AB50,1296,2019(a) Maximizes administrative efficiency for qualifying schools in applying 20tuition educational grants to student accounts. AB50,1296,2321(b) Provides tuition educational grants to students in an expeditious manner 22that minimizes students’ need to incur debt while waiting for the grants to fund in 23their student accounts. AB50,261424Section 2614. 323.19 (3) and (4) of the statutes are repealed. AB50,2615
1Section 2615. 323.31 of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1297,212323.31 State disaster assistance. From the appropriations under s. 20.465 3(3) (b) and (s), the adjutant general shall make payments to retail electric 4cooperatives, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (t), to local governmental units, as defined 5in s. 19.42 (7u), and to federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands in 6this state for the damages and costs incurred as the result of a disaster if federal 7disaster assistance is not available for that disaster because the governor’s request 8that the president declare the disaster a major disaster under 42 USC 5170 has 9been denied or because the disaster, as determined by the department of military 10affairs, does not meet the statewide or countywide per capita impact indicator 11under the public assistance program that is issued by the federal emergency 12management agency. To be eligible for a payment under this section, the retail 13electric cooperative, local governmental unit, or tribe or band shall pay 30 percent of 14the amount of the damages and costs resulting from the disaster. Costs eligible for 15payment under this section shall include the categories of work designated by the 16federal emergency management agency’s public assistance program as Category D, 17regarding water control facilities; Category E, regarding public buildings and 18contents; Category F, regarding public utilities; and Category G, regarding parks, 19recreation, and other facilities. The department of military affairs shall 20promulgate rules establishing the application process and the criteria for 21determining eligibility for payments under this section. AB50,261622Section 2616. 341.14 (1a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1298,1823341.14 (1a) If any resident of this state, who is registering or has registered 24an automobile, or a motor truck, dual purpose motor home or dual purpose farm
1truck which has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds, a farm truck which 2has a gross weight of not more than 12,000 pounds or a motor home, submits a 3statement once every 4 years, as determined by the department, from a physician 4licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an advanced practice registered 5nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a public health nurse certified 6or licensed to practice in any state, from a physician assistant licensed or certified 7to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in any state, from a 8chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, from a physical therapist 9licensed to practice in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in 10this state and listed in the Christian Science journal certifying to the department 11that the resident is a person with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to 12walk, the department shall procure, issue and deliver to the disabled person plates 13of a special design in lieu of plates which ordinarily would be issued for the vehicle, 14and shall renew the plates. The plates shall be so designed as to readily apprise law 15enforcement officers of the fact that the vehicle is owned by a nonveteran disabled 16person and is entitled to the parking privileges specified in s. 346.50 (2a). No 17charge in addition to the registration fee shall be made for the issuance or renewal 18of such plates. AB50,261719Section 2617. 341.14 (1e) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1299,1720341.14 (1e) (a) If any resident of this state, who is registering or has 21registered a motorcycle, submits a statement once every 4 years, as determined by 22the department, from a physician licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an 23advanced practice registered nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a 24public health nurse certified or licensed to practice in any state, from a physician
