AB50,1273,1413(b) Treating or disposing of PFAS-containing firefighting foam containers
14from a municipal site or facility.
AB50,1273,1615(c) Sampling a private water supply within 3 miles of a site or facility known
16to contain PFAS or to have caused a PFAS discharge.
AB50,1273,1817(d) Assisting owners of private wells with the cost of installation of filters,
18treatment, or well replacement.
AB50,1273,2019(e) Providing a temporary emergency water supply, a water treatment system,
20or bulk water to replace water contaminated with PFAS.
AB50,1273,2221(f) Conducting emergency, interim, or remedial actions to mitigate, treat,
22dispose of, or remove PFAS contamination to the air, land, or waters of the state.
AB50,1274,423(g) Removing or treating PFAS in a public water system using the most cost-

1effective method to provide safe drinking water in areas where PFAS levels exceed
2the maximum contaminant level for PFAS under ch. 281 or an enforcement
3standard for PFAS under ch. 160 or where the state has issued a health advisory for
AB50,1274,75(h) Creating a new public water system or connecting private well owners to
6an existing public water system in an area in which there is widespread PFAS
7contamination in private water supplies.
AB50,1274,118(i) Sampling and testing water for PFAS contamination in a public, private, or
9tribal elementary or secondary school, a child care center that is licensed under s.
1048.65, a child care program that is established or contracted for under s. 120.13
11(14), or a child care provider that is certified under s. 48.651.
AB50,1274,1512(5) Application. A municipality shall apply for a grant on a form prescribed
13by the department and shall include any information that the department finds
14necessary to determine the eligibility of the project, identify the funding requested,
15determine the priority of the project, and calculate the amount of a grant.
AB50,1274,1716(6) Evaluation criteria. The department, in awarding grants under this
17section, shall consider all of the following criteria:
AB50,1274,2018(a) The municipalitys demonstrated commitment to performing and
19completing eligible activities, including the municipalitys financial commitment
20and ability to successfully administer grants.
AB50,1274,2221(b) The degree to which the project will have a positive impact on public
22health and the environment.
1(c) Other criteria that the department finds necessary to prioritize the funds
2available for awarding grants.
AB50,1275,63(7) Matching funds. The department may not distribute a grant under this
4section unless the applicant contributes matching funds equal to at least 20 percent
5of the amount of the grant. Matching funds may be in the form of cash, in-kind
6contributions, or both.
AB50,1275,117(8) Rule making. The department shall promulgate rules necessary to
8administer this section, including procedures for submission, review, and
9determination of applications for assistance under this section. The rules
10promulgated under this subsection shall give priority to providing assistance to
11owners of private wells contaminated with PFAS.
AB50,256812Section 2568. 292.74 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,1276,713292.74 Financial responsibility for PFAS. The department may, if it
14determines doing so is necessary to protect human health or the environment,
15require a person who possesses or controls or who causes the discharge of a
16perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance, and any person who manufactures any
17product that contains intentionally added perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl
18substances, to provide proof of financial responsibility for conducting emergency
19response actions, remedial actions, environmental repair, and long-term care to
20address contamination by a potential discharge of a perfluoroalkyl or
21polyfluoroalkyl substance or environmental pollution that may be caused by a
22discharge of such substances. The department shall establish, by rule, the
23procedure for determining whether requiring a proof of financial responsibility is

1necessary to protect human health or the environment, and may establish
2requirements for types of financial responsibility, methods for calculating amounts
3of financial responsibility, access and default, bankruptcy notifications, and any
4other requirements the department determines is necessary under this section.
5The proof of financial responsibility required under this section shall be in addition
6to any other proof of financial responsibility or financial assurance required under
7this chapter. This section does not apply to a person exempt under s. 292.11 (9).
AB50,25698Section 2569. 299.487 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,1276,99299.487 Transportation and disposal of PFAS. (1) In this section:
AB50,1276,1610(a) Environmental justice means the fair treatment and meaningful
11involvement of all individuals, regardless of race, color, national origin, educational
12level, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement
13of environmental laws, regulations, and policies to ensure that no population of
14color or community of color, indigenous community, or low-income community shall
15be exposed to a disproportionate burden of the negative human health and
16environmental impacts of pollution or other environmental hazards.
AB50,1276,1717(b) PFAS means a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
AB50,1277,218(2) A person disposing of PFAS, or transporting PFAS for the purpose of
19disposal, shall attempt to the greatest extent possible to avoid disposing of PFAS in,
20or transporting PFAS to, any location where such disposal or transportation will
21contribute to environmental justice concerns and shall consider all reasonable
22alternatives for transport and disposal of PFAS. The department shall assist any

1person, upon request, in evaluating the environmental justice impacts of the
2persons disposal or transportation of PFAS.
AB50,25703Section 2570. 299.65 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,1277,94299.65 Commercial vessels subject to federal Vessel Incidental
5Discharge Act. (1) (a) Subject to pars. (b) and (c), the owner or operator of any
6commercial vessel subject to the requirements of the federal Vessel Incidental
7Discharge Act under 33 USC 1322 (p) that has operated outside this state shall pay
8to the department, no later than 5 days prior to arriving in a port of this state, $650
9per arrival to a port of this state.
AB50,1277,1210(b) The owner or operator of a commercial vessel engaged in coastwise trade
11that is subject to the requirements of 46 USC 55101 to 55103 may not be required to
12pay more than $3,250 in fees per calendar year under this subsection.
AB50,1277,1613(c) The owner or operator of a commercial vessel that is subject to the
14requirements of the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act under 33 USC 1322 (p)
15may not be required to pay more than $3,250 in fees per calendar year under this
AB50,1277,2117(2) The department may adjust the amount of the fee under sub. (1) (a) once
18every 5 years to account for any changes in the U.S. consumer price index for all
19urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor
20for the month of October immediately preceding the date of adjustment, as provided
21under 33 USC 1322 (p) (9) (A) (iv) (III) (aa).
AB50,1277,2322(3) The department shall credit all fees collected under sub. (1) (a) to the
23appropriation account under s. 20.370 (4) (aj).
1Section 2571. 299.66 of the statutes is renumbered 299.66 (1).