c. A pretrial diversion agreement, whether pending or successfully completed.
10Section 2331
. 165.85 (4) (a) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (a) 1m. The board may not create criteria for participation in the
12preparatory training program under subd. 1. that would prevent a person from
13participation if the person is in receipt of a valid employment authorization from the
14federal department of homeland security.
15Section 2332
. 165.85 (4) (a) 7. d. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (a) 7. d. Each officer who is subject to this subdivision shall annually
17complete at least 8 hours of scenario-based training on use-of-force options,
18focusing on skills and tactics that minimize the likelihood of using force, including
19de-escalation tactics. In this subd. 7. d., “de-escalation tactics” are actions and
20techniques used by law enforcement officers to slow down or stabilize a potentially
21unstable situation to allow for more time, options, and resources for resolution or
22prevention of an incident. Hours of training completed under this subd. 7. d. shall
23count toward the hours of training required under subd. 7. a.
24Section 2333
. 165.85 (4) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (em)
Officer recruitment. 1. When a law enforcement agency, tribal
2law enforcement agency, jail, or juvenile detention facility recruits for new officers,
3the interviewing agency shall require each candidate that it interviews for a law
4enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention position, who is or
5has been employed by another law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement
6agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency to execute a written
7waiver that explicitly authorizes each law enforcement agency, tribal law
8enforcement agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or other government agency to
9disclose the candidate's employment files to the interviewing agency, and releases
10the interviewing agency and each law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement
11agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency that employs or has
12employed the candidate from any liability related to the use and disclosure of the
13candidate's employment files.
2. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
15detention facility, or government agency may disclose a candidate's employment files
16by either providing copies to the interviewing agency or allowing the interviewing
17agency to review the files at the offices of the law enforcement agency, tribal law
18enforcement agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency that
19employed the candidate.
3. A candidate who refuses to execute the waiver shall not be considered for
21employment by the interviewing agency or considered for certification by the board.
4. The interviewing agency shall, at least 30 days prior to making its hiring
23decision, submit the waiver to each law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement
24agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency that has employed the
25candidate. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
1detention facility, or government agency that receives a waiver shall make the
2requested employment files available to the interviewing agency not more than 21
3days after receiving the waiver.
5. The interviewing agency may also conduct an official oral interview of
5individuals from the law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail,
6juvenile detention facility, or government agency that employed the candidate.
6. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
8detention facility, or government agency is not required to provide the candidate's
9employment records if the agency or facility is prohibited from providing the
10employment records pursuant to a binding nondisclosure agreement to which the
11law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile detention
12facility, or government agency is a party if the agreement was executed before the
13effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
7. No law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
15detention facility, or government agency may enter into a nondisclosure agreement
16preventing an interviewing law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency,
17jail, or juvenile detention facility from viewing employment files after the effective
18date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
8. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
20detention facility, or government agency is not liable for complying with the
21provisions of this paragraph or participating in an official oral interview with an
22investigator from the interviewing agency, regarding the candidate.
23Section 2334
. 165.85 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
(4m) Best practices. The board shall develop, and review at least once
2every 2 years, a model use of force policy for law enforcement agencies that does all
3of the following:
(a) Incorporates the principles under s. 66.0511 (2).
(b) Addresses interactions with individuals with mental disorders, alcohol or
6drug problems, dementia disorders, and developmental disabilities.
(c) Limits the use of force against vulnerable populations, including children,
8elderly individuals, individuals who are pregnant, individuals with physical or
9mental disabilities, and individuals with limited English proficiency.
(d) Includes other best practices that the board identifies.
11Section 2335
. 165.895 of the statutes is created to read:
12165.895 Alternative emergency response and 911 diversion grants. (1) 13In this section:
(a) “Local health department” has the meaning given in s. 250.01 (4).
(b) “Public safety answering point” has the meaning given in s. 256.35 (1) (gm).
16(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.455 (2) (dm), the department shall
17provide grants to counties having a population of 750,000 or more to be used for any
18of the following purposes:
(a) For contracts between local health departments and nonprofit
20organizations to increase the capacity of behavioral crisis support services for
21nonemergency behavioral health issues.
(b) For research, design, and personnel costs associated with creating
23programs to divert behavioral health services from public safety answering points.
24(3) To be eligible for a grant under this section, a county must submit an
25application for a grant to the department that includes a proposed plan for
1expenditure of the grant moneys. The department shall review any application and
2plan submitted to determine whether that application and plan meet the criteria
3established under sub. (4). The department shall review the use of grant money
4provided under this section to ensure that the money is used according to the
5approved plan.
6(4) The department shall develop criteria and procedures for use in
7administering this section. Notwithstanding s. 227.10 (1), the criteria and
8procedures need not be promulgated as rules under ch. 227.