b. On January 1, 2026, the person did not hold a certificate under s. 441.16
17(2), 2023 stats.
AB50,1344,818(c) On or before the applicable renewal date determined by the department
19under s. 440.08 (2), an advanced practice registered nurse shall submit to the board
20on a form furnished by the board a statement giving his or her name and residence,
21the nursing workforce survey and fee required under s. 441.01 (7), evidence of
22having satisfied the continuing education requirements under sub. (4), evidence of
23any malpractice liability insurance coverage required under sub. (5), any plan

1required under sub. (3m) (i), current evidence that the person satisfies each of the
2requirements under par. (a) 1., 2., 5. a., and 7. that apply with respect to the person,
3and any other information that the board requires by rule, with the applicable
4renewal fee determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a). The board shall
5grant to a person who satisfies the requirements under this paragraph the renewal
6of his or her advanced practice registered nurse license and specialty designations
7granted under par. (b) 1. and shall, if the person holds a license under s. 441.06 (1),
8(1c), or (1m), also grant the renewal of that license.
AB50,1344,129(2) Prescribing authority. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), an advanced
10practice registered nurse may issue prescription orders, subject to the rules
11promulgated under sub. (6) (a) 1. and 4., and may provide expedited partner
12therapy in the manner described in s. 441.092.
AB50,1344,1613(b) An advanced practice registered nurse may not issue prescription orders if
14a notation under sub. (1) (b) 5. indicating that the advanced practice registered
15nurse may not issue prescription orders appears on the advanced practice
16registered nurses license.
AB50,1344,2017(3) License required; use of titles. (a) 1. The holder of a license issued
18under this section is an advanced practice registered nurse, may append to his or
19her name the title A.P.R.N., and is authorized to practice advanced practice
20registered nursing.
AB50,1345,2212. Notwithstanding s. 441.14, the holder of a specialty designation for a
22recognized role granted under sub. (1) (b) 1. may append to his or her name the title

1and an abbreviation described under par. (b) 2. corresponding to that recognized
AB50,1345,73(b) 1. Except as provided in sub. (3m) (h) and s. 257.03, no person may practice
4or attempt to practice advanced practice registered nursing, nor use the title
5advanced practice registered nurse, the title A.P.R.N., or anything else to
6indicate that he or she is an advanced practice registered nurse unless he or she is
7licensed under this section.
AB50,1345,882. Except as provided in s. 257.03, no person may do any of the following:
AB50,1345,119a. Use the title certified nurse-midwife, the title C.N.M., or anything else
10to indicate that he or she is a certified nurse-midwife unless he or she has been
11granted a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under sub. (1) (b) 1.
AB50,1345,1512b. Use the title certified registered nurse anesthetist, the title C.R.N.A.,
13or anything else to indicate that he or she is a certified registered nurse anesthetist
14unless he or she has been granted a certified registered nurse anesthetist specialty
15designation under sub. (1) (b) 1.
AB50,1345,1816c. Use the title clinical nurse specialist, the title C.N.S., or anything else
17to indicate that he or she is a clinical nurse specialist unless he or she has been
18granted a clinical nurse specialist specialty designation under sub. (1) (b) 1.
AB50,1345,2119d. Use the title nurse practitioner, the title N.P., or anything else to
20indicate that he or she is a nurse practitioner unless he or she has been granted a
21nurse practitioner specialty designation under sub. (1) (b) 1.
AB50,1346,222(3m) Practice requirements and limitations. (a) 1. An advanced practice
23registered nurse licensed under this section may, except as provided in subd. 2. and

