ar69 Assembly Rule 69. Dilatory motions.
ar69(1)(1) When it appears to the presiding officer that any motion or procedure is being used for the purpose of delay, including a motion to recess for purposes of a partisan caucus, the presiding officer shall declare it dilatory and out of order.
ar69(2) (2) Two consecutive identical motions are dilatory unless significant business has intervened between the motions.
ar69(3) (3) Two consecutive motions to adjourn are not be in order unless other significant business has intervened between the motions or unless no other business is pending before the assembly.
ar69(4) (4) While a motion remains undecided pending the presiding officer's ruling on a point of order taken under advisement, it is dilatory to enter a substantially similar motion on the same question, but it is proper to request an expansion of the question under advisement.
[(4) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(1) am. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar69m Assembly Rule 69m. Motion to recess. A motion to recess to a day of the year other than the day of the year on which the motion is made shall be treated the same as, and has the same effect as, a motion to adjourn.
[cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar70 Assembly Rule 70. Adjourning.
ar70(1)(1) A motion to adjourn is always in order including when the assembly is under call, but not while the assembly is voting or another member has the floor or while the assembly has recessed for a party caucus and is not under call.
ar70(2) (2) A motion to adjourn to a fixed time other than that prescribed by rule 28 is debatable and amendable as to the proposed time for convening.
ar70(3) (3) A simple motion to adjourn is not debatable or amendable.
ar70(4) (4) A motion to fix the time for convening the next daily session may be amended by altering the time. The motion is debatable and in order only when no other main question is before the assembly.
[(1) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
ar71 Assembly Rule 71. Ending debate.
ar71(1)(1) When a proposal is under consideration, any member who obtains the floor may move that debate on the proposal be ended. Any such motion shall be seconded by at least 15 members, may not be debated, and is decided by a roll call vote.
ar71(2) (2) If the motion prevails, debate on the proposal ends and all pending and subsequently entered motions concerning the proposal are decided without debate in the order prescribed by the assembly rules.
ar71m Assembly Rule 71m. Voting immediately; time limit on debate.
ar71m(1)(1) When a proposal is under consideration a member may move that all pending amendments and substitute amendments be tabled en masse. The motion is not debatable and if carried by a majority debate is ended on the question then before the assembly and the assembly shall move immediately to the main question pending before the assembly without debate on any pending amendments and substitute amendments. A motion that carries under this subsection prohibits the offering of other amendments or substitute amendments to the proposal to which the main question relates. A motion to table the proposal to which the main question relates is not in order after a motion under this subsection has been made.
ar71m(2) (2) The procedure under this section for ending debate on a proposal is an alternative to the procedure under rule 71 and may be used only if the time limits established under rule 55m (1) or in any privileged resolution have expired.
[cr. 2015 A.Res. 3]
ar72 Assembly Rule 72. Postponing; rejecting; referring. When a motion to postpone to a day or time certain, to postpone indefinitely, to reject, to nonconcur, or to refer to a specific standing or special committee has failed, it may not be allowed again on the same day at the same stage in the consideration of that proposal.
[am. 1989 A.Res. 2]
ar73 Assembly Rule 73. Reconsidering. A motion to reconsider an assembly decision on any question may only be made by a member who voted with or was paired with the side that prevailed on that question, except that in the case of a tie vote or voice vote any member may move reconsideration.
ar73(1) (1) The motion to reconsider:
ar73(1)(a) (a) May be applied only to: 1) final assembly decisions on amendments; 2) final assembly decisions on proposals made at the conclusion of any given stage of a proposal's consideration; and 3) assembly decisions on a veto of a proposal that has failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
ar73(1)(b) (b) May not be applied to: 1) the assembly's approval of a conference committee report or of a resolution confirming a nomination for appointment under rule 51m; 2) the assembly's decision on a veto of a proposal that has passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor; or 3) an assembly action to recede from its position on a proposal so as to agree with the position of the senate.
ar73(2) (2)
ar73(2)(a)(a) A motion to reconsider any decision, other than passage of or concurrence in a proposal, may only be entered after the question to which the motion relates has been decided and must be entered either: 1) before the relating clause of the next proposal is read by the clerk, the next order of business is announced by the presiding officer, or other business is begun; or 2) on the 7th order of business that next occurs on a roll call day.