Ins 3.27(10)(j)20.20. Miscarriage in sickness or accident and sickness policy.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)21.21. Restrictions relating to organs not common to both sexes.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)22.22. Restrictions on number of hospital hours before benefit accrues.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)23.23. Insanity, mental diseases or disorders or nervous disorder.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)24.24. Dental treatment, surgery or procedures.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)25.25. Cosmetic surgery.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)26.26. While intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics, or other language not substantially the same as the uniform individual policy provision regarding the use of intoxicants and narcotics.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)27.27. Unemployed persons.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)28.28. Retired persons.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)29.29. While handling explosives or chemical compounds.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)30.30. While or as a result of participating in speed contests.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)31.31. While or as a result of riding a motorcycle or motorcycle attachment.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)32.32. While or as a result of participating in professional athletics.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)33.33. While or as a result of participating in certain specified sports.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)34.34. While or as a result of serving as a volunteer firefighter or in other hazardous occupations.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)35.35. Riot or while participating in a riot.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)36.36. Ptomaine poisoning.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)37.37. Gas or poisonous vapor.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)38.38. Sunstroke or heat prostration.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)39.39. Freezing.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)40.40. Poison ivy or fungus infection.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)41.41. Requirement of permanent disability.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)42.42. Reduction because of other insurance.
Ins 3.27(10)(j)43.43. Limitations on the choice of providers or geographical area served.
Ins 3.27(10)(k)(k) The following are examples of exceptions, reductions and limitations which generally do not affect the basic policy provisions to such an extent that their absence would cause the advertisement to have the capacity and tendency to mislead or deceive.
Ins 3.27(10)(k)1.1. Suicide or attempted suicide, while sane or insane.
Ins 3.27(10)(k)2.2. Intentional self-inflicted injury.
Ins 3.27(10)(k)3.3. Territorial restriction with no limitation of coverage while in United States and Canada.
Ins 3.27(10)(k)4.4. Aviation exclusion under which passage on commercial airlines is covered.