SB45,1339,97441.09 (7) Civil liability. No person certified licensed as an advanced 8practice registered nurse prescriber under s. 441.16 (2) this section is liable for civil 9damages for any of the following: SB45,1339,1410(a) Reporting in good faith to the department of transportation under s. 11146.82 (3) a patient’s name and other information relevant to a physical or mental 12condition of the patient that in the advanced practice nurse prescriber’s registered 13nurse’s judgment impairs the patient’s ability to exercise reasonable and ordinary 14control over a motor vehicle. SB45,1339,1915(b) In good faith, not reporting to the department of transportation under s. 16146.82 (3) a patient’s name and other information relevant to a physical or mental 17condition of the patient that in the advanced practice nurse prescriber’s registered 18nurse’s judgment does not impair the patient’s ability to exercise reasonable and 19ordinary control over a motor vehicle. SB45,273820Section 2738. 441.07 (1g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1340,521441.07 (1g) (intro.) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the 22board may deny an initial license or revoke, limit, suspend, or deny the renewal of a 23license of a registered nurse, nurse-midwife advanced practice registered nurse, or
1licensed practical nurse; deny an initial certificate or revoke, limit, suspend, or deny 2the renewal of a certificate to prescribe drugs or devices granted under s. 441.16; or 3reprimand a registered nurse, nurse-midwife advanced practice registered nurse, 4or licensed practical nurse, if the board finds that the applicant or licensee 5committed any of the following: SB45,27396Section 2739. 441.07 (1g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1340,77441.07 (1g) (a) Fraud in the procuring or renewal of the certificate or license. SB45,27408Section 2740. 441.07 (1g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1340,129441.07 (1g) (c) Acts which that show the registered nurse, nurse-midwife 10advanced practice registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse to be unfit or 11incompetent by reason of negligence, abuse of alcohol or other drugs, or mental 12incompetency. SB45,274113Section 2741. 441.07 (1g) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,1340,1714441.07 (1g) (e) A violation of any state or federal law that regulates 15prescribing or dispensing drugs or devices, if the person has a certificate to 16prescribe drugs or devices under s. 441.16 may issue prescription orders under s. 17441.09 (2). SB45,274218Section 2742. 441.09 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1340,2219441.09 Advanced practice registered nurses; civil liability exemption. 20(1) License. (a) An applicant who satisfies all of the following requirements may 21apply to the board for initial licensure by the board as an advanced practice 22registered nurse: SB45,1340,23231. The applicant satisfies one of the following criteria: SB45,1341,2
1a. The applicant holds a valid license to practice as a registered nurse issued 2under s. 441.06 (1), (1c), or (1m). SB45,1341,43b. The applicant applies concurrently for a license under s. 441.06 (1), (1c), or 4(1m) with the application for a license under this paragraph. SB45,1341,75c. The applicant is a registered nurse who holds a multistate license, as 6defined in s. 441.51 (2) (h), issued by a jurisdiction, other than this state, that has 7adopted the nurse licensure compact. SB45,1341,982. The applicant provides evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she 9satisfies one of the following criteria: SB45,1341,1410a. The applicant has completed a graduate-level or postgraduate-level 11education program that is approved by the board and that prepares the applicant 12for the practice of advanced practice registered nursing in one of the 4 recognized 13roles, and the applicant holds a current certification by a national certifying body 14approved by the board. SB45,1341,1815b. On January 1, 2026, the applicant was licensed as a registered nurse in this 16state and was practicing in a recognized role, and the applicant satisfies additional 17criteria established by the board by rule under sub. (6) (a) 3. relating to practice, 18education, or certification. SB45,1341,19193. The applicant pays the fee specified under s. 440.05 (1). SB45,1341,21204. The applicant provides to the board evidence of any malpractice liability 21insurance coverage required under sub. (5). SB45,1341,23225. If the applicant is applying to receive a certified nurse-midwife specialty 23designation under par. (b) 1., the applicant does all of the following: SB45,1342,2
1a. Provides evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant is currently 2certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board or its successor. SB45,1342,33b. Files with the board any plan required under sub. (3m) (i). SB45,1342,546. The applicant does not have an arrest or conviction record, subject to ss. 5111.321, 111.322, and 111.335. SB45,1342,867. The applicant meets any other criteria established by the board by rule 7under sub. (6) (a) 3. relating to the education, training, or experience required for 8each recognized role. SB45,1342,149(b) 1. a. Subject to s. 441.07 (1g), the board shall grant an advanced practice 10registered nurse license to an applicant the board determines meets the 11requirements under par. (a). The board shall also grant a person who is granted a 12license under this subd. 1. a. one or more specialty designations corresponding to 13the recognized roles for which the board determines that the person qualifies based 14on the person’s qualifications under par. (a). SB45,1342,2015b. The board shall grant an advanced practice registered nurse license to each 16individual who, on the day before the effective date of this subd. 1. b. .... [LRB 17inserts date], was certified to issue prescription orders under s. 441.16, 2023 stats. 18The board shall also grant a person who is granted a license under this subd. 1. b. 19one or more specialty designations corresponding to the recognized roles for which 20the board determines that the person qualifies based on the person’s qualifications.