NR 185.07(2)(2)Inventory and analysis section. This section shall be an inventory and analysis of subjects relating to solid waste management for the planning area. It shall include a summary of the contents of available state of the art literature, studies, surveys and other pertinent data. A list of agencies that may be sources of information and/or technical assistance for the inventory and analysis segment is available from the department upon request. This section shall contain maps, narratives, diagrams, cross-sections, charts, pictures, drawings, displays and graphs as appropriate. Unless otherwise specified, where data is unavailable and where the entity demonstrates that it is impractical to generate data for the purposes of this plan, reasonable estimates, projections or assumptions shall be made and noted. The basis for any estimates, projections or assumptions shall be referenced in the text and included in the appendix. It shall be made clear what information is already available and what information was generated for the purposes of this plan. The following materials shall be included or addressed in the inventory and analysis section:
NR 185.07(2)(a)(a) A map showing location and extent of the planning area and entity relative to state, county, regional planning commission and Wisconsin solid waste recycling authority boundaries.
NR 185.07(2)(b)(b) A detailed map of the planning area and surroundings showing area boundaries, all governmental boundaries, roads, surface water bodies, and other important geographical details.
NR 185.07(2)(c)(c) A map and narrative indicating road and bridge types and weight limits in the planning area.
NR 185.07(2)(d)(d) Maps, narratives and other appropriate materials addressing the following items as they relate to solid waste management in the planning area:
NR 185.07(2)(d)1.1. Geography, soils, geology, hydrogeology.
NR 185.07(2)(d)2.2. Surface water and ground water resources.
NR 185.07(2)(d)3.3. Climatic characteristics.
NR 185.07(2)(d)4.4. Environmentally sensitive areas.
NR 185.07(2)(d)5.5. Archaeological and historical areas.
NR 185.07(2)(d)6.6. Present solid waste management facilities.
NR 185.07(2)(d)7.7. Airports.
NR 185.07(2)(d)8.8. Land use and zoning in planning area.
NR 185.07(2)(d)9.9. Other unique or special elements of the planning area or entity.
NR 185.07(2)(e)(e) Population in the planning area. Growth projections as well as seasonal or other anticipated fluctuations shall be addressed as they relate to waste generation for the planning period.
NR 185.07(2)(f)(f) A detailed inventory of solid waste types, quantities and sources to be served by the plan during the planning period. All industrial, commercial, municipal and agricultural solid wastes generated or handled in the planning area shall be included in this inventory. Known or potential changes in waste generation that may affect waste quantity, quality or sources shall be discussed in detail. Field surveys or data from solid waste management generators and facilities in the planning area may be used to confirm any waste information generated through office studies. These field surveys shall be discussed in the plan.
NR 185.07(2)(g)(g) A detailed analysis and inventory of current solid waste management functions to address the following items for each function:
NR 185.07(2)(g)1.1. Waste types, quantities, sources, and variability.
NR 185.07(2)(g)2.2. Physical layouts and capacities.
NR 185.07(2)(g)3.3. Age, condition, and limitations.
NR 185.07(2)(g)4.4. Operational frequencies, methods, procedures, and service areas.
NR 185.07(2)(g)5.5. Capital, operational and maintenance costs.
NR 185.07(2)(g)6.6. Ownership and operating responsibilities.
NR 185.07(2)(g)7.7. Existing contracts and their expiration dates.
NR 185.07(2)(g)8.8. Markets for systems with resource recovery.
NR 185.07(2)(h)(h) A comprehensive discussion of compliance with local, state and federal solid waste regulations and plans by existing solid waste management functions and facilities in the planning area.
NR 185.07(2)(i)(i) An inventory of personnel and equipment that will be available for plan implementation and periodic review in the following areas of expertise:
NR 185.07(2)(i)1.1. Engineering and hydrogeology.
NR 185.07(2)(i)2.2. Administration.