NR 151.122(1)(1) Requirement. BMPs shall be designed, installed and maintained to control total suspended solids carried in runoff from the post-construction site. BMPs shall be designed in accordance with Table 1., or to the maximum extent practicable as provided in sub. (3). The design shall be based on an average annual rainfall, as compared to no runoff management controls. NR 151.122(2)(2) Redevelopment. Except as provided in s. NR 151.121 (5), the redevelopment total suspended solids reduction standard of Table 1., applies to redevelopment. NR 151.122(3)(3) Maximum extent practicable. If the design cannot meet a total suspended solids reduction performance standard of sub. (1), Table 1., the storm water management plan shall include a written, site-specific explanation of why the total suspended solids reduction performance standard cannot be met and why the total suspended solids load will be reduced only to the maximum extent practicable. The department may not require any person to exceed the applicable total suspended solids reduction performance standard to meet the requirements of maximum extent practicable. NR 151.122 NoteNote: Pollutant loading models such as DETPOND, SLAMM, P8, or equivalent methodology may be used to evaluate the efficiency of the design in reducing total suspended solids. Information on how to access these models is available from the department’s storm water management program at Use the most recent version of the model and the rainfall files and other parameter files identified for Wisconsin users unless directed otherwise by the regulatory authority.
NR 151.122(4)(4) Off-site drainage. When designing BMPs, runoff draining to the BMP from off-site shall be taken into account in determining the treatment efficiency of the practice. Any impact on the efficiency shall be compensated for by increasing the size of the BMP accordingly. NR 151.122 HistoryHistory: CR 09-112: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11. NR 151.123NR 151.123 Peak discharge performance standard. NR 151.123(1)(1) Requirement. By design, BMPs shall be employed to maintain or reduce the 1-year, 24-hour and the 2-year, 24-hour post-construction peak runoff discharge rates to the 1-year, 24-hour and the 2-year, 24-hour pre-development peak runoff discharge rates respectively, or to the maximum extent practicable. The runoff curve numbers in Table 2. shall be used to represent the actual pre-development condition. NR 151.123 NoteNote: Where the pre-development condition is a combination of woodland, grassland, or cropland, the runoff curve number should be pro-rated by area.
NR 151.123(2)(2) Exemptions. This section does not apply to the following: NR 151.123(2)(a)(a) A post-construction site where the discharge is directly into a lake over 5,000 acres or a stream or river segment draining more than 500 square miles. NR 151.123 NoteNote: The intent of s. NR 151.123 is to minimize streambank and shoreline erosion under bank-full conditions. NR 151.123 HistoryHistory: CR 09-112: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11. NR 151.124NR 151.124 Infiltration performance standard. NR 151.124(1)(1) Requirement. BMPs shall be designed, installed, and maintained to infiltrate runoff in accordance with the following or to the maximum extent practicable: NR 151.124(1)(a)(a) Low imperviousness. For development up to 40 percent connected imperviousness, such as parks, cemeteries, and low density residential development, infiltrate sufficient runoff volume so that the post-development infiltration volume shall be at least 90 percent of the pre-development infiltration volume, based on an average annual rainfall. However, when designing appropriate infiltration systems to meet this requirement, no more than one percent of the post-construction site is required as an effective infiltration area. NR 151.124(1)(b)(b) Moderate imperviousness. For development with more than 40 percent and up to 80 percent connected imperviousness, such as medium and high density residential, multi-family development, industrial and institutional development, and office parks, infiltrate sufficient runoff volume so that the post-development infiltration volume shall be at least 75 percent of the pre-development infiltration volume, based on an average annual rainfall. However, when designing appropriate infiltration systems to meet this requirement, no more than 2 percent of the post-construction site is required as an effective infiltration area. NR 151.124(1)(c)(c) High imperviousness. For development with more than 80 percent connected imperviousness, such as commercial strip malls, shopping centers, and commercial downtowns, infiltrate sufficient runoff volume so that the post-development infiltration volume shall be at least 60 percent of the pre-development infiltration volume, based on an average annual rainfall. However, when designing appropriate infiltration systems to meet this requirement, no more than 2 percent of the post-construction site is required as an effective infiltration area. NR 151.124 NoteNote: A histogram showing the relationship between connected imperviousness and land use is available from the department at
NR 151.124 NoteNote: A model that calculates runoff volume, such as SLAMM, P8, or an equivalent methodology may be used. For performance standards based on an average annual rainfall, specific rainfall files for five geographic locations around the state may be used. Information on how to access SLAMM and P8 and the rainfall files is available from the department’s storm water management program at Use the most recent version of the model and the parameter files for Wisconsin users unless directed otherwise by the regulatory authority.
NR 151.124(3)(a)(a) Prohibitions. Runoff from the following areas may not be infiltrated and may not qualify as contributing to meeting the requirements of this section unless demonstrated to meet the conditions of sub. (6): NR 151.124(3)(a)1.1. Areas associated with a tier 1 industrial facility identified in s. NR 216.21 (2) (a), including storage, loading, and parking. Rooftops may be infiltrated with the concurrence of the regulatory authority. NR 151.124 NoteNote: Runoff from the employee and guest parking and rooftop areas of a tier 2 facility may be infiltrated but runoff from the parking area may require pretreatment.
NR 151.124(3)(a)3.3. Fueling and vehicle maintenance areas. Rooftops of fueling and vehicle maintenance areas may be infiltrated with the concurrence of the regulatory authority.