3. The impact on the projected cost of the project.
4. The impact on the quality factors of the project.
5. The availability of contractors with experience with design-build projects or
18other innovative project delivery methods.
6. The capability of the department to manage a design-build project with
20office employees and design consultants.
7. The capability of the department to oversee a design-build project with a
22contractor with experience with design-build projects or other innovative project
23delivery methods.
8. The availability of current department employees qualified to perform
25design and engineering services required for the design-build project.
19. The original character of the product or the services.
10. The statutory authority for the designation of the project as a design-build
3project and how the project furthers the department's statutory duties.
11. Whether the design-build project must comply with any federal rule or
5regulation or any U.S. department of transportation requirement and a statement
6that the design-build project is in compliance.
12. Any other criteria the office determines is necessary.
(d) For each project designated under par. (a), the office shall solicit requests
9for qualifications, requests for proposals, and cost proposals as provided in this
10section and, subject to sub. (7) (c) and (d), let each project by contract to a qualified
11responsible bidder.
(e) No more than 6 months following the completion of a design-build project
13designated under this subsection, the office shall prepare a report, with input from
14the design-builder and the technical review committee, detailing the project, the
15decision to designate the project as a design-build project, the type of design-build
16contract let, and recommendations for statutory changes, if any. The office shall
17provide this report to the joint committee on finance and the senate and assembly
18standing committees having jurisdiction over transportation matters. The senate
19and assembly standing committees having jurisdiction over transportation matters
20shall schedule a hearing on the report not more than 30 days following distribution
21of the report by the chief clerks of the senate and the assembly. This paragraph does
22not apply to projects completed after December 31, 2025.
23(3) Technical review committee. (a)
The secretary shall appoint 5 individuals
24to a technical review committee to evaluate proposals submitted under this section.
25The committee shall consist of the following:
11. An employee of the department representing a regional office of the
2department who has at least 5 years of experience in the transportation construction
2. Two employees of the department representing the division of the
5department responsible for transportation project development, each of whom have
6at least 5 years of experience in the transportation construction industry.
3. One person representing a state association of architectural, engineering, or
8design companies.
4. One person representing a state association of transportation construction
(b) The secretary may not appoint to the technical review committee any person
12associated, as defined in s. 19.42 (2), with a design-builder. No person appointed to
13the technical review committee may review proposals under this section when the
14proposed project could benefit the appointee or the appointee's immediate family, as
15defined in s. 19.42 (7).
(c) A person appointed to the technical review committee is an agent of the
17department under s. 895.46.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all records of the technical
19review committee are open to public inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1).
20(4) Bids. The office shall solicit design-build proposals in 2 phases. In the first
21phase, the office shall solicit requests for qualifications under sub. (5) and requests
22for proposals under sub. (6). The technical review committee shall certify responsible
23bidders as provided in sub. (5) (c) and shall score technical proposals as provided in
24sub. (6) (b). In the 2nd phase, the office shall solicit cost proposals and the technical
25review committee shall evaluate cost proposals as provided in sub. (7).
1(5) Request for qualifications. (a) The office shall prepare a request for
2qualifications that includes all of the following:
1. Minimum required qualifications for certification as a qualified bidder,
4which shall include all of the following:
a. The design and construction experience of the design-builder or member,
6personnel, and contractors who will manage the design, engineering, and
7construction aspects of the project. The office may not require a level of experience
8that will unreasonably restrict competition.
b. A requirement that the design-builder or member employ an individual who
10has no fewer than 5 years of experience in highway construction specific to highway
11improvement projects in this state.
c. A requirement that the design-builder or member be a design professional
13or will employ or contract with a design professional.
d. A sworn statement of the design-builder's financial ability, equipment, and
15experience in design-build project delivery and any other information the office
16determines is necessary to determine a bidder's competency.
2. Minimum required qualifications for certification as a responsible bidder,
18which shall include all of the following:
a. The design-builder is registered or authorized to do business in this state.