AB50,1271,16163. Legal fees. AB50,1271,17174. The cost of investigations or remedial action conducted outside this state. AB50,1271,18185. Costs for financing eligible activities under par. (b). AB50,1271,2219(7) Application for aid. An applicant for aid under this section shall submit 20an application on a form prescribed by the department and shall include any 21information the department finds necessary to evaluate the eligibility of the project 22and amount of aid to be awarded. AB50,1272,523(8) Rules; records. The department shall promulgate rules to administer
1the program under this section, including rules prescribing the criteria for 2determining the amount of aid to be awarded, the records that must be maintained 3by an applicant, and the periods for which those records must be retained. The 4department may inspect any document in the possession of an applicant or any 5other person if the document is relevant to an application for aid under this section. AB50,25676Section 2567. 292.67 of the statutes is created to read: AB50,1272,87292.67 PFAS community grant program. (1) Definitions. In this 8section: AB50,1272,99(a) “Class B firefighting foam” has the meaning given in s. 299.48 (1) (a). AB50,1272,1110(b) “Municipality” means a city, village, town, county, tribal governing body, 11utility district, lake protection district, sewerage district, or municipal airport. AB50,1272,1212(c) “PFAS” means a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance. AB50,1272,1613(2) Financial assistance. The department shall administer a program to 14provide grants from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (4) (mw) to municipalities 15that meet the requirements under sub. (3) for the purpose of conducting any of the 16eligible activities under sub. (4). AB50,1272,1817(3) Eligibility prerequisites. A grant may be awarded under sub. (2) only 18if one of the following has occurred: AB50,1272,2219(a) The municipality tested or trained with a class B firefighting foam that 20contained intentionally added PFAS in accordance with applicable state and federal 21law, or a 3rd party tested or trained with a class B firefighting foam that contained 22intentionally added PFAS within the area controlled by the municipality. AB50,1273,2
1(b) The municipality applied biosolids to land under a permit issued by DNR 2under s. 283.31. AB50,1273,63(c) PFAS are impacting the municipality’s drinking water supply or surface 4water or groundwater within the area controlled by the municipality and the 5responsible party is unknown or is unwilling or unable to take the necessary 6response actions. AB50,1273,87(d) PFAS contamination in groundwater is impacting private wells within the 8area controlled by the municipality. AB50,1273,109(4) Eligible activities. The department may award a grant under sub. (2) 10for any of the following activities: AB50,1273,1211(a) Investigating potential PFAS impacts to the air, land, or water at a site or 12facility for the purpose of reducing or eliminating environmental contamination. AB50,1273,1413(b) Treating or disposing of PFAS-containing firefighting foam containers 14from a municipal site or facility. AB50,1273,1615(c) Sampling a private water supply within 3 miles of a site or facility known 16to contain PFAS or to have caused a PFAS discharge. AB50,1273,1817(d) Assisting owners of private wells with the cost of installation of filters, 18treatment, or well replacement. AB50,1273,2019(e) Providing a temporary emergency water supply, a water treatment system, 20or bulk water to replace water contaminated with PFAS. AB50,1273,2221(f) Conducting emergency, interim, or remedial actions to mitigate, treat, 22dispose of, or remove PFAS contamination to the air, land, or waters of the state. AB50,1274,423(g) Removing or treating PFAS in a public water system using the most cost-
1effective method to provide safe drinking water in areas where PFAS levels exceed 2the maximum contaminant level for PFAS under ch. 281 or an enforcement 3standard for PFAS under ch. 160 or where the state has issued a health advisory for 4PFAS. AB50,1274,75(h) Creating a new public water system or connecting private well owners to 6an existing public water system in an area in which there is widespread PFAS 7contamination in private water supplies. AB50,1274,118(i) Sampling and testing water for PFAS contamination in a public, private, or 9tribal elementary or secondary school, a child care center that is licensed under s. 1048.65, a child care program that is established or contracted for under s. 120.13 11(14), or a child care provider that is certified under s. 48.651. AB50,1274,1512(5) Application. A municipality shall apply for a grant on a form prescribed 13by the department and shall include any information that the department finds 14necessary to determine the eligibility of the project, identify the funding requested, 15determine the priority of the project, and calculate the amount of a grant. AB50,1274,1716(6) Evaluation criteria. The department, in awarding grants under this 17section, shall consider all of the following criteria: AB50,1274,2018(a) The municipality’s demonstrated commitment to performing and 19completing eligible activities, including the municipality’s financial commitment 20and ability to successfully administer grants.