SB259,5,2222 subchapter VIII
SB259,5,2323 genetic counselors affiliated
SB259,5,2424 credentialing board
SB259,5,25 25448.970 Definitions. In this subchapter:
1(1) “Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling,” “American Board of
2Genetic Counseling," “American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics,” and
3“National Society of Genetic Counselors” include an equivalent successor
4organization as determined by the board.
SB259,6,5 5(2) “Board" means the genetic counselors affiliated credentialing board.
SB259,6,6 6(3) “Genetic counseling” means to do any of the following:
SB259,6,97 (a) Obtain and evaluate individual, family, and medical histories to determine
8genetic risk for genetic or medical conditions and diseases in a patient, a patient's
9offspring, and other family members.
SB259,6,1210 (b) Discuss the features, natural history, means of diagnosis, genetic and
11environmental factors, and management of risk for genetic or medical conditions and
SB259,6,1413 (c) Identify, coordinate, and order genetic laboratory tests as appropriate for a
14genetic assessment.
SB259,6,1715 (d) Integrate genetic laboratory test results with personal and family medical
16history to assess and communicate risk factors for genetic or medical conditions and
SB259,6,1918 (e) Explain the clinical implications of genetic laboratory tests and other
19diagnostic studies and their results.
SB259,6,2120 (f) Evaluate a patient's or family's responses to the condition or risk of
21recurrence and provide patient-centered counseling and anticipatory guidance.
SB259,6,2322 (g) Provide written documentation of medical, genetic, and counseling
23information for families and health care professionals.
SB259,6,25 24(4) “Genetic counselor" means an individual who is licensed by the board to
25practice genetic counseling.
1448.971 License required; exceptions. (1) (a) Except as provided in sub.
2(2), no person may practice genetic counseling unless the person is licensed under
3this subchapter.
SB259,7,104 (b) No person may designate himself or herself as a genetic counselor or use or
5assume the title “genetic associate," “genetic counselor," “licensed genetic counselor,"
6or “registered genetic counselor," or append to the person's name the letters “G.A.,"
7“G.C.," “L.G.C.," or “R.G.C.," or use any insignia or designation that would imply that
8the individual is licensed or certified or registered as a genetic counselor, or claim to
9render genetic counseling services unless the person is licensed under this
SB259,7,12 11(2) A license is not required under this subchapter for any of the following if
12the person does not claim to be a genetic counselor:
SB259,7,1513 (a) Any person, such as a physician, who is lawfully practicing within the scope
14of a license, permit, registration, or certification granted by this state or the federal
SB259,7,1716 (b) Any person assisting a genetic counselor in practice under the direct,
17on-premises supervision of the genetic counselor.
SB259,7,2018 (c) A student of genetic counseling assisting a genetic counselor in the practice
19of genetic counseling if the assistance is within the scope of the student's education
20or training.
SB259,8,221 (d) A person who is licensed to practice genetic counseling in another state or
22country and who is providing consulting services in this state on a temporary basis,
23as determined by the board by rule, if the person notifies the board that he or she will
24be providing consulting services and of the nature and date of those services and

1receives authorization from the board to provide consulting services on a temporary
2basis under this paragraph.
SB259,8,53 (e) A person who is not licensed to practice genetic counseling in another state
4or country and who is providing consulting services in this state on a temporary
5basis, as determined by the board by rule, if the person satisfies all of the following:
SB259,8,76 1. The person is certified by the American Board of Genetic Counseling or the
7American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics.
SB259,8,98 2. The person notifies the board that he or she will be providing consulting
9services and of the nature and date of those services.
SB259,8,1110 3. The person receives authorization from the board to provide consulting
11services on a temporary basis under this paragraph.
SB259,8,13 12448.973 Duties and powers of board. The board shall promulgate rules to
13do all of the following:
SB259,8,15 14(1) Adopt the National Society of Genetic Counselors code of ethics as a code
15of ethics governing the professional conduct of genetic counselors.
SB259,8,17 16(2) Establish criteria for the approval of continuing education programs and
17courses required for renewal of a genetic counselor license.