SB907,,871871City, State Zip Code File No. ... SB907,,872872, Petitioners SB907,,873873vs. S U M M O N S SB907,,875875Address .... (Case Classification Type):.... (Code No.) SB907,,876876City, State Zip Code SB907,,877877, Respondent SB907,,880880THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To the Respondent SB907,,8818811. You have been sued. The petitioner .... claims that .... is the mother parent and .... may be the father is an alleged parent of the child, .... born on .... (date), in .... (city) (county) (state). You must appear to answer this claim of paternity parentage. Your court appearance is: SB907,,885885Judge or Circuit Court Commissioner: SB907,,8878872. If you do not appear, the court may enter a default judgment finding .... to be the father a parent. If you plan to be represented by an attorney, you should contact the attorney prior to the court appearance listed above. If you are alleged to be the father a parent and you are unable to afford an attorney, the court will appoint one for you only upon genetic tests showing that you are not excluded as the father a parent and the probability of your being the father a parent is less than 99.0 percent. SB907,,8888883. The .... County Clerk of Circuit Court is an equal opportunity service provider. If you need assistance to access services in the court or need material in an alternate format, please call .... . SB907,,889889Dated: ...., .... (year) SB907,,890890Signed:.... .... SB907,,891891G. H., Clerk of Circuit Court SB907,,893893Petitioner’s Attorney SB907,,894894State Bar No.: .... SB907,,895895Address: .... SB907,,896896City, State Zip Code: .... SB907,,897897Phone No.: .... SB907,261898Section 261. 767.813 (5g) of the statutes is amended to read: SB907,,899899767.813 (5g) Notice. The notice to parties shall be attached to the summons. The notice shall be in boldface type and in substantially the following form: