SB111,1267,2020 3. Hispanic.
SB111,1267,2121 4. American Indian or Alaska Native.
SB111,1267,2222 5. Asian or Pacific Islander.
SB111,1267,2323 (b) The reason the officer stopped or detained the motor vehicle.
SB111,1267,2424 (c) The make and year of the motor vehicle.
SB111,1267,2525 (d) The date, time, and location of the motor vehicle stop.
1(e) Whether or not a law enforcement officer conducted a search of the motor
2vehicle, the operator, or any passenger and, if so, whether the search was with
3consent or by other means.
SB111,1268,54 (f) The name, address, gender, and race of any person searched, with the officer
5subjectively selecting the person's race from the list under par. (a).
SB111,1268,66 (g) The name and badge number of the officer making the motor vehicle stop.
SB111,1268,11 7(3) Submission of information collected. All persons in charge of law
8enforcement agencies shall forward the information obtained under sub. (2) to the
9department using the format prescribed by the rules promulgated under sub. (5) and
10in accordance with the reporting schedule established under the rules promulgated
11under sub. (5).
SB111,1268,15 12(4) Analysis and report by department. (a) The department shall compile the
13information submitted to it by law enforcement agencies under sub. (3) and shall
14analyze the information, along with any other relevant information, to determine,
15both for the state as a whole and for each law enforcement agency, all of the following:
SB111,1268,2316 1. Whether the number of motor vehicle stops and searches involving motor
17vehicles operated or occupied by members of a racial minority compared to the
18number of motor vehicle stops and searches involving motor vehicles operated or
19occupied solely by persons who are not members of a racial minority is
20disproportionate based on an estimate of the population and characteristics of all
21persons traveling on state highways, on an estimate of the populations and
22characteristics of persons traveling on state highways who are violating a law or
23ordinance, or on some other relevant population estimate.
12. A determination as to whether any disproportion found under subd. 1. is the
2result of racial profiling, racial stereotyping, or other race-based discrimination or
3selective enforcement.
SB111,1269,104 (b) For each year, the department shall prepare an annual report that
5summarizes the information submitted to it by law enforcement agencies concerning
6motor vehicle stops made during the year and that describes the methods and
7conclusions of its analysis of the information. On or before March 31, 2023, and on
8or before each March 31 thereafter, the department shall submit the annual report
9required under this paragraph to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), to the governor,
10and to the director of state courts.
SB111,1269,17 11(5) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement the
12requirements of this section. The department shall furnish all reporting officials
13with forms or instructions or both that specify the format in which to submit the
14information required under sub. (2) and the time for forwarding the information to
15the department. The department may, by rule, require the collection of information
16in addition to that specified in sub. (2) (a) to (g) if the department determines that
17the information will help to make the determinations required under sub. (4) (a).
SB111,1269,19 18(6) Access to records. Information collected under sub. (2) is not subject to
19inspection or copying under s. 19.35 (1).
SB111,2312 20Section 2312 . 165.845 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1269,22 21165.845 (title) Collect Collection and reporting of crime and criminal
SB111,2313 23Section 2313 . 165.845 (1) (intro.) and (c) of the statutes are renumbered
24165.845 (1r) (intro.) and (c).
1Section 2314. 165.845 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 165.845 (1r) (a)
2(intro.) and amended to read:
SB111,1270,83 165.845 (1r) (a) (intro.) Collect information concerning the number and nature
4of offenses known to have been committed in this state and such other information
5as may be useful in the study of crime and the administration of justice. The
6department of justice may determine any other information to be obtained regarding
7crime, evidence, and justice system data or statistics. The information shall include
8data all of the following:
SB111,1270,11 91. Data requested by federal agencies under the U.S. department of justice,
the federal bureau of investigation under its system of uniform crime
11reports for the United States.
SB111,2315 12Section 2315 . 165.845 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 165.845 (1r) (b) and
13amended to read:
SB111,1270,1714 165.845 (1r) (b) Furnish all reporting officials with forms or instructions or
15both that specify the nature of the information required under par. (a), the time it is
16to be forwarded, the process for submitting the information, the method of classifying
17and any other matters that facilitate collection and compilation.
SB111,2316 18Section 2316 . 165.845 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1270,2019 165.845 (1g) In this section, “serious bodily harm” has the meaning given in
20s. 969.001 (2).
SB111,2317 21Section 2317 . 165.845 (1r) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1270,2322 165.845 (1r) (a) 2. Data concerning sexual assault kits, as defined in s. 165.775
23(1) (e), collected in this state.
SB111,2318 24Section 2318 . 165.845 (1r) (a) 3. of the statutes is created to read: