Absentee ballot canvassing on Monday before an election: ordinance allowing for authorized, conditions specified -
SB574Absentee ballot canvassing on Monday before an election: ordinance allowing for authorized, conditions specified -
AB636Aggregate sites and concrete batch sites re transportation projects: local zoning ordinance exemption expanded to include -
SB276Aggregate sites and concrete batch sites re transportation projects: local zoning ordinance exemption expanded to include -
AB277Alcohol beverage operator’s license issuance: municipal governing body may delegate authority to a municipal official by ordinance -
AB216Alcohol beverage operator’s license issuance: municipal governing body may delegate authority to a municipal official by ordinance -
SB203Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee and town provisions -
SB558Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee and town provisions -
AB612Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
AB365Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in first class city, report required; ordinance, sunset, and forfeiture provisions -
SB385Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate -
AB177Barricade device installation on interior doors of school buildings: an ordinance may not be enacted or enforced and DSPS may not prohibit; school safety plan and approval from local fire department and law enforcement provisions -
AB44Barricade device installation on interior doors of school buildings: an ordinance may not be enacted or enforced and DSPS may not prohibit; school safety plan and approval from local fire department and law enforcement provisions -
SB53Bills overturning local government policies, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations: two-thirds vote required -
SB23Canvassing absentee ballots during a state of emergency allowed on Sunday before an election, conditions set and ordinance provision -
SB917County board vote on ordinances that affect only towns: three-fourths vote of members-elect required -
SB641County board vote on ordinances that affect only towns: three-fourths vote of members-elect required -
AB681Employment matters: repeal preemption of local governments from enacting or enforcing ordinances related to [Sec. 774, 777, 1243, 1269, 1271, 1279, 1389, 2191; original bill only] -
AB56Employment matters: repeal preemption of local governments from enacting or enforcing ordinances related to [Sec. 774, 777, 1243, 1269, 1271, 1279, 1389, 2191] -
SB59Honorary discharge of a firearm at events for former military, law enforcement, or firefighters, or on certain holidays: municipal restriction of firearm discharge does not apply -
SB102Honorary discharge of a firearm at events for former military, law enforcement, or firefighters, or on certain holidays: municipal restriction of firearm discharge does not apply -
AB75Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien -
SB151Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien -
AB138Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated -
AB927Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated -
SB833Marijuana possession or distribution: penalty for no more than 25 grams eliminated; distributing to a minor and ordinance provisions [Sec. 2211-2218, 2223, 2242; original bill only] -
AB56Marijuana possession or distribution: penalty for no more than 25 grams eliminated; distributing to a minor and ordinance provisions [Sec. 2211-2218, 2223, 2242] -
SB59Marijuana possession or distribution: penalty for no more than 28 grams eliminated; distributing to a minor and ordinance provisions -
AB930Marijuana possession or distribution: penalty for no more than 28 grams eliminated; distributing to a minor and ordinance provisions -