Relating to: corn marketing board grant and making an appropriation.
By Senator Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Oldenburg, Ballweg, Edming, Kurtz and Tusler.
hist121278To the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions.
hist120031Senate Bill 874
Relating to: disclosures regarding radon in real estate transactions.
By Senators L. Taylor, Risser, Smith and Larson; cosponsored by Representatives Riemer, Stuck, Stubbs, Anderson, L. Myers, Subeck, C. Taylor, Sinicki, Sargent, Vining and Spreitzer.
hist121279To the committee on Utilities and Housing.
hist120032Senate Bill 875
Relating to: the use of radon-resistant construction materials and techniques in new construction of public buildings, places of employment, one-family and two-family dwellings, and modular homes and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
By Senators L. Taylor, Risser, Smith and Larson; cosponsored by Representatives Riemer, Stuck, Stubbs, Anderson, L. Myers, Subeck, C. Taylor, Sinicki, Sargent, Vining and Spreitzer.
hist121280To the committee on Utilities and Housing.
hist120038Senate Bill 876
Relating to: a limitation on the manufacturing component of the manufacturing and agriculture credit, a onetime increase in aids for special education, and making an appropriation.
By Senators Erpenbach, Carpenter, Wirch and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives C. Taylor, Stubbs, Emerson, Hebl, Pope, Sargent, Anderson, Considine, Brostoff, Kolste, Hesselbein, Ohnstad and Bowen.
hist121281To the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions.
hist120846Senate Bill 877
Relating to: petroleum products, storage of dangerous substances, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Senator Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Shankland, Novak, Cabrera, Considine, C. Taylor and Brostoff.
hist121284To the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions.
hist120847Senate Bill 878
Relating to: creating a Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Senators Smith and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Billings, Emerson, Pope, Subeck and Spreitzer.
hist121285To the committee on Natural Resources and Energy.
hist120848Senate Bill 879
Relating to: distribution of Blue Books to libraries under the Department of Corrections.
By Senators Risser, L. Taylor, Smith and Bewley; cosponsored by Representatives Bowen, Vruwink, Brostoff, Sinicki, Zamarripa, L. Myers, Sargent, Hebl, Stubbs, Emerson and Spreitzer.
hist121286To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection.
hist120849Senate Bill 880
Relating to: motor vehicle accident reporting requirements and financial responsibility for certain motor vehicle accidents.