1par. (b), practice advanced practice registered nursing only in collaboration with a
2physician or dentist.
AB50,1346,432. Subdivision 1. does not apply to an advanced practice registered nurse with
4a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation.
AB50,1346,105(b) An advanced practice registered nurse to whom par. (a) 1. applies may,
6except as provided in pars. (d) 1. and (f), practice advanced practice registered
7nursing in a recognized role without being supervised by or collaborating with, and
8independent of, a physician or dentist if the board verifies, upon application of the
9advanced practice registered nurse, that the advanced practice registered nurse
10satisfies all of the following:
AB50,1346,17111. The advanced practice registered nurse has, except as provided in subd. 3.,
12completed 3,840 hours of professional nursing in a clinical setting. Clinical hours
13completed as a requirement of a nursing program offered by a qualifying school of
14nursing described under s. 441.06 (1) (c) may be used to satisfy the requirement
15under this subdivision. Hours completed to satisfy a requirement of an education
16program described in sub. (1) (a) 2. a. may not be used to satisfy the requirement
17under this subdivision.
AB50,1346,20182. At least 24 months have elapsed since the advanced practice registered
19nurse first began completing the clinical hours required by a nursing program
20described under subd. 1.
AB50,1347,6213. The advanced practice registered nurse has completed 3,840 clinical hours
22of advanced practice registered nursing practice in that recognized role while
23working with a physician or dentist who was immediately available for consultation

1and accepted responsibility for the actions of the advanced practice registered nurse
2during those 3,840 hours of practice. The advanced practice registered nurse may
3substitute additional hours of advanced practice registered nursing working with a
4physician or dentist described in this subdivision to count toward the requirement
5under subd. 1. Each such additional hour shall count toward one hour of the
6requirement under subd. 1.
AB50,1347,974. At least 24 months have elapsed since the advanced practice registered
8nurse first began practicing advanced practice registered nursing in that
9recognized role as described in subd. 3.
AB50,1347,1310(c) For purposes of par. (b) 3., hours of advanced practice registered nursing
11practice may include the lawful practice of advanced practice registered nursing
12outside this state or the lawful practice of advanced practice registered nursing in
13this state prior to the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
AB50,1347,1914(d) 1. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, an advanced practice
15registered nurse may provide chronic pain management services only while
16working in a collaborative relationship with a physician who, through education,
17training, and experience, specializes in pain management. This subdivision applies
18regardless of whether the advanced practice registered nurse has qualified for
19independent practice under par. (b).
AB50,1347,23202. Except as provided in par. (f), subd. 1. does not apply to an advanced
21practice registered nurse who is providing chronic pain management services in a
22hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2), or a clinic associated with a hospital, and who
23has qualified for independent practice under par. (b).
13. Except as provided in par. (f), subd. 1. does not apply to an advanced
2practice registered nurse who has qualified for independent practice under par. (b)
3and has privileges in a hospital, as defined in s. 50.33 (2), to provide chronic pain
4management services without a collaborative relationship with a physician.
AB50,1348,105(e) For purposes of pars. (a) 1. and (d) 1. and 3., a collaborative relationship is
6a process in which an advanced practice registered nurse is working with a
7physician or dentist, in each others presence when necessary, to deliver health care
8services within the scope of the advanced practice registered nurses training,
9education, and experience. The advanced practice registered nurse shall document
10such a collaborative relationship.
AB50,1348,1611(em) Any advanced practice registered nurse who may provide chronic pain
12management services without a collaborative relationship with a physician as
13provided in par. (d) 3. shall inform the hospital in which the advanced practice
14registered nurse has privileges as described under par. (d) 3. that the advanced
15practice registered nurse may provide chronic pain management services without a
16collaborative relationship with a physician.
AB50,1348,2017(f) Nothing in this section prohibits an entity employing or with a relationship
18with an advanced practice registered nurse from establishing additional
19requirements for an advanced practice registered nurse as a condition of
20employment or relationship.
AB50,1349,221(g) An advanced practice registered nurse shall adhere to professional
22standards when managing situations that are beyond the advanced practice
23registered nurses expertise. If a particular patients needs are beyond the
24advanced practice registered nurses expertise, the advanced practice registered

1nurse shall, as warranted by the patients needs, consult or collaborate with or refer
2the patient to at least one of the following: