NR 1.60NR 1.60Master planning for department land.
NR 1.60(1)(1)Master plan development. In addition to the requirements of ss. 23.091 and 28.04, Stats., the natural resources board shall determine whether a master plan will be developed for any department managed property or group of properties. If developed, the plan shall establish management, development and public use.
NR 1.60(2)(2)Local and regional perspectives. Management decisions shall be based on local and regional perspectives.
NR 1.60(3)(3)Property designation. Management of a department property and the master plan applicable to it shall be consistent with and further the purposes and benefits of the property’s designation by statute, rule or the natural resources board.
NR 1.60 NoteNote: For example, state forests shall be managed in accordance with s. 28.04, Stats., state recreation areas in accordance with s. 23.091, Stats., and state parks in accordance with s. 27.01, Stats.
NR 1.60(4)(4)Compatible activities.
NR 1.60(4)(a)(a) Management activities shall be compatible with the land’s ability to support and sustain the intended management, development or recreational use.
NR 1.60(4)(b)(b) In planning efforts, the effects of management activities on adjacent management areas are to be considered and, where adverse, are to be avoided whenever practicable.
NR 1.60(5)(5)Tribal treaty rights. Management of a department property within the ceded territory as defined in s. NR 13.02 (1), and the master plan applicable to it, shall recognize the opportunity for tribes with off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights to continue to exercise those rights.
NR 1.60 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, August, 1996, No. 488, eff. 9-1-96.
NR 1.61NR 1.61Public use of department land. Wisconsin is a state of diverse people with many backgrounds and abilities. Public lands are shared spaces belonging to everyone. The department will consider the needs of all people in decisions about department land and is committed to advancing equal access and opportunity for all people to enjoy the benefits of nature and recreation. To facilitate public use, the department provides: public safety and resource protection; education; information about opportunities; natural resource-based accessible experiences; and access to wild, rural, and urban environments. Except as prohibited or regulated by statute or administrative rule, all department land shall be open for:
NR 1.61(1)(1)Traditional outdoor recreational uses, including hunting, fishing, trapping, walking, nature study and berry picking; and
NR 1.61(2)(2)Other types of recreational uses, including camping, bicycling, equestrian uses, field trials, and snowmobiling or other motorized activities, as authorized on a property by the property master plan.
NR 1.61 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, August, 1996, No. 488, eff. 9-1-96; CR 23-060: am. (intro.) Register July 2024 No. 823, eff. 8-1-24.
NR 1.70NR 1.70Policy on education.
NR 1.70(1)(1)Wisconsin has a unique abundance of varied and high quality natural resources. The successful stewardship of those resources is largely dependent upon enlightened and responsible decision-making by Wisconsin citizens, government and private interests. The department recognizes the need to develop a coordinated environmental education program. Education is the foundation of effective resource management and environmental protection activities. Natural resources protection and management goals can be more readily achieved and sustained by incorporating education elements in department functions and philosophies. An active educational program is necessary to encourage incorporation of education into department programs, to inform citizens on natural resources issues and to develop alternative solutions to natural resources problems.
NR 1.70(2)(2)Effective environmental education will result in better understanding of the operations and programs of the department and will help meet management goals. The goal of the department’s environmental education program is to assist in developing a citizenry that:
NR 1.70(2)(a)(a) Is aware of Wisconsin’s natural resources;
NR 1.70(2)(b)(b) Understands resource use issues, limits, capabilities and problems;
NR 1.70(2)(c)(c) Analyzes and evaluates personal and public values that affect resource management; and
NR 1.70(2)(d)(d) Acquires the individual and collective skills and purpose to act responsibly in using natural resources in work and leisure.
NR 1.70(3)(3)The department shall assist Wisconsin educational institutions at all grade and age levels by:
NR 1.70(3)(a)(a) Making available supplemental services, education materials, expertise of department employees and volunteers, and facilities and properties.
NR 1.70(3)(b)(b) Cooperating and coordinating with the department of public instruction, University of Wisconsin System, Wisconsin board of technical college system in assisting teachers, administrators and others interested in education in understanding the importance of their role in environmental education and in obtaining knowledge, skills and materials in this instructional area.
NR 1.70(4)(4)Department education programs shall follow agency policies, management directives and guidelines. Educational programs should be a means of achieving management goals and objectives; should complement and be consistent with agency priorities; and should focus on the areas of natural resource management and environmental protection. To implement its educational policy, the department shall:
NR 1.70(4)(a)(a) Designate the office of communication as agencywide coordinator of environmental education activities.
NR 1.70(4)(b)(b) Create a department education committee, appointed by the secretary, to advise the secretary on environmental education matters.
NR 1.70(4)(c)(c) Actively cooperate with private, state and federal agencies and organizations with existing or potential interest in environmental and conservation education.
NR 1.70(4)(d)(d) Consider and incorporate education elements into annual and long-range program plans and budgets.