ATCP 156.01(12)(a)(a) Foundation seed potatoes certified, classified and graded as foundation seed potatoes under this chapter, including Badger State Brand Foundation seed potatoes and Yellow Tag Grade Foundation seed potatoes. ATCP 156.01 NoteNote: Foundation seed potatoes may be produced from, among other things, “Elite Source” potatoes produced by the college. See s. ATCP 156.03 (1). ATCP 156.01(12)(b)(b) Seed potatoes that the seed certification agency in another state has certified, classified and graded as foundation seed potatoes for use as seed for certified seed potatoes, under standards equivalent to those in this chapter as determined by the college. ATCP 156.01(13)(13) “Internal defect” means any defect that cannot be detected without cutting the potato. “Internal defect” includes any of the defects listed in s. ATCP 156.11 (2). ATCP 156.01(14)(14) “Internal discoloration” means discoloration on the inside of a potato, including discoloration caused by necrosis, stem-end browning or internal brown spot. ATCP 156.01(16)(16) “Leafroll” means the condition caused by leafroll virus. ATCP 156.01(17)(17) “Line” means all generations of propagative material descended from a single tissue culture plantlet, or from a single set of tissue culture plantlets of the same potato variety or selection. “Line” does not include other tissue culture plantlets subsequently produced from tubers or plants in the line, or any propagative material descended from those other tissue culture plantlets. ATCP 156.01(18)(18) “Lot” means potatoes of the same variety and line that are produced from the same type of propagative material from the same source, and are grown on the same farm in the same year. ATCP 156.01(19)(19) “Microtubers” means pathogen-free tubers produced aseptically in tissue culture. ATCP 156.01(20)(20) “Minitubers” means tubers produced from plants grown in pots, or in a hydroponic system, in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse. ATCP 156.01(21)(21) “Mosaics” means symptoms caused by potato virus Y, X or A. “Mosaics” includes symptoms, produced by other viruses, which are similar to those produced by virus Y, X or A. ATCP 156.01(22)(22) “Nematode or tuber moth injury” means the presence of nematode or tuber moth, or the evidence of nematode or tuber moth activity. ATCP 156.01(23)(23) “Person” means an individual, corporation, partnership, cooperative, limited liability company, or other legal entity. ATCP 156.01(24)(24) “Plant variety protection act” means the United States plant variety protection act, 7 USC 2321 et seq., as amended. ATCP 156.01(25)(25) “Pre-approved” means approved by the college, in writing, prior to being planted in the field. ATCP 156.01(26)(26) “Propagative material” means tubers, tuber portions, microtubers, minitubers, tissue-culture plantlets, or potato plants used to produce seed potatoes. “Propagative material” includes foundation seed potatoes. ATCP 156.01(27)(27) “Seed certification agency” means a state agency, state academic institution, or state grower organization that is responsible for certifying seed potatoes and issuing certification documentation for seed potatoes or propagative materials. ATCP 156.01(28)(28) “Seed potato” means a tuber, minituber or microtuber that is used, or that is held, offered, sold or distributed for use, for the field propagation of potatoes. ATCP 156.01(29)(29) “Seed potato grower” means a person, other than the college, who produces seed potatoes on land in this state that the person owns or controls. ATCP 156.01(30)(30) “Sell” means to contract for sale, offer for sale, hold for sale, transport or distribute for sale, or advertise or label for sale. ATCP 156.01(31)(31) “Serious damage” means any defects, except sunburn, greening or hollow heart, which seriously detract from the internal or external appearance of a potato, or which cannot be removed without removing more than 10% of the total weight of the potato. “Serious damage” includes any of the defects identified in s. ATCP 156.11 (3). ATCP 156.01(32)(32) “Soft rot or wet breakdown” means any soft, mushy, or leaky condition of seed potato tissue. ATCP 156.01(33)(33) “Spindle tuber” means the condition caused by potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd).