SB70,25907074Section 2590. 252.14 (1) (ar) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70757075252.14 (1) (ar) 3. A dentist or dental therapist licensed under ch. 447. SB70,25917076Section 2591. 252.15 (3m) (d) 11. b. and 13., (5g) (c), (5m) (d) 2. and (e) 2. and 3. and (7m) (intro.) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read: SB70,,70777077252.15 (3m) (d) 11. b. The coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant is investigating the cause of death of the subject of the HIV test and has contact with the body fluid of the subject of the HIV test that constitutes a significant exposure, if a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant has had a contact that constitutes a significant exposure and if the certification accompanies the request for disclosure. SB70,,7078707813. If the subject of the HIV test has a positive HIV test result and is deceased, by the subject’s attending physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, to persons, if known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, with whom the subject had sexual contact or shared intravenous drug use paraphernalia. SB70,,70797079(5g) (c) A physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the person has had contact that constitutes a significant exposure. The certification shall accompany the request for HIV testing and disclosure. If the person is a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, he or she may not make this determination or certification. The information that is provided to a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to document the occurrence of the contact that constitutes a significant exposure and the physician’s, physician assistant’s, or advanced practice nurse prescriber’s registered nurse’s certification that the person has had contact that constitutes a significant exposure, shall be provided on a report form that is developed by the department of safety and professional services under s. 101.02 (19) (a) or on a report form that the department of safety and professional services determines, under s. 101.02 (19) (b), is substantially equivalent to the report form that is developed under s. 101.02 (19) (a). SB70,,70807080(5m) (d) 2. A physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, based on information provided to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber, determines and certifies in writing that the contact under subd. 1. constitutes a significant exposure. A health care provider who has a contact under subd. 1. c. may not make the certification under this subdivision for himself or herself. SB70,,70817081(e) 2. If the contact occurs as provided under par. (d) 1. b., the attending physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of the funeral director, coroner, medical examiner, or appointed assistant. SB70,,708270823. If the contact occurs as provided under par. (d) 1. c., the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber who makes the certification under par. (d) 2. SB70,,70837083(7m) Reporting of persons significantly exposed. (intro.) If a positive, validated HIV test result is obtained from a test subject, the test subject’s physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber who maintains a record of the HIV test result under sub. (4) (c) may report to the state epidemiologist the name of any person known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to have had contact with body fluid of the test subject that constitutes a significant exposure, only after the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber has done all of the following: SB70,,70847084(b) Notified the HIV test subject that the name of any person known to the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber to have had contact with body fluid of the test subject that constitutes a significant exposure will be reported to the state epidemiologist. SB70,25927085Section 2592. 252.16 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70867086252.16 (3) (c) (intro.) Has submitted to the department a certification from a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of all of the following: SB70,25937087Section 2593. 252.17 (3) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70887088252.17 (3) (c) (intro.) Has submitted to the department a certification from a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse prescriber of all of the following: SB70,25947089Section 2594. 253.07 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70907090253.07 (4) (d) In each fiscal year, $31,500 as grants for employment in communities of licensed registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, certified nurse-midwives licensed advanced practice registered nurses, or licensed physician assistants who are members of a racial minority. SB70,25957091Section 2595. 253.115 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,70927092253.115 (1) (f) “Nurse-midwife” means an individual who is licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse and possesses a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under s. 441.09. SB70,25967093Section 2596. 253.115 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70947094253.115 (4) Screening required. Except as provided in sub. (6), the physician, nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15, or certified professional midwife licensed under s. 440.982 who attended the birth shall ensure that the infant is screened for hearing loss before being discharged from a hospital, or within 30 days of birth if the infant was not born in a hospital. SB70,25977095Section 2597. 253.115 (7) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB70,,70967096253.115 (7) (a) (intro.) The physician, nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15, or certified professional midwife licensed under s. 440.982 who is required to ensure that the infant is screened for hearing loss under sub. (4) shall do all of the following: SB70,25987097Section 2598. 253.13 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 253.13 (1) (b) and amended to read: SB70,,70987098253.13 (1) (b) The attending physician or nurse licensed under s. 441.15 nurse-midwife shall cause every infant born in each hospital or maternity home, prior to its discharge therefrom, to be subjected to tests for congenital and metabolic disorders, as specified in rules promulgated by the department. If the infant is born elsewhere than in a hospital or maternity home, the attending physician, nurse licensed under s. 441.15 nurse-midwife, or birth attendant who attended the birth shall cause the infant, within one week of birth, to be subjected to these tests. SB70,25997099Section 2599. 253.13 (1) (a) of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71007100253.13 (1) (a) In this subsection, “nurse-midwife” means an individual who is licensed as an advanced practice registered nurse and possesses a certified nurse-midwife specialty designation under s. 441.09. SB70,26007101Section 2600. 253.143 of the statutes is created to read: SB70,,71027102253.143 Maternal and infant mortality prevention and response. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (ex), the department shall do all of the following: