AB50,1270,97(c) A private party, other than a dry cleaning facility under par. (b), that did
8not cause the discharge or environmental pollution and can demonstrate that the
9private partys property was fairly acquired through an arms-length transaction.
AB50,1270,1310(6) Eligible activities; ineligible costs. (a) An entity that receives aid
11under this section shall comply with all state and federal laws and rules
12promulgated by the department, unless otherwise provided under this section or
13rules promulgated under this section.
AB50,1270,1514(b) The department may award aid under this section to cover the costs of any
15of the following activities:
AB50,1270,16161. Assessment and investigation of a discharge or environmental pollution.
AB50,1270,18172. Interim actions and remedial actions to remove hazardous substances from
18contaminated media.
AB50,1270,19193. Treatment and disposal of contaminated media.
AB50,1270,20204. Vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation.
AB50,1270,21215. Removal of abandoned containers, as defined in s. 292.41 (1).
AB50,1270,23226. Asbestos abatement activities, as defined in s. 254.11 (2), conducted as part
23of redevelopment activities.
17. Environmental monitoring.
AB50,1271,328. Restoration or replacement of a private potable water supply, if eligible for
3temporary emergency water supplies under rules promulgated by the department.
AB50,1271,549. The removal of underground hazardous substance or petroleum product
5storage tanks.
AB50,1271,6610. Preparation of documentation to apply for case closure under this chapter.
AB50,1271,9711. Other activities identified by the department as reasonable and necessary
8for proper investigation, analysis of remedial action options, remedial action
9planning, and remedial action to meet the requirements of s. 292.11.
AB50,1271,1110(c) The department may not award aid under this section to cover any of the
11following costs:
AB50,1271,13121. The cost of activities conducted prior to the award of aid under this section,
13except for activities conducted at a site or facility under sub. (4) (a).
AB50,1271,15142. The cost of activities that the department determines are not integral to the
15investigation and remediation of a discharge or environmental pollution.
AB50,1271,16163. Legal fees.
AB50,1271,17174. The cost of investigations or remedial action conducted outside this state.
AB50,1271,18185. Costs for financing eligible activities under par. (b).
AB50,1271,2219(7) Application for aid. An applicant for aid under this section shall submit
20an application on a form prescribed by the department and shall include any
21information the department finds necessary to evaluate the eligibility of the project
22and amount of aid to be awarded.
AB50,1272,523(8) Rules; records. The department shall promulgate rules to administer

1the program under this section, including rules prescribing the criteria for
2determining the amount of aid to be awarded, the records that must be maintained
3by an applicant, and the periods for which those records must be retained. The
4department may inspect any document in the possession of an applicant or any
5other person if the document is relevant to an application for aid under this section.
AB50,25676Section 2567. 292.67 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,1272,87292.67 PFAS community grant program. (1) Definitions. In this
AB50,1272,99(a) Class B firefighting foam has the meaning given in s. 299.48 (1) (a).
AB50,1272,1110(b) Municipality means a city, village, town, county, tribal governing body,
11utility district, lake protection district, sewerage district, or municipal airport.
AB50,1272,1212(c) PFAS means a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
AB50,1272,1613(2) Financial assistance. The department shall administer a program to
14provide grants from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (4) (mw) to municipalities
15that meet the requirements under sub. (3) for the purpose of conducting any of the
16eligible activities under sub. (4).
AB50,1272,1817(3) Eligibility prerequisites. A grant may be awarded under sub. (2) only
18if one of the following has occurred: