PI 8.01(2)(g)3.3. Arrangements shall be made with a licensed physician to serve as medical advisor for the emergency nursing service.
PI 8.01(2)(g)4.4. The emergency nursing services shall be available during the regular school day and during all school sponsored activities of pupils.
PI 8.01(2)(g)5.5. Pupil emergency information cards, equipment, supplies and space for the emergency nursing services shall be appropriate and readily accessible.
PI 8.01(2)(g)6.6. A review and evaluation by the school board shall be made of the emergency nursing services program at least annually.
PI 8.01(2)(h)(h) Library media services. Each school district board shall:
PI 8.01(2)(h)1.1. Have on file a written, long-range plan for library services development which has been formulated by teachers, library and audiovisual personnel and administrators, and approved by the school district board.
PI 8.01(2)(h)2.2. Designate a licensed library media person to direct and coordinate the district’s library media program.
PI 8.01(2)(h)3.3. Provide library facilities within the school building and make available to all pupils a current, balanced collection of books, basic reference materials, texts, periodicals, and audiovisual materials which depicts in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society.
PI 8.01(2)(h)4.4. Provide library media services to all pupils as follows: to pupils in grades kindergarten through 6, library media services which are performed by or under the direction of licensed library and audiovisual personnel; and to pupils in grades 7 through 12, library media services which are performed by licensed library and audiovisual personnel.
PI 8.01(2)(i)(i) Safe and healthful facilities. A long-range plan shall be developed, adopted, and recorded by the school board which defines the patterns and schedule for maintaining the district operated facilities at the level of the standards established for safe and healthful facilities. The school board shall comply with all regulations, state codes, and orders of the department of safety and professional services and the department of health services and all applicable local safety and health codes and regulations. The facilities shall be inspected at least annually for potential or demonstrated hazards to safety and health, and hazardous conditions shall be corrected, compensating devices installed or special arrangements made to provide for safe and healthful facilities. Maintenance procedures and custodial services shall be conducted in such a manner that the safety and health of persons using the facilities are protected. Responsibility for coordinating all activities related to the safety and health considerations of the facilities for the entire district shall be assigned to one individual.
PI 8.01(2)(j)(j) Health, physical education, art and music. The school district board shall provide instruction in health, physical education, art and music as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(j)1.1. Health instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive health education curriculum which includes the curricular areas defined in ss. 115.35 and 118.01 (2), Stats. A professional staff member shall be designated as coordinator of health education. Health education in grades kindergarten through 6 shall be under the direction of a licensed health teacher. In grades 7 through 12 health education shall be conducted by or under the direction of a licensed health teacher and shall include one structured course in health taught by a licensed health teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(j)2.2. Physical education instruction shall be provided in accordance with a developmental, sequential, comprehensive physical education curriculum and program of instruction for all pupils. Instruction in grades kindergarten through 6 shall be provided at least 3 times weekly, except that days on which special activities are conducted may be exempt; and shall be conducted by or under the direction of a licensed physical education teacher. Pupils in grade 6 may be scheduled in accordance with the criteria for scheduling grades 7 through 12 if the pupils are attending a school that includes any of those grades. All pupils in grades 7 through 12 shall participate in the instructional program of physical education taught by a licensed physical education teacher, except that in senior high schools one year or the equivalent may be optional to pupils.
PI 8.01(2)(j)3.3. Art instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive art curriculum which is based upon concepts developed through sensory awareness, aesthetic discrimination and skill development in the creation of art and the knowledge of human art heritage. Art instruction shall be provided for all pupils in grades kindergarten through 6 and shall be performed by or under the direction of a licensed art teacher. Art instruction shall be available to all pupils in grades 7 through 12 and shall be taught by a licensed art teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(j)4.4. Music instruction shall be provided in accordance with a written comprehensive music curriculum including developmental experiences involving singing, playing instruments, listening, movement, creative expression and music reading. Music instruction shall be provided for all pupils in grades kindergarten through 6 and shall be performed by or under the direction of a licensed music teacher. Music instruction including general music, vocal music and instrumental music shall be available to all pupils in grades 7 through 12 and shall be taught by a licensed music teacher.
PI 8.01(2)(k)(k) Curriculum plan.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.1. In this paragraph:
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.a.a. “Computer literacy” means the ability to use computer programs to assist learning, handling information and problem solving, and the ability to make informed judgments concerning social and ethical issues involving computers and information systems.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.b.b. “School district curriculum plan” means the composite of the sequential curriculum plans.
PI 8.01(2)(k)1.c.c. “Sequential curriculum plan” means an organized set of learning experiences that build upon previously acquired knowledge and skills.
PI 8.01(2)(k)2.2. Each school district board shall develop, adopt and implement a written school district curriculum plan which includes the following:
PI 8.01(2)(k)2.a.a. A kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plan in each of the following subject areas: reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, health, computer literacy, environmental education, physical education, art and music.
PI 8.01(2)(k)2.b.b. A grade 7 through 12 sequential curriculum plan in vocational education.
PI 8.01(2)(k)3.3. Each sequential curriculum plan shall specify objectives, course sequence, course content, resources, an objective process of determining whether pupils attain the specified objectives, and an allocation of instructional time by week, semester and school term. The school district board shall establish in the school district curriculum plan the allocation of instructional time, by week, semester and school term, among all subject areas.
PI 8.01(2)(k)4.4. Each sequential curriculum plan shall include a program evaluation method which provides that components of the sequential curriculum plan shall be monitored continuously. The overall program evaluation method shall be reviewed at least once every 5 years and revised as appropriate to ensure that pupils meet the curriculum objectives.
PI 8.01(2)(k)5.5. The school district curriculum plan shall be consistent with the approved education for employment program under ch. PI 26.
PI 8.01(2)(k)6.6. The school district board shall develop sequential curriculum plans in at least 3 of the subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1988; in at least 3 more of the subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1989; and in all of the remaining subject areas specified in subd. 2. by September 1, 1990. The computer literacy and environmental education curriculum plans shall be developed as follows:
PI 8.01(2)(k)6.a.a. Computer literacy objectives and activities shall be integrated into the kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plans.
PI 8.01(2)(k)6.b.b. Environmental education objectives and activities shall be integrated into the kindergarten through grade 12 sequential curriculum plans, with the greatest emphasis in art, health, science and social studies education.