1assistant licensed or certified to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to 2practice in any state, from a chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any 3state, from a physical therapist licensed to practice in any state, from a Christian 4Science practitioner residing in this state and listed in the Christian Science 5journal, or from the U.S. department of veterans affairs certifying to the 6department that the resident is a person with a disability that limits or impairs the 7ability to walk, the department shall procure, issue and deliver to the disabled 8person a plate of a special design in lieu of the plate which ordinarily would be 9issued for the motorcycle, and shall renew the plate. The statement shall state 10whether the disability is permanent or temporary and, if temporary, the opinion of 11the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, public health nurse, physician 12assistant, podiatrist, chiropractor, physical therapist, practitioner, or U.S. 13department of veterans affairs as to the duration of the disability. The plate shall 14be so designed as to readily apprise law enforcement officers of the fact that the 15motorcycle is owned by a disabled person and is entitled to the parking privileges 16specified in s. 346.50 (2a). No charge in addition to the registration fee may be 17made for the issuance or renewal of the plate. AB50,261818Section 2618. 341.14 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1300,1519341.14 (1m) If any licensed driver submits to the department a statement 20once every 4 years, as determined by the department, from a physician licensed to 21practice medicine in any state, from a public health nurse certified or licensed to 22practice in any state, from an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to 23practice nursing in any state, from a physician assistant licensed or certified to 24practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in any state, from a
1chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, from a physical therapist 2licensed to practice in any state, or from a Christian Science practitioner residing in 3this state and listed in the Christian Science journal certifying that another person 4who is regularly dependent on the licensed driver for transportation is a person 5with a disability that limits or impairs the ability to walk, the department shall 6issue and deliver to the licensed driver plates of a special design in lieu of the plates 7which ordinarily would be issued for the automobile or motor truck, dual purpose 8motor home or dual purpose farm truck having a gross weight of not more than 98,000 pounds, farm truck having a gross weight of not more than 12,000 pounds or 10motor home, and shall renew the plates. The plates shall be so designed as to 11readily apprise law enforcement officers of the fact that the vehicle is operated by a 12licensed driver on whom a disabled person is regularly dependent and is entitled to 13the parking privileges specified in s. 346.50 (2a). No charge in addition to the 14registration fee may be made for the issuance or renewal of the plates. The plates 15shall conform to the plates required in sub. (1a). AB50,261916Section 2619. 341.14 (1q) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1301,1217341.14 (1q) If any employer who provides an automobile, or a motor truck, 18dual purpose motor home or dual purpose farm truck which has a gross weight of 19not more than 8,000 pounds, a farm truck which has a gross weight of not more 20than 12,000 pounds or a motor home, for an employee’s use submits to the 21department a statement once every 4 years, as determined by the department, from 22a physician licensed to practice medicine in any state, from an advanced practice 23registered nurse licensed to practice nursing in any state, from a public health 24nurse certified or licensed to practice in any state, from a physician assistant
1licensed or certified to practice in any state, from a podiatrist licensed to practice in 2any state, from a physical therapist licensed to practice in any state, from a 3chiropractor licensed to practice chiropractic in any state, or from a Christian 4Science practitioner residing in this state and listed in the Christian Science 5journal certifying that the employee is a person with a disability that limits or 6impairs the ability to walk, the department shall issue and deliver to such employer 7plates of a special design in lieu of the plates which ordinarily would be issued for 8the vehicle, and shall renew the plates. The plates shall be so designed as to readily 9apprise law enforcement officers of the fact that the vehicle is operated by a 10disabled person and is entitled to the parking privileges specified in s. 346.50 (2a). 11No charge in addition to the registration fee may be made for the issuance or 12renewal of the plates. The plates shall conform to the plates required in sub. (1a). AB50,262013Section 2620. 341.14 (6r) (b) 23. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1302,214341.14 (6r) (b) 23. In addition to the fee under subd. 2., a voluntary payment 15of $25 shall be collected in connection with the issuance or renewal of a plate issued 16on an annual basis for the special group specified under par. (f) 70. In addition to 17the fee under subd. 2., a voluntary payment of $50 shall be collected in connection 18with the issuance or renewal of a plate issued on a biennial basis for the special 19group specified under par. (f) 70. if the plate is issued or renewed during the first 20year of the biennial registration period or $25 for the issuance or renewal if the 21plate is issued or renewed during the 2nd year of the biennial registration period. 22No plate may be issued for the special group specified under par. (f) 70. unless the 23voluntary payment under this subdivision is collected. All moneys received under 24this subdivision, in excess of $23,700 or the actual initial costs of production for the
1special group plates under par. (f) 70., whichever is less, shall be deposited in the 2transportation fund. AB50,26213Section 2621. 341.14 (6r) (b) 24. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1302,164341.14 (6r) (b) 24. In addition to the fee under subd. 2., a voluntary payment 5of $25 shall be collected in connection with the issuance or renewal of a plate issued 6on an annual basis for the special group specified under par. (f) 71. In addition to 7the fee under subd. 2., a voluntary payment of $50 shall be collected in connection 8with the issuance or renewal of a plate issued on a biennial basis for the special 9group specified under par. (f) 71. if the plate is issued or renewed during the first 10year of the biennial registration period or $25 for the issuance or renewal if the 11plate is issued or renewed during the 2nd year of the biennial registration period. 12No plate may be issued for the special group specified under par. (f) 71. unless the 13voluntary payment under this subdivision is collected. All moneys received under 14this subdivision, in excess of $23,700 or the actual initial costs of production for the 15special group plates under par. (f) 71., whichever is less, shall be deposited in the 16transportation fund. AB50,262217Section 2622. 341.14 (6r) (cb) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1302,2118341.14 (6r) (cb) Notwithstanding par. (c), special group plates issued under 19par. (f) 70. shall have a black background and white lettering displaying the word 20“Wisconsin” and identifying letters or numbers or both, not exceeding 7 positions 21and not less than one position. AB50,262322Section 2623. 341.14 (6r) (cr) of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1303,323341.14 (6r) (cr) Notwithstanding par. (c), special group plates issued under
1par. (f) 71. shall have a yellow background and black lettering displaying the words 2“America’s Dairyland” and “Wisconsin” and identifying letters or numbers or both, 3not exceeding 7 positions and not less than one position. AB50,26244Section 2624. 341.14 (6r) (e) of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1303,215341.14 (6r) (e) The department shall specify one combination of colors for 6special group plates for groups or organizations which are not military in nature 7and not special group plates under par. (f) 35. to 47., 50., and, 59., 70., and 71., for 8each professional football team under par. (f) 55., for each professional baseball 9team under par. (f) 60., and for each professional basketball team under par. (f) 65. 10The department shall specify one combination of colors for special group plates 11under par. (f) 35. to 47. Subject to par. (c), the department shall specify the word or 12words comprising the special group name and the symbol to be displayed upon 13special group plates for a group or organization which is not military in nature after 14consultation with the chief executive officer in this state of the group or 15organization. The department shall require that the word or words and symbol for 16a university specified under par. (f) 35. to 47. be a registration decal or tag and 17affixed to the special group plate and be of the colors for a university specified 18under par. (f) 35. to 47. that the president of the University of Wisconsin System 19specifies. The department shall consult the chief trademark officer of Harley-20Davidson Michigan, LLC before specifying the colors for the special group plate 21under par. (f) 61r. AB50,262522Section 2625. 341.14 (6r) (f) 70. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1304,2
1341.14 (6r) (f) 70. Persons interested in obtaining blackout registration 2plates. AB50,26263Section 2626. 341.14 (6r) (f) 71. of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1304,44341.14 (6r) (f) 71. Persons interested in obtaining retro registration plates. AB50,26275Section 2627. 341.14 (6r) (fm) 7. of the statutes is amended to read: AB50,1304,136341.14 (6r) (fm) 7. After October 1, 1998, additional authorized special groups 7may only be special groups designated by the department under this paragraph. 8The authorized special groups enumerated in par. (f) shall be limited solely to those 9special groups specified under par. (f) on October 1, 1998. This subdivision does not 10apply to the special groups specified under par. (f) 3m., 6m., 9g., 9m., 12g., 12m., 1115m., 15n., 15o., 15p., 15q., 19m., 33m., 48m., 49d., 49h., 49s., 54., 55., 55m., 56., 1257., 58., 59., 60., 61., 61m., 61r., 62., 63., 64., 65., 65m., 66., 67., 68., and 69., 70., and 1371.