AB357,5,64 (d) The individual maintains a home office in the individual's state of residence
5and is available to the public at that office through reasonable appointment hours
6or regular business hours.
AB357,5,77 (e) The individual is at least 18 years of age.
AB357,5,88 (f) The individual meets the requirement of s. 629.03.
AB357,5,119 (g) The individual supplies a bond that meets specifications established by the
10commissioner to guarantee faithful performance of the individual's duties and
11obligations as a public adjuster.
AB357,5,1512 (h) If the individual is not a resident of this state, the individual agrees to be
13subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioner and the courts of this state and to the
14commissioner's rules and orders with service of process as provided under ss. 601.72
15and 601.73.
AB357,5,17 16(3) Exceptions. Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following
AB357,5,1918 (a) An attorney admitted to practice in this state while acting in the
19professional capacity as an attorney.
AB357,5,2120 (b) An individual who negotiates or settles claims arising under a life or
21disability insurance policy or an annuity contract.
AB357,5,2422 (c) An individual employed solely for the purpose of obtaining facts
23surrounding a loss or furnishing technical assistance to a public adjuster, including
24a photographer, estimator, private investigator, engineer, or handwriting expert.
AB357,5,2525 (d) An individual who settles subrogation claims between insurers.
1(e) An individual who is licensed as an intermediary under s. 628.04 or 628.09
2while acting in the professional capacity as an intermediary.
AB357,6,10 3(4) Renewal. A registration under sub. (2) shall remain in effect for 2 years
4from the date of issuance, unless it is revoked or suspended by the commissioner
5under s. 629.13. An individual may renew a registration by submitting, prior to the
6registration's expiration date, a request for renewal to the commissioner in the form
7prescribed by the commissioner. The request shall include evidence of compliance
8with s. 629.11 and payment of the fee under s. 601.31 (1) (zb). An individual who fails
9to renew a registration prior to the expiration date may reapply for registration
10under sub. (2).
AB357,6,17 11629.03 Examination. (1) Prior to the commissioner approving an
12individual's registration under s. 629.02 (2), the individual shall pass a written
13examination that tests knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of a public
14adjuster and the insurance laws and regulations of this state. The examination shall
15be conducted as prescribed by the commissioner and require payment of the fee
16under s. 601.31 (1) (zc). The commissioner may contract with an outside testing
17service for administering the examination and collecting the fee.
AB357,6,23 18(2) An individual who is not a resident of this state and who is a licensed or
19registered public adjuster in the individual's state of residence and was required to
20pass a written examination to obtain that license or registration may request the
21commissioner to accept proof of the examination's passage as fulfilling the
22requirement under sub. (1). The commissioner may approve the request if the
23individual's license or registration in that state is in good standing.
AB357,7,3 24629.04 Contract requirements. (1) A public adjuster may not perform any
25adjusting service for an insured prior to entering into a contract with the insured.

1The contract shall be in writing, be titled “Public Adjuster Contract,” and be on a form
2filed with the commissioner under s. 631.20 (1m). The contract shall include all of
3the following:
AB357,7,64 (a) The public adjuster's full name, state of residence, permanent principal
5business street address, telephone number, and registration number assigned by the
AB357,7,77 (b) The insured's full name, street address, insurer name, and policy number.
AB357,7,88 (c) A description of the loss and its location.
AB357,7,109 (d) The date and time the contract was signed by the public adjuster and the
AB357,7,1211 (e) An attestation by the public adjuster that he or she is fully bonded pursuant
12to state law.
AB357,7,1413 (f) A disclosure of the compensation the public adjuster is to receive in
14accordance with s. 629.05.
AB357,7,1615 (g) A provision allowing the insured to void the contract in accordance with sub.
AB357,7,1817 (h) A statement that the contract shall constitute the entire agreement
18between the public adjuster and the insured.
AB357,7,20 19(2) A contract under sub. (1) may not require the insured to do any of the
AB357,7,2121 (a) Authorize an insurer to issue a check only in the name of the public adjuster.
AB357,7,2222 (b) Pay collection costs or a late fee to the public adjuster.
AB357,7,2423 (c) Limit the insured's right to pursue any civil remedy against the public
1(3) At the insured's option, the insured may void a contract under sub. (1) no
2later than 5 business days after the contract's execution, except that the insured may
3void a contract no later than 10 business days after execution if the contract is
4executed no later than 5 business days after conclusion of the loss-producing
5occurrence. The insured may void the contract by sending notice by registered or
6certified mail, return receipt requested, to the public adjuster at the address on the
7contract or by personally serving notice on the public adjuster at the place of business
8identified on the contract. The public adjuster shall return anything of value
9provided under the contract by the insured no later than 15 business days following
10receipt of the notice. Nothing in this subsection prevents an insured from pursuing
11any civil remedy against a public adjuster.
AB357,8,14 12(4) A contract under sub. (1) shall be executed in duplicate with an original
13provided to the public adjuster and to the insured. The public adjuster shall make
14the contract available to the commissioner at all times for inspection without notice.