SB70,,74897489b. A summary of any training relating to preventing and responding to incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment that was provided to members of the Wisconsin national guard in the preceding year.
SB70,,74907490c. A summary of any current federal national guard bureau policies relating to preventing and responding to incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment that were enacted during that period and a description of how those policies are being implemented in the Wisconsin national guard.
SB70,,74917491d. A summary of the current policies and procedures related to preventing and responding to incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the Wisconsin national guard and any changes made since the prior report.
SB70,,749274922. The report under subd. 1. shall protect the privacy of victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment and may not provide any personal identifying information that would allow a victim to be identified.
SB70,27107493Section 2710. 321.04 (1) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70,,74947494321.04 (1) (t) Prescribe in writing, make publicly available on the department’s website, and implement a policy that ensures that any victim of an offense under the Wisconsin code of military justice is treated with dignity, respect, courtesy, sensitivity, and fairness.
SB70,27117495Section 2711. 321.04 (1) (u) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70,,74967496321.04 (1) (u) Prescribe in writing and make publicly available on the department’s website the procedures required under s. 322.036.
SB70,27127497Section 2712. 321.37 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,74987498321.37 No discrimination. No person, otherwise qualified, may be denied membership in the national guard or state defense force because of sex, color, race, creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k), and no member of the national guard or state defense force may be segregated within the national guard or state defense force on the basis of sex, color, race, creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k). Nothing in this section prohibits separate facilities for persons of different sexes with regard to dormitory accommodations, toilets, showers, saunas, and dressing rooms, except that no person may be denied equal access to facilities most consistent with the person’s gender identity.
SB70,27137499Section 2713. 321.52 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70,,75007500321.52 Office of homeland security. The office of homeland security shall coordinate with the federal department of homeland security and state and local law enforcement agencies to identify, investigate, assess, report, and share tips and leads linked to emerging homeland security threats.
SB70,27147501Section 2714. 322.001 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,75027502322.001 (15) “Military offenses” means those offenses prescribed under articles 77, principals; 78, accessory after the fact; 80, attempts; 81, conspiracy; 82, solicitation; 83, fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation; 84, unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation; 85, desertion; 86, absence without leave; 87, missing movement; 88, contempt toward officials; 89, disrespect towards superior commissioned officer; 90, assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer; 91, insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer; 92, failure to obey order or regulation; 93, cruelty and maltreatment; 93a, prohibited activities with military recruit or trainee by a person in a position of special trust; 94, mutiny or sedition; 95, resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape; 96, releasing prisoner without proper authority; 97, unlawful detention; 98, noncompliance with procedural rules; 99, misbehavior before the enemy; 100, subordinate compelling surrender; 101, improper use of countersign; 102, forcing a safeguard; 103, captured or abandoned property; 104, aiding the enemy; 105, misconduct as prisoner; 107, false official statements; 108, military property — loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition; 109, property other than military property — waste, spoilage, or destruction; 110, improper hazarding of vessel; 111, drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel; 112, drunk on duty; 112a, wrongful use, or possession of controlled substances; 113, misbehavior of sentinel; 114, dueling; 115, malingering; 116, riot or breach of peace; 117, provoking speeches or gestures; 120, rape and sexual assault generally; 120a, stalking; 120b, rape and sexual assault of a child; 120c, sexual misconduct; 121, larceny and wrongful appropriation; 122, robbery; 123, forgery; 124, maiming; 126, arson; 127, extortion; 128, assault; 129, burglary; 130, housebreaking; 131, perjury; 132, frauds against the government; 132a, retaliation; 133, conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman; and; 134, general; and 134h, sexual harassment; of this code.
SB70,27157503Section 2715. 322.001 (16) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70,27167504Section 2716. 322.036 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,75057505322.036 Article 36 — Governor may prescribe regulations Pretrial, trial, and post-trial procedures. Pretrial, trial, and post-trial procedures not specified in this code, including modes of proof, for courts-martial cases arising under this code, and for courts of inquiry, may shall be prescribed by the governor by regulations, or as otherwise provided by law, which shall apply the principles of law and the rules of evidence generally recognized in military criminal cases in the courts of the armed forces but which may not be contrary to or inconsistent with this code adjutant general in writing and made publicly available on the department of military affairs’ website.
SB70,27177506Section 2717. 322.056 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,75077507322.056 (2) A conviction by a general court-martial of any military offense for which an accused may receive a sentence of confinement for more than 1 year is a felony offense.
SB70,27187508Section 2718. 322.056 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70,,75097509322.056 (5) The limits of punishment for violations of the punitive sections under Subch. X shall be those under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, unless otherwise prescribed by the governor according to ss. 322.018 to 322.020, but under no instance shall any punishment exceed that authorized by this code.
SB70,27197510Section 2719. 322.0935 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70,,75117511322.0935 Article 93a — Prohibited activities with military recruit or trainee by a person in a position of special trust. (1) In this section:
SB70,,75127512(a) “Applicant for military service” means a person who, under regulations prescribed by the secretary of the relevant military branch, is an applicant for original enlistment or appointment in the state military forces.
SB70,,75137513(b) “Military recruiter” means a person who, under regulations prescribed by the secretary of the relevant military branch, has the primary duty to recruit persons for military service.
SB70,,75147514(c) “Prohibited sexual activity” means any sexual act, as defined in s. 322.120 (1) (e), or any sexual contact, as defined in s. 322.120 (1) (f), or any attempt or solicitation to commit a sexual act or sexual contact.
SB70,,75157515(d) “Specially protected junior member of the state military forces” means any of the following:
SB70,,751675161. A member of the state military forces who is assigned to, or is awaiting assignment to, basic training or other initial active duty for training, including a member who is enlisted under a delayed entry program.
SB70,,751775172. A member of the state military forces who is a cadet, candidate, or midshipman, or a student in any other officer qualification program.