SB111,2393 19Section 2393 . 182.01 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1294,2220 182.01 (7) Information to be provided with business formation filings. The
21department shall provide informational materials and resources on worker
22misclassification to each person who files with the department any of the following:
SB111,1294,2323 (a) Articles of incorporation under s. 180.0202 or 181.0202.
SB111,1294,2424 (b) Articles of organization under s. 183.0202.
SB111,1294,2525 (c) A statement of qualification under s. 178.0901.
1(d) A certificate of limited partnership under s. 179.11.
SB111,2394 2Section 2394 . 182.0172 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1295,4 3182.0172 Electric providers using easements to provide broadband.
4(1) In this section:
SB111,1295,75 (a) 1. “Broadband infrastructure” means any of the following that can be used
6to facilitate, directly or indirectly, originate, send, and receive high-quality voice,
7data, graphics, video, and video programming communications:
SB111,1295,88 a. Materials.
SB111,1295,99 b. Wires.
SB111,1295,1110 c. Cables, including fiber optic and copper cables regardless of whether the
11cables are dark or lit and whether the cables are in use or dormant.
SB111,1295,1212 d. Conduits.
SB111,1295,1313 e. Antennas.
SB111,1295,1414 f. Equipment.
SB111,1295,1515 g. Fixtures.
SB111,1295,1616 h. Switching multiplexers.
SB111,1295,1717 i. Poles.
SB111,1295,1818 j. Routers.
SB111,1295,1919 k. Switches.
SB111,1295,2020 L. Servers.
SB111,1295,2121 m. Appurtenances.
SB111,1295,2222 n. Facilities.
SB111,1295,2323 o. Ancillary or auxiliary equipment.
SB111,1295,2524 2. “Broadband infrastructure” does not include new poles or new towers that
25are used exclusively for providing broadband services.
1(b) “Electric provider” means any of the following:
SB111,1296,32 1. A public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), that generates, transmits, or
3distributes electric energy at wholesale or retail.
SB111,1296,64 2. A cooperative association incorporated under ch. 185 to do business in this
5state that carries on the business of generating, transmitting, or distributing electric
6energy to its members at wholesale or retail.
SB111,1296,8 7(2) (a) 1. An electric provider may use an easement that it holds for any of the
8following purposes: