SB111,1341,119 1. In establishing the program under this section, create or impose any
10requirement or condition not inconsistent with this section that the board considers
11necessary for the effective functioning and widespread utilization of the program.
SB111,1341,1512 2. Enter into contracts or other arrangements for any services necessary for
13establishing and overseeing the program under this section or for otherwise carrying
14out the purposes of this section, including the services of financial institutions,
15attorneys, investment advisers, accountants, consultants, and other professionals.
SB111,1341,1716 3. Exercise any other powers necessary to establish and oversee the program
17under this section or otherwise carry out the purposes of this section.
SB111,1341,1818 4. Promulgate rules to carry out the purposes of this section.
SB111,1341,2219 (b) The department shall provide the board with any assistance necessary to
20carry out the purposes of this section, including staff, equipment, and office space.
21The board may delegate to the department responsibility for carrying out any
22day-to-day board function related to the program under this section.
SB111,2453 23Section 2453 . 224.77 (1) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1342,624 224.77 (1) (o) In the course of practice as a mortgage banker, mortgage loan
25originator, or mortgage broker, except in relation to housing designed to meet the

1needs of elderly individuals, treat a person unequally solely because of sex, race,
2color, handicap, sexual orientation, as defined in s. 111.32 (13m), religion, national
3origin, age, or ancestry, the person's lawful source of income, or the sex, marital
4status, status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03 (3r), or status as
5a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m)
6(u), of the person maintaining a household.
SB111,2454 7Section 2454 . 227.01 (13) (Lw) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1342,88 227.01 (13) (Lw) Adjusts the minimum wage under s. 104.035 (8m).
SB111,2455 9Section 2455 . 227.01 (13) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1342,1310 227.01 (13) (n) Fixes or approves rates, prices or charges, including an annual
11average weekly wage calculation under s. 108.05 (1) (am) or a maximum weekly
12benefit amount under s. 108.05 (1) (cm),
unless a statute specifically requires them
13to be fixed or approved by rule.
SB111,2456 14Section 2456 . 227.01 (13) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1342,1815 227.01 (13) (t) Ascertains and determines prevailing wage rates under ss.
1666.0903, 103.49, 103.50, and 229.8275, except that any action or inaction which
17ascertains and determines prevailing wage rates under ss. 66.0903, 103.49, 103.50,
18and 229.8275 is subject to judicial review under s. 227.40.
SB111,2457 19Section 2457 . 227.03 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1342,2520 227.03 (4) The provisions of this chapter relating to contested cases do not
21apply to proceedings involving the revocation of community supervision or aftercare
22supervision under s. 938.357 (5), the revocation of parole, extended supervision, or
23probation, the grant of probation, prison discipline, mandatory release under s.
24302.11, or any other proceeding involving the care and treatment of a resident or an
25inmate of a correctional institution.
1Section 2458. 227.10 (2g) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,2459 2Section 2459 . 227.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1343,4 3227.11 (title) Agency Extent to which chapter confers rule-making
SB111,2460 5Section 2460 . 227.11 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,2461 6Section 2461 . 227.111 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1343,77 227.111 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to the state fair park board.
SB111,2462 8Section 2462 . 227.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1343,16 9227.13 Advisory committees and informal consultations. An agency may
10use informal conferences and consultations to obtain the viewpoint and advice of
11interested persons with respect to contemplated rule making. An agency may also
12appoint a committee of experts, interested persons or representatives of the public
13to advise it with respect to any contemplated rule making. Such a The committee
14shall have advisory powers only. Whenever an agency appoints a committee under
15this section, the agency shall submit a list of the members of the committee to the
16joint committee for review of administrative rules.
SB111,2463 17Section 2463 . 227.26 (2) (im) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,2464 18Section 2464 . 227.57 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1343,2219 227.57 (11) Upon review of an agency action or decision affecting a property
20owner's use of the property owner's property
, the court shall accord no deference to
21the agency's interpretation of law if the agency action or decision restricts the
22property owner's free use of the property owner's property
SB111,2465 23Section 2465 . 229.425 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1344,2 24229.425 Creation of a district, city of Superior. (1) Provisions that do
25not apply to certain districts.
With regard to any district that is created by the city

1of Superior on or after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], the
2following provisions do not apply:
SB111,1344,33 (a) Section 229.40.