NR 440.705(5)(b)5.c.c. The department reserves the option to require testing at such other times as may be required. NR 440.705(5)(b)6.6. For purposes of complying with the 98 weight percent reduction in sub. (3) (a), if the vent stream entering a boiler or process heater with a design capacity less than 44 MW (150 million Btu/hour) is introduced with the combustion air or as secondary fuel, the weight percent reduction of TOC, minus methane and ethane, across the combustion device shall be determined by comparing the TOC, minus methane and ethane, in all combusted vent streams, primary fuels and secondary fuels with the TOC, minus methane and ethane, exiting the combustion device. NR 440.705(5)(d)(d) The following test methods in Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, except as provided under s. NR 440.08 (2), shall be used for determining the net heating value of the gas combusted to determine compliance under sub. (3) (b) and for determining the process vent stream TRE index value to determine compliance under subs. (1) (c) 2. and (3) (c). NR 440.705(5)(d)1.a.a. Method 1 or 1A, as appropriate, for selection of the sampling site. The sampling site for the vent stream flow rate and molar composition determination prescribed in subds. 2. and 3. shall be, except for the situations outlined in subd. 1. b., prior to the inlet of any control device, prior to any postreactor dilution of the stream with air and prior to any postreactor introduction of halogenated compounds into the process vent stream. No traverse site selection method is needed for vents smaller than 4 inches in diameter. NR 440.705(5)(d)1.b.b. If any gas stream other than the reactor vent stream is normally conducted through the final recovery device: 1) The sampling site for vent stream flow rate and molar composition shall be prior to the final recovery device and prior to the point at which any nonreactor stream or stream from a nonaffected reactor process is introduced.
2) The efficiency of the final recovery device is determined by measuring the TOC concentration using Method 18 at the inlet to the final recovery device after the introduction of any vent stream and at the outlet of the final recovery device.
3) This efficiency of the final recovery device shall be applied to the TOC concentration measured prior to the final recovery device and prior to the introduction of any nonreactor stream or stream from a nonaffected reactor process to determine the concentration of TOC in the reactor process vent stream from the final recovery device. This concentration of TOC is then used to perform the calculations outlined in subds. 4. and 5.
NR 440.705(5)(d)2.2. The molar composition of the process vent stream shall be determined as follows: NR 440.705(5)(d)2.a.a. Method 18 to measure the concentration of TOC including those containing halogens. NR 440.705(5)(d)3.3. The volumetric flow rate shall be determined using Method 2, 2A, 2C or 2D as appropriate. NR 440.705(5)(d)4.4. The net heating value of the vent stream shall be calculated using the following equation: where:
HT is the net heating value of the sample, MJ/scm, where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to one mole is 20°C as in the definition of Qs (vent stream flow rate)
K1 is a constant, 1.740 × 10-7 (l/ppm) (g-mole/scm) (MJ/kcal), where standard temperature for (g-mole/scm) is 20°C
Cj is the concentration on a dry basis of compound “j” in ppm as measured for organics by Method 18 and measured for hydrogen and carbon monoxide by ASTM D1946-90 (reapproved 1994), incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (a) 24., as indicated in subd. 2. Hj is the net heat of combustion of compound “j“, kcal/g-mole, based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg. The heats of combustion of vent stream components would be required to be determined using ASTM D2382-88 or D4809-95, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (a) 30. and 61., if published values are not available or cannot be calculated Bws is the water vapor content of the vent stream, proportion by volume
NR 440.705(5)(d)5.5. The emission rate of TOC in the vent stream shall be calculated using the following equation: where:
ETOC is the emission rate of TOC in the sample, kg/hr
K2 is a constant, 2.494 × 10-6 (l/ppm) (g-mole/scm) (kg/g) (min/hr), where standard temperature for (g-mole/scm) is 20°C
Cj is the concentration on a dry basis of compound “j” in ppm as measured by Method 18 as indicated in subd. 2.
Mj is the molecular weight of sample “j“, g/g-mole
Qs is the vent stream flow rate (dscm/min) at a temperature of 20°C