Hearing: A committee meeting at which the public is invited to testify on a proposal or issue.
History: A record of actions on a proposal.
History file: The list of entries made by the chief clerk in the bulletin of proceedings, recording the actions of the legislature on a proposal.
Incidental motions and requests: A group of motions and requests that generally relates to the proceedings, procedures, and subsidiary questions during debate, and that must be disposed of before proceeding to the main question under consideration. Incidental questions have lower precedence than privileged questions but higher precedence than subsidiary and main motions.
Indefinite postponement: A motion to kill a proposal in its house of origin for a biennial session.
Introduction: The formal presentation of a bill before one of the houses [see also sub.
Joint convention, also called joint session: A joint meeting of the senate and the assembly.
Joint hearing: A hearing held by a joint committee or by committees of both houses.
Joint resolution: A proposal requiring adoption by both houses, to: a) express the opinion of the legislature; b) change the joint rules of the legislature; c) propose an amendment to the state constitution; or d) propose or ratify an amendment to the U.S. constitution.
Joint rules: The common rules of proceedings adopted by both houses.
Journal: The official publication of one of the houses.
Leave: Permission to be absent from one of the houses.
Legislative day: Any day on which the legislature is in session.
Main motions and questions: The final affirmative question concerning a proposal during any stage of its consideration or a motion made or question raised when no other matter is before the house. Main questions have lower precedence than privileged, incidental, and subsidiary questions.
Majority: One more than one-half.
Manual: The publication containing the rules of a house, the joint rules, the session schedule, the state constitution, alphabetical indexes, and other materials relevant to a legislator's job.
Member: A duly elected senator or representative to the assembly.
Members present: Those members in attendance at a daily meeting of the senate.
Measure: Another term for proposal.
Motion: A proposed action requiring approval by a vote of a house.
Nonconcurrence: The refusal of one house to agree to a proposal, amendment, or action of the other.
Offer: The formal presentation of a joint resolution, resolution, substitute amendment, amendment, or motion before a house [see also sub.
Opinion of the attorney general: A formal reply by the attorney general to a specific question.
Pair: A written agreement between 2 members on opposite sides of a question not to vote on that question while one or both are absent with leave, which permits the absent member to influence the outcome of a vote.
Parliamentary inquiry: A request for an explanation of a legislative rule or proceeding.
Partisan caucus: A conference convened by 2 or more members of a political party to discuss business related to the organization or agenda of that party within the legislature or to discuss any matter pending in or proposed for introduction in the legislature. To facilitate bipartisan cooperation, the members who convened the conference may permit members of another political party to attend.
Passage: Final approval in the first house of a bill introduced in that house if referring to action of one house and final approval of both houses of a bill introduced in either house if referring to action of both houses [see also subs.
(3) and
Petition: A request that one of the houses take a particular course of action.
Point of order: A request that the presiding officer rule on some matter of parliamentary procedure.