DCF 252.44(7)(am)1.1. Pools and other swimming areas used by children shall be located, constructed, equipped and operated according to the requirements of chs. SPS 390 and ATCP 76 for pools and water attractions. A beach shall be in compliance with applicable local ordinances.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.2.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.a.a. Swimming pools shall be enclosed with a 5 foot fence with a self-closing, self-latching door. Spaces between the vertical posts of the fence shall be 3½ inches or less. In addition, all of the following restrictions apply when the pool is not in use by children.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.b.b. If access to the pool is through a gate, the gate shall be closed and locked.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.c.c. If access to the pool is through a door, the door shall be closed, visibly locked and equipped with an alarm at the door that signals when someone has entered the pool area. The door may not be used as an exit.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.d.d. Locks shall be located so that the locks cannot be opened by children.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.e.e. The free-standing wall of an above ground pool may not serve as an enclosure unless it is at least 5 feet in height and not climbable. If a ladder is present, the ladder shall be removed or raised up so that it is inaccessible to children.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)2.f.f. The area around the pool enclosure shall be free of toys or equipment that would allow a child to climb or otherwise gain access to the pool.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)3.3. The swimming area used by a day camp shall have designated areas for non-swimmers, intermediate swimmers, advanced swimmers and divers. A child shall be restricted to the area of the pool or beach that is within the child’s swimming ability.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)4.4. Access to a water activity area or beach shall be controlled so that children may not enter the area without the knowledge of waterfront staff and any area used for swimming shall be clearly marked.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)5.5. Equipment in water activity areas, including docks, ladders, rafts, diving boards, boats, life jackets, and paddles, shall be maintained and in good repair.
DCF 252.44(7)(am)6.6. Rescue equipment, including a shepherd’s crook type pole, a backboard, ring buoy, and rescue tube shall be maintained and immediately available at each water activity area as specified in s. ATCP 76.26.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)(b) Waterfront supervisor.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)1.1. Each day camp offering swimming, boating, canoeing, or other water activities whether at a pool or a beach shall designate a staff person as waterfront supervisor. All water activities, whether on or off the premises, shall be under the direction of the waterfront supervisor or an equally qualified adult who is present at the waterfront during water activities. The waterfront supervisor shall:
DCF 252.44(7)(b)1.a.a. Be 18 years of age or older; and
DCF 252.44(7)(b)1.b.b. Hold a current certification as a life-guard from a nationally recognized certifying agency.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)1m.1m. If the center uses a pool, beach, or other water attraction that is not located on the center premises and certified lifesaving personnel are on duty, the waterfront supervisor is not required to meet the qualification in subd. 1. b.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)2.2. The camp shall maintain a ratio of one person with a current Red Cross certified lifesaving certificate per 25 children in the water, except where a public swimming place has life-saving personnel on duty. While children are in the water, only staff who can swim may be included when determining counselor-to-child ratios under Table DCF 252.425.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)3.3. The waterfront supervisor or an equally qualified person shall be on duty at all times whenever children are in the water.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)4.4. The waterfront supervisor shall establish and enforce a method for supervising children in the water such as the buddy system, the colored cap system or another method of supervising children. The supervision plan shall be included in the camp’s written waterfront plan and reviewed during pre-camp training.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)5.5. The waterfront supervisor shall establish and enforce a method for checking persons in and out of the water. The check-in and check-out procedures shall be included in the camp’s written waterfront plan and reviewed during pre-camp training.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)5m.5m. The waterfront supervisor shall establish and enforce procedures for ensuring that children who have access to a beach or are engaged in fishing or other shoreline activities are properly supervised.
DCF 252.44(7)(b)6.6. The waterfront supervisor or person acting as the waterfront supervisor may not be included when determining counselor-to-child ratios during any period when children are in the water.
DCF 252.44(7)(c)(c) Swimming procedures.
DCF 252.44(7)(c)1.1. The swimming ability of each child shall be assessed by either the parent or the camp. Documentation of the assessment shall be kept in the child’s file.
DCF 252.44(7)(c)2.2. Children shall be restricted to swimming areas within their swimming classification.
DCF 252.44(7)(d)(d) Boating prohibited in swimming areas. Except in an emergency, no rowboat, canoe, motor boat or other craft, except a lifeboat used by lifeguards, is permitted in a swimming area, pursuant to s. 30.68 (7), Stats.
DCF 252.44(8)(8)Boats.
DCF 252.44(8)(a)(a) In this section, “boat” means every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, including canoes, kayaks, large inner tubes, inflatable boats, paddleboards, and sailboards. Small inflatable toys such as swim rings and air mattresses are not considered “boats” under this definition.