SB111,1309,2016 (c) Upon approving a program under this subsection, the commission shall
17establish an initial pilot period for the program and a timeline for reevaluating the
18program. The commission shall reevaluate a program under this subsection
19according to the timeline established under this paragraph and shall set or revise
20goals, priorities, and measurable targets for the program.
SB111,1309,2221 (d) The commission may not order an energy utility to administer or fund a
22program under this subsection.
SB111,1309,2523 (e) An energy utility that administers or funds a program under this subsection
24may request at any time, and the commission may approve an energy utility's
25request, to modify or discontinue, in whole or in part, the program.
1Section 2419. 196.491 (3g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1310,92 196.491 (3g) (a) A person who receives a certificate of public convenience and
3necessity for a high-voltage transmission line that is designed for operation at a
4nominal voltage of 345 kilovolts or more under sub. (3) shall pay the department of
commission an annual impact fee as specified in the rules
6promulgated by the department of administration commission under s. 16.969
7196.492 (2) (a) and shall pay the department of administration commission a
8one-time environmental impact fee as specified in the rules promulgated by the
9department of administration commission under s. 16.969 196.492 (2) (b).
SB111,2420 10Section 2420 . 196.504 (1) (ac) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1310,1211 196.504 (1) (ac) 4. A political subdivision that is underserved or that is located
12in an unserved area.
SB111,2421 13Section 2421 . 196.504 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1310,1714 196.504 (2) (a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for
15the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved areas
16designated under par. (d). Grants awarded under this section subsection shall be
17paid from the appropriations under s. 20.155 (3) (a), (r), and (rm).
SB111,2422 18Section 2422 . 196.504 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1310,2319 196.504 (2) (b) To prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that
20shall be contained in an application for a grant under this section subsection. The
21application shall require the applicant to identify the area of the state that will be
22affected by the proposed project and explain how the proposed project will increase
23broadband access.
SB111,2423 24Section 2423 . 196.504 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.504 (2) (c) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding
2grants under this section subsection. The criteria shall prohibit grants that have the
3effect of subsidizing the expenses of a provider of telecommunications service, as
4defined in s. 182.017 (1g) (cq), or the monthly bills of customers of those providers.
5The criteria shall give priority to projects that include matching funds, that involve
6public-private partnerships, that affect unserved areas, that are scalable, that
7promote economic development, that will not result in delaying the provision of
8broadband service to areas neighboring areas to be served by the proposed project,
9or that affect a large geographic area or a large number of underserved individuals
10or communities. When evaluating grant applications under this section subsection,
11the commission shall consider the degree to which the proposed projects would
12duplicate existing broadband infrastructure, information about the presence of
13which is provided to the commission by the applicant or another person within a time
14period designated by the commission; the impacts of the proposed projects on the
15ability of individuals to access health care services from home and the cost of those
16services; and the impacts of the proposed projects on the ability of students to access
17educational opportunities from home.
SB111,2424 18Section 2424 . 196.504 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1311,2019 196.504 (2g) The commission shall administer the broadband connector
20program and shall have the following powers:
SB111,1312,321 (a) To make broadband planning grants to political subdivisions, school
22districts, tribal governments, regional planning commissions, nonprofit
23organizations, and local economic development organizations for broadband
24planning, feasibility engineering related to broadband infrastructure construction,
25broadband adoption planning, and digital inclusion activities. The amount of a

1broadband planning grant under this subsection may not exceed $50,000. Grants
2awarded under this subsection shall be paid from the appropriations under s. 20.155
3(1) (c).
SB111,1312,54 (b) To provide training, technical assistance, and information on broadband
5infrastructure construction, broadband adoption, and digital inclusion.
SB111,2425 6Section 2425 . 196.504 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1312,87 196.504 (2r) The commission shall administer the line extension assistance
8program and shall have the following powers:
SB111,1312,149 (a) To make financial assistance grants to residents of properties that are not
10served by a broadband service provider to assist in paying the customer costs
11associated with line extension necessary to connect broadband service to the
12properties. The amount of a financial assistance grant under this subsection may
13not exceed $4,000. Grants awarded under this subsection shall be paid from the
14appropriations under s. 20.155 (1) (c).
SB111,1312,1715 (b) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding financial
16assistance grants under this subsection. The criteria shall give priority to properties
17that serve as a primary residence.
SB111,2426 18Section 2426 . 196.504 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1312,2319 196.504 (3) (d) 1. Require each Internet service provider to disclose to the
20commission by April 1 of each year the properties it serves, the average minimum
21download and upload speeds at which it provides residential and business Internet
22service to those properties, and a description of its existing service area in a format
23determined by the commission.
12. Use the information disclosed under subd. 1. to conduct broadband mapping
2and facilitate the deployment of broadband infrastructure and access to broadband
SB111,1313,84 3. Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the commission shall withhold from public
5inspection any information disclosed to the commission under subd. 1. that would aid
6a competitor of an Internet service provider in competing with the Internet service
7provider if the commission determines that public disclosure is not necessary to
8accomplish the purposes under subd. 2.
SB111,2427 9Section 2427 . 196.5048 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1313,11 10196.5048 Internet service provider registration. No person may provide
11Internet service in this state unless the person registers with the commission.
SB111,2428 12Section 2428 . 196.745 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1313,1913 196.745 (2) (a) Any person violating sub. (1) (a), or any order or rule issued
14under sub. (1) (a), shall forfeit an amount not exceeding $25,000 $200,000. Each day
15of violation is a separate violation of sub. (1) (a). No person may forfeit an amount
16exceeding $500,000 $2,000,000 for a single persisting violation of sub. (1) (a) or any
17order or any rule issued under sub. (1) (a). The commission shall remit all forfeitures
18paid under this paragraph to the secretary of administration for deposit in the school