NR 463.15(2)(e)(e) Procedures for monitoring process and control device parameters, including procedures for annual inspections of afterburners, and if applicable, the procedure to be used for determining charge or feed or throughput weight if a measurement device is not used. NR 463.15(2)(f)(f) Corrective actions to be taken when process or operating parameters or add-on control device parameters deviate from the value or range established in par. (a), including the following: NR 463.15(2)(f)1.1. Procedures to determine and record the cause of a deviation or excursion, and the time the deviation or excursion began and ended. NR 463.15(2)(f)2.2. Procedures for recording the corrective action taken, the time corrective action was initiated, and the time and date corrective action was completed. NR 463.15(2)(g)(g) A maintenance schedule for each process and control device that is consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for routine and long-term maintenance. NR 463.15(2)(h)(h) Documentation of the work practice and pollution prevention measures used to achieve compliance with the applicable emission limits and a site-specific monitoring plan as required in sub. (15) for each group 1 furnace not equipped with an add-on air pollution control device. NR 463.15(3)(3) Labeling. The owner or operator shall inspect the labels for each group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line fluxer, scrap dryer, delacquering kiln and decoating kiln at least once per calendar month to confirm that posted labels as required by the operational standard in s. NR 463.14 (2) are intact and legible. NR 463.15(4)(4) Capture and collection system. The owner or operator shall do both of the following: NR 463.15(4)(a)(a) Install, operate and maintain a capture and collection system for each affected source and emission unit equipped with an add-on air pollution control device. NR 463.15(4)(b)(b) Inspect each capture and collection and closed vent system at least once each calendar year to ensure that each system is operating in accordance with the operating requirements in s. NR 463.14 (3) and record the results of each inspection. NR 463.15(5)(5) Feed or charge weight. The owner or operator of an affected source or emission unit subject to an emission limit in kg/Mg (lb/ton) or mg/Mg (gr/ton) of feed or charge shall install, calibrate, operate and maintain a device to measure and record the total weight of feed or charge to, or the aluminum production from, the affected source or emission unit over the same operating cycle or time period used in the performance test. Feed or charge or aluminum production within SAPUs shall be measured and recorded on an emission unit-by-emission unit basis. As an alternative to a measurement device, the owner or operator may use a procedure acceptable to the department to determine the total weight of feed or charge or aluminum production to the affected source or emission unit. NR 463.15(5)(a)(a) The weight measurement device or procedure shall have an accuracy of ± 1% of the weight being measured. The owner or operator may apply to the department for approval to use a device of alternative accuracy if the required accuracy cannot be achieved as a result of equipment layout or charging practices. A device of alternative accuracy may not be approved unless the owner or operator provides assurance through data and information that the affected source will meet the relevant emission standard. NR 463.15(5)(b)(b) The owner or operator shall verify the calibration of the weight measurement device in accordance with the schedule specified by the manufacturer, or if no calibration schedule is specified, at least once every 6 months. NR 463.15(6)(6) Fabric filters and lime-injected fabric filters. The owner or operator of an affected source or emission unit using a fabric filter or lime-injected fabric filter to comply with the requirements of this subchapter shall install, calibrate, maintain and continuously operate a bag leak detection system as required in par. (a) or a continuous opacity monitoring system as required in par. (b). The owner or operator of an aluminum scrap shredder shall install and operate a bag leak detection system as required in par. (a), install and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system as required in par. (b), or conduct visible emission observations as required in par. (c). NR 463.15(6)(a)(a) The requirements of this paragraph apply to the owner or operator of a new or existing affected source or existing emission unit using a bag leak detection system. NR 463.15(6)(a)1.1. The owner or operator shall install and operate a bag leak detection system for each exhaust stack of a fabric filter. NR 463.15(6)(a)2.2. Each triboelectric bag leak detection system shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained according to the Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, EPA, OAQPS, September 1997, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.05 (10). Other bag leak detection systems shall be installed, operated, calibrated, and maintained in a manner consistent with the manufacturer’s written specifications and recommendations. NR 463.15(6)(a)3.3. The bag leak detection system shall be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per actual cubic foot) or less. NR 463.15(6)(a)4.4. The bag leak detection system sensor shall provide output of relative or absolute PM loadings. NR 463.15(6)(a)5.5. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal from the sensor. NR 463.15(6)(a)6.6. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with an alarm system that shall sound automatically when an increase in relative PM emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm shall be located where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel. NR 463.15(6)(a)7.7. For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak detection system shall be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell. For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag leak detector shall be installed downstream of the fabric filter. NR 463.15(6)(a)8.8. Where multiple detectors are required, the system’s instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors. NR 463.15(6)(a)9.9. The baseline output shall be established by adjusting the range and the averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm set points and the alarm delay time. NR 463.15(6)(a)10.10. Following initial adjustment of the system, the owner or operator may not adjust the sensitivity or range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time except as detailed in the OM&M plan. In no case may the sensitivity be increased by more than 100% or decreased more than 50% over a 365-day period unless the adjustment follows a complete fabric filter inspection which demonstrates that the fabric filter is in good operating condition. NR 463.15(6)(b)(b) The requirements of this paragraph apply to the owner or operator of a new or existing affected source or an existing emission unit using a continuous opacity monitoring system. NR 463.15(6)(b)1.1. The owner or operator shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system to measure and record the opacity of emissions exiting each exhaust stack. NR 463.15(6)(b)2.2. Each continuous opacity monitoring system shall meet the design and installation requirements of Performance Specification 1 in Appendix B to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (21). NR 463.15(6)(c)(c) The requirements of this paragraph apply to the owner or operator of a new or existing aluminum scrap shredder who conducts visible emission observations. The owner or operator shall do both of the following: