SB111,1236,98 (b) In the case of a deficiency determination of taxes, within 2 months after the
9date of demand.
SB111,1236,13 10(10) If due to neglect an incorrect return is filed, the entire tax finally
11determined is subject to a penalty of 25 percent of the tax exclusive of interest or
12other penalty. A person filing an incorrect return has the burden of proving that the
13error or errors were due to good cause and not due to neglect.
SB111,1236,19 14139.979 Personal use. An individual who possesses no more than 6
15marijuana plants that have reached the flowering stage at any one time is not subject
16to the tax imposed under s. 139.971. An individual who possesses more than 6
17marijuana plants that have reached the flowering stage at any one time shall apply
18for the appropriate permit under s. 139.972 and pay the appropriate tax imposed
19under s. 139.971.
SB111,1236,24 20139.980 Agreement with tribes. The department may enter into an
21agreement with a federally recognized American Indian Tribe in this state for the
22administration and enforcement of this subchapter and to provide refunds of the tax
23imposed under s. 139.971 on marijuana sold on tribal land by or to enrolled members
24of the tribe residing on the tribal land.
SB111,2270 25Section 2270 . 140.02 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1140.02 (1) (a) The department shall appoint notaries public who shall be
2United States residents and at least 18 years of age. Applicants who are not
3attorneys shall file an application with the department and pay a $20 $40 fee.
SB111,2271 4Section 2271 . 140.02 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1237,105 140.02 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (am), any United States resident who
6is licensed to practice law in this state is entitled to a permanent commission as a
7notary public upon application to the department and payment of a $50 $100 fee. The
8application shall include a certificate of good standing from the supreme court, the
9signature and post-office address of the applicant, and an impression of the
10applicant's official seal, or imprint of the applicant's official rubber stamp.
SB111,2272 11Section 2272 . 145.20 (5) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB111,1238,213 145.20 (5) (a) The department shall establish a maintenance program to be
14administered by governmental units responsible for the regulation of private on-site
15wastewater treatment systems. The department shall determine the private on-site
16wastewater treatment systems to which the maintenance program applies. At a
17minimum the maintenance program is applicable to all new or replacement private
18on-site wastewater treatment systems constructed in a governmental unit after the
19date on which the governmental unit adopts this program. The department may
20apply the maintenance program by rule to private on-site wastewater treatment
21systems constructed in a governmental unit responsible for the regulation of private
22on-site wastewater treatment systems on or before the date on which the
23governmental unit adopts the program. The department shall determine the private
24on-site wastewater treatment systems to which the maintenance program applies

1in governmental units that do not meet the conditions for eligibility under s. 145.246
SB111,2273 3Section 2273 . 145.20 (5) (am) of the statutes, as affected by 2017 Wisconsin
4Act 59
, is amended to read:
SB111,1238,125 145.20 (5) (am) Each governmental unit responsible for the regulation of
6private on-site wastewater treatment systems shall adopt and begin the
7administration of the program established under par. (a) before October 1, 2019. As
8part of adopting and administering the program, the governmental unit shall
9conduct and maintain an inventory of all the private on-site wastewater treatment
10systems located in the governmental unit and shall complete the initial inventory
11before October 1, 2017. In order to be eligible for grant funding under s. 145.246, a
12governmental unit must comply with these deadlines.
SB111,2274 13Section 2274 . 145.246 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1238,15 14145.246 Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or
(1) Definitions. In this section:
SB111,1238,1616 (a) “Determination of failure" means any of the following:
SB111,1238,2117 1. A determination that a private on-site wastewater treatment system is
18failing, according to the criteria under s. 145.01 (4m), based on an inspection of the
19private on-site wastewater treatment system by an employee of the state or a
20governmental unit who is certified to inspect private on-site wastewater treatment
21systems by the department.
SB111,1238,2322 2. A written enforcement order issued under s. 145.02 (3) (f), 145.20 (2) (f) or
23281.19 (2).
SB111,1238,2524 3. A written enforcement order issued under s. 254.59 (1) by a governmental
1(b) “Governmental unit" means a governmental unit responsible for the
2regulation of private on-site wastewater treatment systems. “Governmental unit"
3also includes a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band.
SB111,1239,74 (c) “Indian lands" means lands owned by the United States and held for the use
5or benefit of Indian tribes or bands or individual Indians and lands within the
6boundaries of a federally recognized reservation that are owned by Indian tribes or
7bands or individual Indians.
SB111,1239,108 (d) “Participating governmental unit" means a governmental unit which
9applies to the department for financial assistance under sub. (7) and which meets the
10conditions specified under sub. (8).
SB111,1239,1211 (e) “Principal residence" means a residence which is occupied at least 51
12percent of the year by the owner.
SB111,1239,1513 (f) “Sewage" means the water-carried wastes created in and to be conducted
14away from residences, industrial establishments, and public buildings as defined in
15s. 101.01 (12), with such surface water or groundwater as may be present.
SB111,1239,1816 (g) “Small commercial establishment" means a commercial establishment or
17business place with a maximum daily waste water flow rate of less than 5,000 gallons
18per day.
SB111,1239,22 19(2) Categories of failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems. For
20the purposes of this section, the department shall establish the category of each
21failing private on-site wastewater treatment system for which a grant application
22is submitted, as follows:
SB111,1239,2423 (a) Category 1: failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems described
24in s. 145.01 (4m) (a) to (c).
1(b) Category 2: failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems described
2in s. 145.01 (4m) (d).
SB111,1240,43 (c) Category 3: failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems described
4in s. 145.01 (4m) (e).
SB111,1240,13 5(3) Eligibility. (a) 1. A person is eligible for grant funds under this section if
6he or she owns a principal residence which is served by a category 1 or 2 failing
7private on-site wastewater treatment system, if the private on-site wastewater
8treatment system was installed at least 33 years before the person submits a grant
9application, if the family income of the person does not exceed the income limitations
10under par. (c), if the amount of the grant determined under sub. (6) is at least $100,
11if the residence is not located in an area served by a sewer, and if determination of
12failure is made prior to the rehabilitation or replacement of the failing private
13on-site wastewater treatment system.