SB907,,7017013.   HR-10 KEOGH plans
SB907,,7027024.   IRAs
SB907,,7037035.   Deferred compensation plans
SB907,,704704M.   Other assets not listed elsewhere
SB907,,705705II.   Obligations (total outstanding balance):
SB907,,706706A.   Mortgages and liens
SB907,,707707B.   Credit cards
SB907,,708708C.   Other obligations to financial institutions
SB907,,709709D.   Alimony, maintenance and child support (per month)
SB907,,710710E.   Other obligations (such as other obligations to individuals, guarantees, contingent liabilities)
SB907,,711711III.   Annual compensation for services:
SB907,,712712(for example, wages and income from self-employment; also include social security,
SB907,,713713disability and similar income here)
SB907,230716Section 230. 767.001 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB907,,717717767.001 (1m) “Genetic test” means a test that examines genetic markers present on blood cells, skin cells, tissue cells, bodily fluid cells or cells of another body material for the purpose of determining the statistical probability of an alleged father’s paternity parent’s parentage.
SB907,231718Section 231. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB907,,719719767.215 (2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and each any other child children born to the wife either of the parties during the marriage, and whether the wife either party is pregnant.
SB907,232720Section 232. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB907,,721721767.215 (2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and each other child born to the wife a party during the marriage, and whether the wife a party is pregnant.
SB907,233722Section 233. 767.215 (5) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB907,,723723767.215 (5) (a) 2. The name, date of birth, and social security number of each minor child of the parties and of each child who was born to the wife a party during the marriage and who is a minor.
SB907,234724Section 234. 767.323 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB907,,725725767.323 Suspension of proceedings to effect reconciliation. During the pendency of an action for divorce or legal separation, the court may, upon written stipulation of both parties that they desire to attempt a reconciliation, enter an order suspending any and all orders and proceedings for such period, not exceeding 90 days, as the court determines advisable to permit the parties to attempt a reconciliation without prejudice to their respective rights. During the suspension period, the parties may resume living together as husband and wife a married couple and their acts and conduct do not constitute an admission that the marriage is not irretrievably broken or a waiver of the ground that the parties have voluntarily lived apart continuously for 12 months or more immediately prior to the commencement of the action. Suspension may be revoked upon the motion of either party by an order of the court. If the parties become reconciled, the court shall dismiss the action. If the parties are not reconciled after the period of suspension, the action shall proceed as though no reconciliation period was attempted.
SB907,235726Section 235. 767.43 (3) (b) and (4) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB907,,727727767.43 (3) (b) Except as provided in sub. (4), the paternity parentage of the child has been determined under the laws of this state or another jurisdiction if the grandparent filing the petition is a parent of the child’s father parent who did not give birth to the child.
SB907,,728728(4) Paternity Parentage determination. If the paternity parentage of the child has not yet been determined in an action under sub. (3) that is commenced by a person other than a parent of the child’s mother parent who gave birth to the child but the person filing the petition under sub. (3) has, in conjunction with that petition, filed a petition or motion under s. 767.80 (1) (k), the court shall make a determination as to paternity parentage before determining visitation rights under sub. (3).
SB907,236729Section 236. Subchapter IX (title) of chapter 767 [precedes 767.80] of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: