Jurjens, Ralph, III: $310.32 property damage claim
S 380

Keller, Phillip: $54.94 personal property loss claim
S 380

Kennedy, Unquail: $190.00 property loss claim
S 557

Lee, Anthony M.: $189.95 property damage claim
S 380

Love, Deron D.: $5,000.00 claim for property damage and loss plus improper deductions from account
S 382

Michels Corporation: $125,735.21 claim re breach of contract by DOT
S 242

Penigar, Frank, Jr.: $1,272.03 claim for deductions from account
S 247

Peters, Kip: $8,320.23 property damage claim
S 378

Robinson, Dale M.: $892.57 claim for deductions from account
S 247

Sanders, Derrick: $5,754,965.00 Innocent Convict Compensation claim
S 378

S 735

Schlimm, Robert J.: $3,597.09 claim for costs incurred re incorrect information provided by DATCP

Smunt, Timothy: $1,039,134.00 claim re breach of contract by UW Milwaukee
S 243

Thompson, Davon: $189.26 property damage claim
S 381

Vanpietersom, Matthew: $30.15 property loss claim
S 557

Vitech Systems Group, Inc.: $14,300,00.00 claim re breach of contract by DETF
S 243

Whitcomb, Andrew: $379.27 personal property loss claim
S 381

Whittaker, Larry: $156.98 property damage claim
S 381

Committees — Appointment to — Assembly

Administrative Rules, Joint Committee on Review of
A 20, 170, 760

Adoption, Speaker’s Task Force on

Crowley, resigned

Aging and Long-Term Care


Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse, State Council on
A 34

Audit Committee, Joint Legislative
A 20

Building Commission
A 34

Campaigns and Elections

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
A 34