SB204-SSA1,7,145 6.86 (1) (ar) 1. Except as authorized in s. 6.875 (6), the municipal clerk shall
6not issue an absentee ballot unless the clerk receives a written application therefor
7from a qualified elector of the municipality a completed application in the form
8prescribed by the commission under par. (as) that contains the elector's original
9written signature, or, if application is made under par. (ac), that contains the elector's
10electronic signature or a copy of the elector's original written signature, or the
11signature of a person the elector authorizes to sign on the elector's behalf under par.
12(ag) or sub. (3) (a)
. The clerk shall retain each absentee ballot application until
13destruction is authorized under s. 7.23 (1). A municipal clerk issuing an absentee
14ballot contrary to this subdivision is guilty of a Class I felony.
SB204-SSA1,7,22 152. Except as authorized in s. 6.79 (6) and (7), if a qualified elector applies for
16an absentee ballot in person at the clerk's office, the clerk shall not issue the elector
17an absentee ballot unless the elector presents proof of identification. The clerk shall
18verify that the name on the proof of identification presented by the elector conforms
19to the name on the elector's application and shall verify that any photograph
20appearing on that document reasonably resembles the elector. The clerk shall then
21enter his or her initials on the certificate envelope indicating that the absentee
22elector presented proof of identification to the clerk.
SB204-SSA1,5 23Section 5 . 6.86 (1) (as) of the statutes is created to read:
SB204-SSA1,8,424 6.86 (1) (as) The absentee ballot application form and instructions shall be
25prescribed by the commission and shall be separate and distinct from the certificate

1envelope prescribed in s. 6.87 (2). The application shall require the elector to certify
2facts establishing that he or she is qualified to vote in the election at the municipality
3of his or her legal voting residence and shall include at least all of the following
SB204-SSA1,8,55 1. The elector's municipality and county of residence.
SB204-SSA1,8,76 2. The elector's name, date of birth, and contact information, including as
7applicable the elector's telephone number, fax number, and electronic mail address.
SB204-SSA1,8,88 3. The street address of the elector's legal voting residence.
SB204-SSA1,8,99 4. The election at which the elector intends to vote absentee.
SB204-SSA1,8,1010 5. Whether the elector is a military or overseas elector.
SB204-SSA1,8,1211 6. The elector's confidential identification serial number if the elector has
12obtained a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2).
SB204-SSA1,8,1313 7. The lawful method by which the elector prefers to receive the absentee ballot.
SB204-SSA1,8,1414 8. Whether the elector is hospitalized for purposes of sub. (3).
SB204-SSA1,6 15Section 6. 6.86 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB204-SSA1,8,2316 6.86 (2) (a) An elector may apply for indefinitely confined status for purposes
17of this subsection by filing a statement with the municipal clerk affirming that the
18elector is indefinitely confined because of his or her age or physical illness or
19infirmity or is disabled for an indefinite period. The existence anywhere in this state
20of a public health emergency, as defined in s. 323.02 (16), a disaster, as defined in s.
21323.02 (6), or an epidemic of a communicable disease does not qualify an elector as
22indefinitely confined under this subsection. The statement shall contain the name,
23address, date of signature, and signature of the elector.
SB204-SSA1,9,224 (b) 1. An indefinitely confined elector may, by written application filed with the
25municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides, request that an

1absentee ballot be sent to the elector automatically for every election that is held
2within the same calendar year in which the application is filed.
SB204-SSA1,9,133 2. Every application filed under this paragraph shall be accompanied by a copy
4of the elector's proof of identification, except that if an elector does not possess proof
5of identification, the elector shall submit with his or her application a sworn written
6statement from a U.S. citizen who is 18 years of age or older affirming the identity
7of the elector. The commission shall prescribe the form of the statement. The
8statement shall contain the name, address, date of signature, and signature of the
9elector and the name, address, date of signature, and signature of the person
10affirming the elector's identity. The statement shall specify that intentionally
11providing false information on or using or attempting to use the sworn statement as
12a means of not providing a copy of proof of identification when the elector possesses
13a valid proof of identification is a Class I felony.
SB204-SSA1,9,2014 3. An elector who submits an application under this paragraph by electronic
15means is not required to provide proof of identification under subd. 2. if, at the time
16of application, the elector provides the number of a current and valid operator's
17license issued under ch. 343, or the number of a current and valid identification card
18issued under s. 343.50, together with the elector's name and date of birth, and the
19commission is able to verify the elector's information using the system maintained
20under s. 6.34 (4).
SB204-SSA1,9,2421 (c) The commission shall prescribe the application forms and instructions for
22use under pars. (a) and (b), and each municipal clerk shall provide the form and
23instructions, upon request, to any elector. The forms for use under this subsection,
24including the application for indefinitely confined voting status and sworn

1statement attesting to the elector's identity, shall be unique to the procedures under
2this subsection.
SB204-SSA1,10,43 (d) Any absentee ballot mailed under this subsection shall be clearly marked
4as not forwardable.
SB204-SSA1,10,75 (e) An elector who is no longer indefinitely confined because of age, illness,
6infirmity, or disability shall immediately notify the clerk of the municipality where
7the elector resides.
SB204-SSA1,10,118 (f) The municipal clerk shall maintain a list of the electors of the municipality
9who are indefinitely confined for purposes of this subsection. The clerk shall remove
10the name of an elector from the list, cease sending absentee ballots to the elector, and
11notify the elector of his or her removal from the list, if any of the following applies:
SB204-SSA1,10,1312 1. The elector notifies the clerk that the elector is no longer indefinitely
SB204-SSA1,10,1814 2. The elector fails to cast and return an absentee ballot received under this
15subsection for any election and fails to renew the application for indefinitely confined
16voting status under par. (a) within 30 days after receiving notification from the clerk
17that the clerk will remove the elector's name from the mailing list unless the elector
18renews the elector's application.
SB204-SSA1,10,2119 3. The clerk receives reliable information that the elector no longer qualifies
20as indefinitely confined under par. (a) or (b) and verifies the accuracy of that
SB204-SSA1,10,2222 4. The elector requests to be removed from the list.
SB204-SSA1,10,2523 5. The elector fails to submit an application for indefinitely confined status
24under par. (a) within 4 years after the date of the elector's most recent application
25under that paragraph.
1Section 7. 6.86 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB204-SSA1,12,72 6.86 (2m) (a) Except as provided in this subsection, any elector other than an
3elector who receives an absentee ballot under sub. (2) or s. 6.22 (4) or 6.24 (4) (c) may
4by written application filed with the municipal clerk of the municipality where the
5elector resides require that an absentee ballot be sent to the elector automatically for
6every a primary and its associated election that is held within the same calendar year
7in which the application is filed
. An elector must submit a separate application for
8each primary and the election associated with that primary, and the application shall
9specify the primary and election to which the application applies
. The application
10form and instructions shall be prescribed by the commission, and furnished upon
11request to any elector by each municipal clerk. The municipal clerk shall thereupon
12mail an absentee ballot to the elector for all elections that are held in the municipality
13during the same calendar year that the application is filed
the primary and election
14to which the application applies
, except that the clerk shall not send an absentee
15ballot for an election if the elector's name appeared on the registration list in eligible
16status for a previous election following the date of the application but no longer
17appears on the list in eligible status. The municipal clerk shall ensure that any
18envelope containing the absentee ballot is clearly marked as not forwardable. If an
19elector who files an application under this subsection no longer resides at the same
20address that is indicated on the application form, the elector shall so notify the
21municipal clerk. The municipal clerk shall discontinue mailing absentee ballots may
22not mail an absentee ballot
to an elector under this subsection upon receipt of reliable
23information that the elector no longer qualifies as an elector of the municipality. In
24addition, the municipal clerk shall discontinue mailing absentee ballots may not
25mail an absentee ballot
to an elector under this subsection for the election specified

1in the elector's application
if the elector fails to return any the absentee ballot mailed
2to the elector. The municipal clerk shall notify the elector of any such action not
3taken at the elector's request within 5 days, if possible. An elector who fails to cast
4an absentee ballot but who remains qualified to receive absentee ballots under this
5subsection may then receive absentee ballots for subsequent elections by notifying
6the municipal clerk that the elector wishes to continue receiving absentee ballots for
7subsequent elections.
for the primary specified in the elector's application.
SB204-SSA1,8 8Section 8 . 6.86 (8) of the statutes is created to read: