SB907,,693693I. Jewelry and personal effects SB907,,694694J. Household furnishings SB907,,695695K. Life insurance and annuities: SB907,,6966961. Face value SB907,,6976972. Cash surrender value SB907,,698698L. Retirement benefits (include value): SB907,,6996991. Pension plans SB907,,7007002. Profit sharing plans SB907,,7017013. HR-10 KEOGH plans SB907,,7037035. Deferred compensation plans SB907,,704704M. Other assets not listed elsewhere SB907,,705705II. Obligations (total outstanding balance): SB907,,706706A. Mortgages and liens SB907,,707707B. Credit cards SB907,,708708C. Other obligations to financial institutions SB907,,709709D. Alimony, maintenance and child support (per month) SB907,,710710E. Other obligations (such as other obligations to individuals, guarantees, contingent liabilities) SB907,,711711III. Annual compensation for services: SB907,,712712(for example, wages and income from self-employment; also include social security, SB907,,713713disability and similar income here) SB907,,714714(IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL SPACE, SB907,,715715ADD ADDITIONAL SHEETS.) SB907,230716Section 230. 767.001 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read: SB907,,717717767.001 (1m) “Genetic test” means a test that examines genetic markers present on blood cells, skin cells, tissue cells, bodily fluid cells or cells of another body material for the purpose of determining the statistical probability of an alleged father’s paternity parent’s parentage. SB907,231718Section 231. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB907,,719719767.215 (2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and each any other child children born to the wife either of the parties during the marriage, and whether the wife either party is pregnant. SB907,232720Section 232. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB907,,721721767.215 (2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and each other child born to the wife a party during the marriage, and whether the wife a party is pregnant.