NR 182.103(13)(b)(b) Preparation and construction of facility base grade, leachate collection systems, liner systems, and final cover systems. NR 182.103(13)(d)(d) Replacement, expansion, remodeling, alteration, or extension of existing structures. NR 182.103(13)(e)(e) Acquisition and installation of equipment associated with new, expanded, or remodeled structures. NR 182.103(14)(14) “Construction documentation report” means a written report submitted under the seal of a licensed professional engineer documenting that a nonferrous mining waste disposal site or facility has been constructed in substantial compliance with a department approved plan of operation and this chapter. NR 182.103(15)(15) “Department” means the department of natural resources. NR 182.103(16)(16) “Depth of useable groundwater” means the depth into the Precambrian bedrock, as determined by the department, below which the groundwater is not reasonably capable of being used or made suitable for human consumption and is not hydrologically connected to other sources of groundwater that are suitable for human consumption. NR 182.103(17)(17) “Design capacity” means the total volume in cubic yards of waste that can be placed in a waste site, including the volume of any daily or intermediate cover material utilized in the facility, but not including final cover or topsoil. NR 182.103(19)(19) “Disposal” means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, or placing of any mining or prospecting waste into or on any land or water so that the mining and prospecting waste or any constituent of the waste may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including groundwaters. NR 182.103(21)(21) “Establish” means to bring a mining waste disposal site or facility into existence, in compliance with applicable approvals and rules of the department. NR 182.103(22)(22) “Expand an existing site or facility” means to dispose of nonferrous mining waste on land not previously licensed, to dispose of mining waste not in accordance with a department issued plan approval, if one exists, or to dispose of mining waste in a manner significantly different from past operations. NR 182.103(23)(23) “Facility” means any land or appurtenances to the land used for the storage or disposal of nonferrous mining wastes, but does not include land or appurtenances used in the production or transportation of mining wastes, such as the concentrator, haul roads, or tailings pipelines, that are permitted under ch. NR 131 or 132. NR 182.103(24)(24) “Feasibility report” means a report for a specific nonferrous mining waste disposal site or facility that describes the facility, surrounding area, and proposed operation in terms of land use, topography, soils, geology, hydrology, groundwater, surface water, proposed waste quantities and characteristics, and preliminary site or facility design concepts. NR 182.103(25)(25) “Fill area” means the area of a facility proposed to receive or that is receiving direct placement of nonferrous mining waste. NR 182.103(26)(26) “Floodplain” means land that has been, prior to January 1, 2022, or may be after January 1, 2022, as determined by the department, covered by flood water during the regional flood as defined in ch. NR 116 and includes the floodway and the flood fringe as defined in ch. NR 116. NR 182.103(27)(27) “Freeboard” means the height of the crest of the dam above the adjacent liquid surface within the impoundment. NR 182.103(27g)(27g) “Geomembrane” means a highly impermeable membrane made from plastic or rubber-based material by polymerization. NR 182.103(27r)(27r) “Geosynthetic clay liner” or “GCL” means factory manufactured geosynthetic product consisting of a layer of bentonite contained between geotextiles that are attached by adhesion, stitch bonding or needlepunching or a layer of bentonite attached to a geomembrane by adhesion. NR 182.103(28)(28) “Groundwater” means any waters of the state, as defined in s. 281.01 (18), Stats., occurring in a saturated subsurface geological formation of rock or soil. NR 182.103(29)(29) “Groundwater quality” means the chemical, physical, biological, thermal, or radiological quality of groundwater at a site or within an underground aquifer. NR 182.103(30)(30) “Groundwater standard” means a preventive action limit, alternative concentration limit, or enforcement standard established in accordance with ch. NR 140 and this chapter. NR 182.103(31)(31) “Inactive dam” means a dam and associated settling area that is no longer being used for disposal of wastewater or tailings, or both, and that has been reclaimed in an approved manner. NR 182.103(33)(33) “Leachate” means water or other liquid that has percolated through or contacted nonferrous mining waste materials. NR 182.103(34)(34) “Licensed professional engineer” means a professional engineer registered with or licensed by the Wisconsin department of safety and professional services. NR 182.103(35)(35) “Licensed professional geologist” means a professional geologist registered with or licensed by the Wisconsin department of safety and professional services. NR 182.103(36)(36) “Limits of filling” means the outermost limit at which waste from a facility has been disposed of or approved or proposed for disposal.