To the committee on Senate Organization.
hist189721Senate Bill 1055
Relating to: administration of well drilling, heat exchange drilling, and pump installing examinations (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Natural Resources).
hist191054By the Law Revision Committee.
To the committee on Senate Organization.
hist189722Senate Bill 1056
Relating to: requirements for school breakfast reimbursement and repealing a teaching license requirement (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Public Instruction).
hist191055By the Law Revision Committee.
To the committee on Senate Organization.
hist189723Senate Bill 1057
Relating to: the Council on Veterans Programs; county veterans service offices; repealing expired programs within the Department of Veterans Affairs; mental health services for post-traumatic stress disorder; and celebration of Memorial Day (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Veterans Affairs).
hist191056By the Law Revision Committee.
To the committee on Senate Organization.
hist189724Senate Bill 1058
Relating to: eliminating an obsolete provision relating to the state treasurer (suggested as remedial legislation by the Office of the State Treasurer).
hist191057By the Law Revision Committee.
To the committee on Senate Organization.
hist189725Senate Bill 1059
Relating to: ratification of the Dietitian Licensure Compact.
By Senators Ballweg, Felzkowski and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Brooks, Andraca, Bodden and Joers.
hist191058To the committee on Health.
hist189779Senate Bill 1060
Relating to: coverage of treatment for mental health or substance use disorders under health insurance policies and plans.
By Senator Agard; cosponsored by Representatives Vining, Moore Omokunde, Considine, Palmeri, Bare, Emerson, Joers, Madison, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Ratcliff, Shankland and Stubbs.
hist191059To the committee on Insurance and Small Business.
hist189783Senate Bill 1061
Relating to: grants for prospective school social workers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Senator Agard; cosponsored by Representatives Vining, Hong, Moore Omokunde, Myers, Bare, Conley, Considine, Emerson, Joers, Madison, Ortiz-Velez, Ratcliff, Stubbs, Subeck and Palmeri.
hist191060To the committee on Education.