AB971,6,1010 (a) “Diagnostic assessment” means a tool that includes all of the following:
AB971,6,1511 1. An assessment that evaluates a pupil's skill in the areas of phonemic
12awareness, decoding skills, rapid naming, alphabet knowledge, letter sound
13knowledge, oral vocabulary, phonological awareness, word recognition, spelling,
14vocabulary, listening comprehension, and, when developmentally appropriate for
15the pupil, oral reading fluency and reading comprehension.
AB971,6,1816 2. An opportunity for a pupil's parent or guardian to complete a family history
17survey to provide additional information about learning difficulties in the pupil's
AB971,6,1919 (b) “Dyslexia” means a specific learning disability that is all of the following:
AB971,6,2020 1. Neurobiological in origin.
AB971,6,2521 2. Characterized by difficulties with accurate and fluent word recognition and
22poor spelling and decoding abilities that typically result from a deficit in the
23phonological component of language. Consequences of these difficulties may include
24problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that may
25impede vocabulary growth and background knowledge.
13. Often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities.
AB971,8 2Section 8. 118.016 (1e) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,7,33 118.016 (1e) (title) Pupil assessments.
AB971,9 4Section 9. 118.016 (1e) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,7,85 118.016 (1e) (d) Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, each school board and
6the operator of each charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) shall, using a
7diagnostic assessment, annually assess each pupil enrolled in 4-year-old
8kindergarten to 2nd grade to whom any of the following applies:
AB971,7,99 1. The pupil's parent or guardian requests the diagnostic assessment.
AB971,7,1110 2. An assessment administered under par. (b) indicates that the pupil is at risk
11of reading difficulty.
AB971,7,1212 3. The pupil has been identified as having characteristics of dyslexia.
AB971,10 13Section 10. 118.016 (1g) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,7,1414 118.016 (1g) (title) Assessments for children with disabilities.
AB971,11 15Section 11. 118.016 (1r) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB971,7,1616 118.016 (1r) (title) Parental notifications.
AB971,12 17Section 12. 118.016 (1r) of the statutes is renumbered 118.016 (1r) (a) and
18amended to read:
AB971,7,2219 118.016 (1r) (a) The school board or operator of the charter school Beginning
20in the 2023-24 school year, for each pupil assessed under sub. (1e), the pupil's teacher
21or the principal or administrator of the pupil's school
shall report the results of a
22the pupil's assessment under sub. (1) to the pupil's parent or guardian.
AB971,13 23Section 13. 118.016 (1r) (b) and (c) of the statutes are created to read:
AB971,8,224 118.016 (1r) (b) Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, if a pupil's assessment
25under sub. (1e) indicates that the pupil is at risk of reading difficulty, the pupil's

1teacher or the principal or administrator of the pupil's school shall provide, together
2with the report under par. (a), all of the following to the pupil's parent or guardian:
AB971,8,43 1. A list of the interventions or remedial reading services that will be provided
4to the pupil under sub. (2) and s. 121.02 (1) (c).
AB971,8,75 2. A form on which the parent or guardian may acknowledge receipt of the
6information provided under subd. 1. and may indicate that the parent or guardian
7understands the information.
AB971,8,98 3. A request that the parent or guardian sign the form provided under subd.
92. and return the signed form to the sender.
AB971,8,1110 (c) A school board or the operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x)
11shall retain any signed forms returned under par. (b) 3.
AB971,14 12Section 14. 118.016 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB971,8,1713 118.016 (2) Interventions and remedial reading services. The school board
14of the school district or operator of the charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) in
15which the a pupil is enrolled shall provide a pupil whose assessment under sub. (1)
16(1e) indicates that he or she the pupil is at risk of reading difficulty with
17interventions or remedial reading services, as described under s. 121.02 (1) (c).
AB971,15 18Section 15. 118.016 (3) and (4) of the statutes are created to read: