Assembly Rule 59. Conduct during debate. Unless permission is given by unanimous consent or the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, a member may not:
(1) Speak when not in his or her assigned place.
(2) Speak more than twice on the same question, even if the question is continued to another day.
(3) Display documents or exhibits or read aloud from documents other than from the proposal under debate or any amendment thereto, or from any statute, session law, constitutional provision, assembly rule, or joint rule directly related to the proposal or its amendments.
Assembly Rule 60. Debate on delayed calendars. ar60(1)(1)
Whenever the assembly has one or more calendars pending of a later date than the calendar on which the assembly is working, debate is limited, as follows:
(a) A member may not speak for more than 5 minutes on any question.
(b) A question may not be considered for more than 20 minutes.
(2) The limitations under sub. (1) do not apply to proposals made a special order of business by the adoption of a resolution offered by the committee on rules.
Assembly Rule 61. Questions of privilege. Questions of privilege are under the immediate control of the presiding officer and the assembly. Such questions pertain to the rights, integrity, and safety of the assembly collectively, to the rights, reputation, or conduct of members of the assembly in their representative capacity, or to the conduct of government in general.
(1) “Assembly privilege": With recognition by the presiding officer, any member may raise and discuss a question pertaining to the safety, dignity, decorum, comfort, rights, organization, or officers of the assembly that requires immediate attention.
(2) “Personal privilege": With recognition by the presiding officer, any member may rise to explain a personal matter that affects the rights, reputation, and conduct of the member in his or her representative capacity. A pending question may not be discussed in the explanation.
(3) “Special privilege": Any member desiring to make a statement on a matter other than one of assembly or personal privilege may rise and, with recognition by the presiding officer and within any time limits determined by the presiding officer or the assembly, may discuss any subject relative to state or local government, the conduct of public officials in relation to their official duties, or other matters concerning the public welfare, or any question pertaining to the rights of the assembly collectively, its safety, dignity, or the integrity of its proceedings.
A member may raise a question of assembly or personal privilege at any time. Questions of assembly privilege take precedence over questions of personal privilege and both take precedence over all other questions except a motion to adjourn, a call of the assembly, a motion to lift a call of the assembly, or a motion to recess.
(b) Questions of special privilege may not be raised when any matter is under consideration by the assembly.
(5) Questions of assembly or personal privilege have precedence only insofar as they require immediate consideration and are not dilatory.
(6) Once a question of privilege is before the assembly, it is subject to debate and to all proper motions. When the question of privilege has been disposed of, the business of the assembly is resumed at the point at which it was interrupted.
Assembly Rule 62. Points of order and appeals. ar62(1)(1)
A member may raise a point of order at any time except while a motion to adjourn is before the assembly.
(2) A member may not speak more than once on any point of order.
(3) The presiding officer may speak on points of order in preference to others and may:
(a) Immediately announce and explain a ruling on a point of order that has been raised; or
(b) Defer such ruling by taking a point of order under advisement.
1. When the point of order concerns a proposal or a question currently pending on such proposal, taking the point of order under advisement removes the proposal from further consideration until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order.
2. When the point of order concerns an amendment, taking the point of order under advisement removes from further consideration until a ruling on the point of order is made only the specific amendment.